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Posts posted by Day

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I wonder if it stemmed from this...



    Just shows how out the loop I am, not seen this. Given their position now on the Supporters Charter Group and popularity on Twitter/X, I can see why Radio Derby would have invited Stephen Pearce on.

    Fair questions or not, I can also see now what would fill the other 58 minutes of the interview.

  2. I created a topic on Southgate, pretty derogatory which came back to slap me in the face pretty hard. I apologised whilst knowing he would never have or likely to see a word I write. Saying that, it cleared by conscious at the time.

    Anyhow, I would just like to thank Southgate for what he's done for the country, however after the Euros I would kindly ask you step down regardless of how far we make it.

    I just feel it's time for something fresh, new ideas to build around our shiny new toy Jude Bellingham.

    I also feel it would be beneficial to the team if you go public with your intentions to step down prior to the competition, allowing the players a chance to not only say thank you with their performances, also take the chance to impress potential replacements.

    7 years is a good old stint, chances are you will find yourself a cushty office job which pays the mortgage and new waistcoats. Reigniting your career as a manager domestically whilst will no doubt be an option, you've been out of it now for 15 years, that's a long old time, stick your feet up, be an ambassador or whatever the FA offer you and take it easy.

    Cheers Gareth.

  3. Not sure which side requested this interview, Pearce or Radio Derby, or even the reasons behind it.

    It does not take an hour to say I'm legally bound to not discuss anything that the fans would like to know, and that could be with a number of parties be it Mel Morris, the EFL, David Clowes, Quantuma etc. This will be completely normal within businesses. Frustrating from our side, yet you have to understand that we will never be privy to the "real inside story".

    It will, I imagine, be a repeat from the fans forum which will only reignite the debate of whether or not he should be at the club, is that really necessary at this stage of the season?

    Forgive me if this discussion is still taking place on other platforms and Pearce/Radio Derby felt it was important to respond, attempt again to draw a line and move on. Which on this forum regardless of which side of the fence you sit on over his current employment status, would appear many have as I haven't seen his name popping up at all. 

    Even the transfer window the focus was more if anything on David Clowes, not the CEO that will have been doing the deals.

    With regards to the apology for that period which some are looking for, you could put a case forward that either he feels the club did nothing wrong, retrospective rule changes show this and does not want to reopen a war with the EFL when we now have a positive relationship. Or an apology would show weakness, and fuel the theory that he was nothing more than a yes man to Mel Morris.

    I guess it will be something we all pick which to believe and roll with it as it's unlikely any, anytime soon at least, we will have any definitive answers or apologies.

    Saying this, I will still watch as when the CEO of your club talks, I think we has fans should be respectful and listen to what he has to say even if he says nothing at all. 

    For the record, it's no secret I had semi regular conversations with Mel Morris, some may think I'm sat on some juicy inside information and knew this was all coming, which I can hand on heart say I'm not and that famous "NDA meeting" was not full of the details people think were shared. 

    Some of you will remember the shitshow I started on Twitter, that was a genuine belief that the NDA was there simply to cover any comments like Michael Jackson is a nonce for example which would obviously make the headlines once the press got hold of it.

    Concerns over signing one were raised prior to the meeting and was subsequently told, would never happen again. At the time little did I know where the club was heading! 

    To this day the meeting minutes which were to be signed off by the club have not been sent, if I'm honest I would have to go through old emails to try and locate them, which even if I could the NDA would still be in place between myself and the club and can't imagine a scenario where they will be signed off now, especially when it would appear Stephen Pearce is looking to draw that line in the sand.

    I personally think from my own conversations that there was a genuine honest belief that the club had done no wrong, we just found a different method of accounting which the EFL rules did not at the time forbid. We were being targeted by the EFL due the public criticism over TV deals and other outside interference which was a personal battle rather than the club itself. Which you could look at the way other clubs have been punished recently and possibly say, yeah, we were a little hard done by compared to others right.

    That was just the impression I got for what it's worth.

    Any conversations I had were nothing more than how are you and thoughts on the EFL, which you can probably guess.

    IF and I say IF as I have only spoken to Stephen Pearce once with regards to advertising on the forum and have no idea where he stands on this, IF he also shares that genuine belief with his financial background, I can understand why he would not want to publicly reopen the wounds and create a new war between Pearce and EFL. 

    I wasn't going to go down this path when creating a reply, I guess I was maybe predicting potential replies given my position and "relationship" at the time, probably should have just stayed out of it, came this far now to waste this post.

    Like Pearce truth be told, I feel that drawing the line is probably the right thing to do and focus on the here and now which when you look at the table is a fantastic position with the opportunity today to strengthen.

  4. Saw all the memes going around and had to watch, like you I lasted maybe 20 minutes and I have to give him credit.

    Whilst I don't know if anything is factually true, or just his truth as @Alph said, that history lesson being reeled off from his own memory when you have Biden on the other side that on some days can't remember his own name, is impressive for a 71 year old.

    Haven't got the energy to sit through the rest to see if Tucker is actually allowed to ask a question or it's just a 2 hour speech.

    I will maintain my belief that Russia bad, US bad, UK bad and question why they can't settle their beef with each other like real men bare knuckle in a ring, not ordering others to drop bombs killing innocent people. 

    Nothing Putin can say will ever justify what's taking place in Ukraine now, regardless of history, border lines, governments, the murdering of innocent families can never be the only solution.

    Anyhow, boring myself saying this now, my opinion matters not, these "leaders" will continue to be cowards until the day they die. 

  5. I have an idea. Hear me out.

    Each league has its own dissent table. Use the blue card, however it has no impact on the game, simple adds +1 next to their name.

    At the end of the season, whoever is top of the table, must pay a fine equivalent to points they occur.

    10 points, 10 weeks fine.

    All money goes to grassroots football pot where refs get abused on the daily, reward refs down there, give them a reason to get out of bed and referee a game and use the money to educate from a young age to respect the ref.

    You could also use the blue card for tactical fouls, separate table, 1 point per foul. End of the season pay 50% of your wages as above. Equivalent to the game weeks.

    All money goes to help young players that had to retire early through injury having dedicated their younger lives to the game.

    This would require FA/PFA approval and in their player registration contract. 

    Solid idea right? I know what you’re all thinking, I’m wasted here right. Look it is what it is. 

  6. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    Anyone who ever considered subscribing to a doorbell in the first place deserves everything that they get. Sorry but!

    Think of it more as a security subscription than just a doorbell. 

    Anyone trying door handles, causing damage, attempted robbery, anything it’s all there on camera with the subscription allowing you to look back.

    Few months ago we had a resident from down the road that ask us for footage from a specific time as a car hit his without leaving any details. Heard the bang but by time he got to the window the car had gone.

    We got the colour, make and model for him, reg plate obscured but gave him the footage and maybe he got more from down the road piecing it all together. 

    It was a relatively low price to pay at £25 a year.

    Not only that but Ring do indoor cameras, we have one in their bedroom which has solved many a mystery of who ripped up the book, who hit who first complete with audio.

    The subscription covers that as well.


  7. 1 hour ago, Alph said:

    I just finished the Putin interview. 

    It's as expected. His contempt for an independent Ukraine is obvious. The first hour is hushed Imperial claims and I'm not sure what else you could pass it off as. Why else give the history lesson. Still think it's worth listening to so you can make up your mind whether you're listening to a man freeing the world of Nazi collaborators or a man trying to piece together an empire. 

    I mean it's just the other side of the coin. It's not a lie. It's his truth. As America peddles their truth. Convenient historical facts. Convenient omissions. 

    There has been a squeeze on Russia. There's bots that peddle the idea that America blesses us all with freedom and democracy but come on. Give it up. 

    It's hard to pick which Imperialistic BS takes the moral high ground so I'm going to say neither. We all want peace. That's why we have the tanks, the missiles and jets and 100,000 troops in your garden 

    I think International Law is like VAR. Nice idea but you only really want to acknowledge it when it's working for you. 


    Out there in the internet cesspits, if you’re not Pro Putin, you’re Pro America.

    Neither and somewhere in the middle for me is the right place to kick back and set out my deckchair.

    Imagine if all the money spent fighting wars globally was put to better use, what a world we would live in.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    I think your cunning linguistics used in your thread title deserved so much more love 😂

    On thread, it definitely is a sting though. You know their overhead isn't getting anywhere near that much dearer so it's basically a 'we want more money or we brick your device' type piece of marketing. I hadn't even realised it is a subscription service, as I thought it's just an IP camera attached to a doorbell. What service do they provide?

    You can use the doorbell without a subscription but it’s a live view only, where as the subscription will record snapshots and any activity through the day where you can go back and look at.

    So basically a CCTV camera that can only be looked at in real time.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    @cstandis right about all the Tesla shorters. They lost a lot of money. And here's a piece saying the Model Y would fail when it's now the world's bestselling car:

    Without Musk, we would not have electric cars and a future of sustainable transport. The whole idea was continually dismissed by traditional manufacturers. Tesla was only started to try to push them towards electric vehicles, but they refused, even when Tesla made its patents available for free, so Musk had to do it himself. The world should be grateful.

    In the context of space, there was huge vitriol from the traditional space community that SpaceX had been awarded a human spaceflight contract by NASA, with Boeing demanding they be given all the money for this. Today, SpaceX brought four more astronauts back to Earth from the space station. Boeing hasn't managed to take anyone on its unsafe competitor yet. The then world's richest man Jeff Bezos founded his space company before SpaceX, but has never managed to launch a single thing to orbit. Almost everyone laughed at Musk for attempting what he has, but SpaceX is now clearly 10 years ahead and innovating faster.

    You say, David, you wish Musk stuck to cars and rockets. But Musk thinks very deeply about the future of our species. And his contention for us to survive and thrive is that we need sustainability on Earth, a vibrant space culture, and also the ability for the free exchange of ideas as a society. Hence buying Twitter. It is the increased connectivity of humanity that has led to Human progress, and he is trying to protect that. I see very little difference between old twitter and new twitter, expect people who the establishment wanted silenced are no longer silenced. There are still the amazing scientific and intellectual threads on Twitter, and without it as a platform much would be censored. As I said, it's not perfect, but Musk is held to different standards to other people, and is doing OK with it, while also having to run Tesla and SpaceX. Not bad overall.

    Forget the cars and rockets, I have no interest in them at all, not sure how you can’t see the difference between old twitter and new twitter, how?

    - The awful X branding, which he took from one night out of the replies to a tweet he made. The same X he tried with PayPal and failed.

    - The twitter domain is hardcoded into the site where he can’t even change it, might have been a better chance had he not sacked off all the lead engineers.

    - Verification system gone. It was flawed, yet the idea was sound and most cases worked. Now it’s a paid system.

    - Paid subscribers replies are now boosted to the top, many of them spammy or Elon’s followers. Pay to be seen is the biggest change that’s destroyed the platform.

    - Limited number of posts for non subscribers, DM limits.

    - The For You feed is full of Elon and his followers like DogeDesigner that appear to do nothing more than spend their day fluffing his ego.

    - Ads are all drop shipping sites now, repetitive.

    - Have I mentioned that god damn awful X branding? 

    I have no real problem with bringing his version of free speech to the platform, releasing the likes of Trump, KT Hopkins, Tommy Robinson and allowing Joey Barton to make a fool of himself. Go for it.

    When I say he’s destroyed it, I’m referring to the points above, which I’m not sure you could argue against, yet you will because it’s Elon.

    As I said previously, I had no prior interest in Elon, non whatsoever, so this isn’t some historical hatred that has expanded into X.

    I’m a simple man, used Twitter for football and news away from politics. It was by far the greatest platform on the internet. Now it’s just destroyed in my personal opinion and I’m pissed because there is no real alternative out there so I find myself having to check several websites more often and don’t get the same interactions.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Where can I find one of these hats?

    Oh dear, you’re not? 🤦‍♂️

    Anyhow, it wasn’t a serious question was it? 

    I mean, you do see the difference of one person occupied by their phone, crossing a road without looking and challenging kids to take themselves on the edge of blacking out, how to self harm and commit suicide?

    Kinda is a huge difference.

    Forgetting all that, explain to me the positives of TikTok, what’s the content out there that is worth watching?

  11. Just now, Jubbs said:

    In the US alone, Pokemon Go supposedly caused 256 deaths and over 150,000 traffic accidents, should that have been banned? 

    Yes. Daft game that is. Kids you can understand. Adults though chasing these virtual gremlin things was and still is super weird.

    Banning it would be the best thing to do. Think we should name and shame as well, make them wear hats that say former Pokémon Go player so we know who not to socialise with.

  12. 4 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    But that’s such a tiny, tiny element of the platform. Horrific, yes, but hardly a justification to shut the whole thing down.

    Labradors have killed people but we don’t ban them. 

    You do realise that’s just one challenge.

    We have had kids eating washing tablets.

    We have had kids taking their own lives, suicide.

    Away from all that what’s left? A bunch of attention seekers that call themselves “content creators”, doing videos with dubbed over voices, or dances to the latest song.

    Absolutely nothing positive to be had from that platform, even as a toilet time scroller, can’t believe anyone over the age of 10 is defending it.

  13. Just now, cstand said:

    It’s well known in the US which I have posted previously that hedge funds have lost millions betting against Musk failing with Tesla. 

    Sorry I haven't been following the topic that closely, which is why I was interested in the context.

    The context is needed as I could easily throw out there the interview with the WSJ 12 years ago which claimed in 10 years he would put a man on Mars, I'm sure some doubted him on that at the time which they were proven correct.

    You will probably call that pettiness, yet I'll be honest, prior to his Twitter takeover I knew very little about the bloke, it's only since the Twitter takeover and the awful awful rebrand to X, ruined the verification system even more, messed up the algorithm to push his own views and businesses have I been paying attention. The more I see, the more of an oddball he becomes.

    You obviously wouldn't agree, respect your opinion, I just wish he would sell up and bugger off back to his cars and rockets and X was reverted back to it's former glory as I'm social media homeless now and it's super frustrating.

  14. 1 minute ago, cstand said:

    Carl you are too good for this forum.

    Petty minded people have been complaining about Musk for years even before he took over Twitter and he has proved everyone wrong.

    5000 Starlink satellites in orbit now spreading free speech across the world through X.

    Soundrel up 100% on stock market today everyone knows Musk is a winner. 

    Just out of interest, proved everyone wrong in what way exactly? 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    So largely, so what if Musk said a stupid thing on Twitter. 

    So what, appears to be the default response to anything Elon does and can largely get away with saying and doing anything by his following.

    The Teflon Don.

    I appreciate the effort to unravel the thoughts of Elon, however, you could be either spot on or a million miles off depending on the day of the week.

    Also it delves deep inside a subject which will take this topic down a path which isn’t really suitable for this forum.

  16. 1 hour ago, jimbo jones said:

    Can't wait to see @David in his new Cousins jersey 👀


    If that happens. I’m done with them. It’s been rough as it is with Pickett, Rudolph and Trubisky, if we go lower than that with Cousins. I will boycott the game.

  17. 37 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Strange one. Seeing your post I looked through my followers and I have none of that. Am I missing out?

    We should understand that as one of the richest, if not the richest human, Elon lives a different, rarefied life. He's probably more normal than many multi billionaires. All his life he's voted Democrat, but when Trump (also a long-time registered Democrat) became President, he invited Musk onto the nation's Industry and Technology Committee and Musk thought he should do that. But there was so much vitriolic hate for Musk for doing that, that Musk probably thought stuff you. And, as is only natural for anyone, he reacted against that.

    When he bought Twitter, he saw first hand the political interference that had been going on. As he's said, it was basically an arm of the FBI, and this suggests all the other platforms are in hock to the American state. The obvious example before the last US election was the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story (now universally acknowledged as true), with anyone who tried to post about it being banned from Twitter (and everywhere else). Clearly a deliberate attempt to manipulate the American election, just as Facebook previously boasted it won Biden the election. This is the establishment at work, which Musk chooses to call the deep state. Another obvious example is with Covid, when anyone who talked about a lab leak from the largest coronavirus research institute in the world in Wuhan, was banned from every single platform. Now it's acknowledged the theory is highly plausible and most scientists (and other people I know) assume that's what happened.

    But taking on Twitter has been tough because of the mass advertising boycotts driven by one side of an increasingly polarized political divide. Maybe I don't see the bots because I subscribe? But I don't mind subscribing because Twitter remains the greatest site for interesting news and comment and fun. And I love the diversity of voices that are allowed. It remains a mostly left-wing site but nowadays other voices (such as Tucker's) which would be censored without Musk, and it's right they're not censored. People should be able to choose what they want to see and hear.

    Twitter/X is far from perfect, and frustrating at times, but it's an impossible job to make it perfect and Musk and his team are generally trying to do a good job and create a public square/space for the free exchange of ideas. The future should be a decentralized platform, like BlueSky is, but that's so small it makes it pointless to use - only the same few faces.

    Can I ask you what your thoughts are with Elon agreeing that there is a deep state turning kids into LGBTQ+ for presidential election votes?

  18. 26 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Nobody insults TikTok on my watch

    You think it’s ok that kids are setting other gullible kids challenges to eat wash tablets, or how to self harm videos?

    It’s a platform that has caused to many deaths already and needs to be wiped off the internet for good 

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