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Ewe Ram

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  1. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster in At the start of something big?   
    Haha, it's more that everyone seems to be collectively pulling in the same direction Boycie.
    After paddling without direction for a fair while, I just get the vibe that we've turned a corner. I didn't get that vibe under any of MM's managerial appointees.
    This time it just feels different. Healthier, with purpose...
  2. Haha
    Ewe Ram reacted to Day in Karma is a bitch   
    What a lovely day it is to be a football fan of a stable club.
  3. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in Clubs you quite like?   
    Used to be Rotherham, I loved trips to Millmoor and had a big soft spot. But they’ve sort of turned me off in the last season or two. 
  4. Haha
    Ewe Ram reacted to Mostyn6 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Out of shape, short/small white british men wearing oversized basketball vests. 
  5. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Our dog was outside soaking up the last of the evening sun on the lawn. 
    He came inside to throw up his stomach contents. 
    That was more than annoying! 
  6. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to maxjam in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    We've got wooden floors throughout the house and a few nice rugs.  Guess where the dogs choose to throw up...
  7. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Our dog was outside soaking up the last of the evening sun on the lawn. 
    He came inside to throw up his stomach contents. 
    That was more than annoying! 
  8. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from maxjam in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Our dog was outside soaking up the last of the evening sun on the lawn. 
    He came inside to throw up his stomach contents. 
    That was more than annoying! 
  9. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Our dog was outside soaking up the last of the evening sun on the lawn. 
    He came inside to throw up his stomach contents. 
    That was more than annoying! 
  10. Haha
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Chester40 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Our dog was outside soaking up the last of the evening sun on the lawn. 
    He came inside to throw up his stomach contents. 
    That was more than annoying! 
  11. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Gaspode in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    When folk get upset about the country grinding to a halt for snow, you have to ask yourself (as a tax payer) if you'd really be happy to pay the many, many tens of millions for extra snowploughs and prep that we'd need to keep the country running, in the full knowledge that they'd all be sitting about deteriorating for 360 days every year? Countries that cope better than us with wintery weather tend to do so because they expect more show and ice so are willing to pay....
  12. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster in The big reset.   
    Strangely, now we've been saved by St. David of Clowes, I'm really pleased, in the bigger picture, that we are now in Division 1.
    Back to old school football. Back to being a big fish in a small pond. 
    We tried, under Mel to turn up at the casino that was the Championship with a big F off stack of chips to intimidate other players at the table. Spent fast and loose - and lost.
    We needed a total reset and we got one. I can't lie, it's hurt. Being threatened with extinction was a very real prospect.
    Now we've cleared the football cache and cookies, we're back to a fresh start.
    I'm still haunted by the memory of all that money we wazzed up the wall. Even the least of the excesses was Anya. £4m and and £20k a week over 4 years, ergo £8m over 4 years. There were 4 or 5 others that cost £10m+ in transfer fees and salaries over 4 year contracts.
    £60m minimum wazzed up the wall on 5 or 6 players, not to mention our merry go round of managers that resulted in the amount of debt that threatened our very existence. Covid didn't help, but the aforementioned was the real problem.
    Certain individuals that had Mel's ear and were administrators at our club were also abusing their parallel self-interests as agents to sell us pup after pup.
    Now we're back to football reality. It's amazing what team we've managed to piece together on frees and modest wages.
    Loving our new reality. We can attract decent players at this level, where if we spend within our means, which is significantly above most of our competitors, we can perform well at this level. 
    If we continue in this manner, we can grow organically.
    What's not to love? A fantastic academy that should finance our rebirth. 30,000+ crowds, that again should finance our rebirth and perversely the EFL reining us back to a financial plan that we absolutely NEEDED. Didn't want, but definitely needed.
    Oh and being rescued by the 'quiet man of football' - DC.
    What a time to be alive! I'm falling back in love with football again.
    The only way is up...
  13. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Indyram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I’ve long found the tv reporters who go and stand outside buildings really annoying. Why do you need some fool to stand outside Buckingham Palace to talk about a royal person? We know what it looks like, you’re not going to get in there, so why bother? Or outside a hospital by the sign that says the name of the place, just why? I don’t need you to travel the country to stand by a white and blue sign to be able to talk about a bloody hospital 
  14. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  15. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to Nethermoor in Neutral   
    Alright Rams, Guiseley (who?) fan here in peace.
    I came to the Oxford game on Saturday with my mate (Wolves fan). 
    It was our first trip to Pride Park between us and usually we pick a random game every so often. So we ended up at your place.
    We had a great time, your stadium is fantastic. Plenty of eateries around the ground too. The fans we were sat near were passionate and it was infectious. We were in the North Stand which was family orientated but it was nice to see so many youngsters getting behind the team.
    The atmosphere was great, the bounce by the south stand was something I won't forget. Capped with a great goal to get the win aswell. 
    Only downside being, we parked at the industrial park past the south stand and we didn't move for about an hour after the final whistle. But that didn't spoil a great day out. 
    All the best for the season, will be looking out for your results and will likely come back later in the season too. 
  16. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from archram in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  17. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  18. COYR
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  19. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SaffyRam in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  20. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from angieram in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  21. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  22. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Rev in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  23. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Carnero in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  24. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in Women's Euro 2022   
    What a refreshing change to see girls aspiring to be professional footballers instead of just being married to one. 
    No duck lips, no Botox and bum lifts, just fit, strong, athletic women. 
  25. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to LeedsCityRam in Women's Euro 2022   
    Spot on. I've got 2 young daughters & its this group of champions I want them to emulate - not the Love Island celeb wannabe crowd. Be proactive in life, not reliant on superficial garbage.
    They're already kicking the ball properly & trapping it better than Bradley Johnson - they're enjoying a bit of futsal in the lounge (so I'm dead popular with Mrs LCR) & so I'll be enrolling them in local teams in the near future.
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