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Posts posted by GboroRam

  1. The mixed metaphor in Katy Perry's "Roar" - "I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath". I like to picture her with her tongue between her teeth and her cheeks full of air. 

    The mixed metaphor in Kate Nash's "foundations" - "my fingertips are holding on to the cracks in our foundations". Just let go, you're on the floor, it's the foundations. 

    I like mixed metaphors in songs, that's my favourite bit. 

  2. I think the reality is, bitcoin looks like a great investment at the moment. It is volatile, but consistently has gone up more than it has gone down. 

    But I just can't see what the driving force is. Why does it go up? If it started falling, and a panic began, it could crash very easily. Would it recover? Maybe, maybe not. 

    Intrinsically it is as worthless as a piece of paper. But in the same way a ten pound note intrinsically is worth the same as a piece of paper - however this piece of paper is backed by global banks, by governments etc. 

    If the pound slumps against the dollar, my pound is still worth a pound. That's an intrinsic thing relating to our currency. 

    If bitcoin falls in value it's still worth a bitcoin, but that's nothing of intrinsic value. It only has value when you exchange it for something you can use. 

    The current landscape looks bright if you hold any sizable amount of bitcoin. However I just don't have confidence it won't go the way of the dotcom bubble, another surefire way to make money that took off like bitcoin has. A lot of people lost a lot of money. 

    If you bought bitcoin in the founding years, congratulations, you're probably a multi millionaire. If you didn't, the best you can hope for is to make good returns, but it is high risk. Personally, it's too risky for me. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    To what end, though?. If it's just out of curiosity, then that's fine of course but I don't see the point of knowing that I've spent an extra couple of pounds today than yesterday because I've maybe done an extra load of washing or two and had a few extra boils of the kettle for visitors.

    To me, that's not useful to know. Washing needs to be done. If I hadn't done it today then I'll have to do it tomorrow. I'm not going to tell people they can't have a cuppa when they call in.

    Of course this might just be me 🤷‍♂️

    I have plenty of power hungry appliances, and to just understand how much leaving a couple of PCs and games consoles on is enlightening. 

    I've got solar panels and a battery, so understanding the benefit of using the dishwasher a little later when I get a little sun on the panels is very effective for saving money. 

    It was very informative, having the display. It also shows current usage, so if something has started using energy you can see it immediately. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    We've had a smart meter for about 4 years and no problems - PFP Energy & then British gas, when they went bust. At least now I don't have to try & remember to do meter readings.

    The screen thing that comes with it has never left the box and is in one of the kitchen junk drawers. I don't need to see how much electric & gas I'm using in real time. I'm quite likely to obsess about it and piss off the household (more).

    They are good if only to see how much it costs on a typical day. Or if you've done lots of cooking or washing, to see how unusual a day it was. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Also If u live in mexico or any south american country your being absolutely shafted by inflation as ur local currency continues to go to absolute s*** against the dollar

    saving in bitcoin in these countries for that store of wealth / and security of that wealth is an absolute no brainer 

    The argentinian peso used to trade at 1 : 1 against the dollar

    as of this minute is trading just shy of 900 peso to the dollar

    Thats why u (they should) save in bitcoin 

    Or dollars. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, tinman said:

    Was the jump in monthly cost the “optional” extras like Tesla remotely turning the brakes on and allowing the radio to work?

    No. The optional maintenance extension seemed prudent, as tesla will charge thousands if anything breaks. Then the really attractive Apr wasn't available so the rates went up. And because it was PCP I thought it sensible to pay for the bodywork package, because they'll shaft you on the return of the vehicle. 

  7. 13 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    What car have you gone for?

    Hyundai Kona 64Kw.

    200bhp, not that I drive fast but far better pick up than my Clio GT.

    Top speed 102, which sounds puny but even in Germany I won't go over a ton on the autobahn. 

    Bargain. I was looking at a hateful, evil tesla but with all the extras and dealer sleight of hand, a 290 monthly payment turned out to be over 400 on PCP. I ended up with a HP of 345 per month. Happy motorist here. 

  8. 18 hours ago, Archied said:

    Can I ask who is moderating this thread and why a post that was in no way offensive , abusive , personal or had any bad language but simply corrected a post that totally mis quoted something I said has been removed?

    if it’s an echo chamber thing then please say so then at least some of us can stop bothering to read this stuff ,,, it’s a serious question and would appreciate a decent fair answer as someone who buys into this forum and bothers to get involved in all areas including football 

    Was it on topic, anything to do with the eurovision song contest? 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    I agree, I can’t have wheat in my beers or lagers.  But some of the Belgium stuff does contain it.

    Or some Tyskie! 

    Even Tyskie fails to deliver what it used to. Everything tastes that bit weaker as recipes are tweaked, abv falls a bit as the company saves a hapence per beer. Multiply by the millions of cans sold per year, it works out a fair amount of money. But they push the envelope until the product is a shadow of its former self. But the suits are happy, which is the main thing. 

  10. Well, what can I say? 

    The Germans decided that proper beer should only contain hops, malted barley, and water. And they did a pretty decent job of it. 

    So, ingredients aren't a massive issue. Water profiles can be changed by adding minerals. Hops have different flavours and can be used in different quantities. Malt can be 2 row or 6 row breeds, can be roasted for different flavours, and used in different quantities to add depth and mouthfeel. Some heretics throw some extra ingredients in, partly for taste and sometimes for wacky factor. I'm looking at you, mushy pea mild. 

    But the one thing that the Germans forgot is in all their beer, is yeast. And this is the biggest game changer. Yeast makes beer. Brewers make wort (the sugary liquid that yeast turns to alcohol). 

    Unfortunately my pocket won't stretch to it regularly, but the difference in quality from the little Belgian beers in the supermarket shows the Madris, the Morettis, the Stellas and the Budweisers for what they are - mass produced products designed to maximise profit by efficient use of materials to make a product that the masses can't take much offense at. 

  11. For all the dead tree press making comments about the damage to the roads being caused by heavy EVs, apparently this was not quite the correct evaluation of a report into road damage. 

    Yes, they acknowledged that average vehicle weight is increasing, but of course we have heavy vehicles delivering goods every day. However, the report made a correlation between increased adverse weather and increased road damage. 

    It's likely that the biggest causes of the extra damage are environmental, so global warming will be more responsible than the batteries - and they will be helping with the global warming problems, rather than adding to them. The papers don't want to tell you that though! 

  12. On 29/04/2024 at 12:47, Gary Teale said:

    Bielik and George Thorne, that would be a dream pairing next season 

    Do we have a big enough medical bay though? 

  13. On 17/04/2024 at 09:40, Anon said:

    I don't really watch TV, so my gripes are all radio issues.

    Adverts where the company name is repeated about 20 times in the space of 30 seconds.

    Any advert where they think shouting will somehow induce me to buy their product.

    Tool hire/van insurance etc ads that insist on using the exact same white van man caricature. Also, any of these type of adverts that are voiced by Ralph Ineson (which is about 90% of them).


    "I bought it from Clinton's cards" 

    "Clinton's cards?" 

    "Yes, Clinton's cards"

    "Really,Clinton's cards" 

    "Yes, Clinton's cards"

  14. 3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Interesting - but does anyone actually use Twitter because they think "oh I hope that I get some ads targeted at me that will make me want to buy something"? Most users will block the accounts of advertisers anyway. It's not what they want from the app

    The fact that they now have some sort of smoke and mirrors AI which allows "algorithms to reach people beyond your targeted audience" sounds good for the advertisers, but bad for the users and will turn them away. Which in the long run is bad for the advertisers. All feels like a death spiral to me

    AI is definitely the way forward.

    Is it Grok? 



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