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Posts posted by Day

  1. 5 minutes ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    I didn't say comments don't exist or that you're 'pulling random crap' from Twitter.

    The point is you're making it sound like  "the signings are crap", "the team is crap" & "we should be walking this league" are all coming from the same source, and that they're mutually exclusive.

    And yeah I know you're not on here much, which is a shame, not only because you've always put out strong & sensible posts but because by only reading half the posts you're only getting half the story.

    There was a thread title out there the other day something like "does Warne deserve the VITRIOL aimed at him", which didn't really reflect the content of what was being posted by 95% of people, but if you've not actually read the forum in the lead-up to it you have no way of knowing whether the mood of the forum was vitriolic or otherwise (it wasn't).


    However without wanting to call out individual members, I would say some do give off that mutually exclusive tone.

    Granted there are others with singular issues, I mean on the the signings we have a current topic on if Clowes has lost faith in the recruitment process!

    Not wanting to throw Sage under the bus here, as I say, not wanting to call out individual members I don't have him down as we should be walking the league type, even if I think it's a little extreme of a question to put out there.

    Barely spent any money whatsoever and sat 2nd, some signings maybe haven't shown their worth as yet, show me any club that has a 100% track record. Fergie may have signed Ronaldo, also signed Bebe. I would think Clowes maybe sat in his office rather pleased with how it's all going and justified in not bowing to calls to give Warne the boot.

    It just drains you a bit, there has been times like under McClaren where the forum added to the overall feeling, was a fun place to come on and spend time. Draw our next game, you can guarantee there will be calls for Warne to be sacked like there was the other week when others were having to defend their opinion of now isn't the right time. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I'm not sure it's a jealousy thing really.

    I respect the ability, sacrifices and talent of professional footballers. They have also ended up working in a very popular industry and bring joy (and a lot of misery) to 1000s and millions of people. Whilst there are some phyiscial limitations on who can become a rich footballer, it's reasonably open to everyone to at try and reach that level if they so wish.

    The royals are totally different to this. It's a rigged system, closed to most people unless you fancy running the risk of having children with genetic issues due to inbreeding.

    Footballers have earnt their money fairly and whilst I wish we had a more equal system, capitalism is probably the best thing on offer for now.

    Royals are given their wealth by nothing but birth. Then they are also given power too, then still are given public money, even though their wealth is enormous. Victoria and Albert brough Sandringham as they petitioned the government for more cash as they could afford to carry out their royal duties!

    At least we could tell then to sell off most of their ill-gotten properites and use them to house the homeless?

    I hear you, don't really disagree with any of it. As I say I'm not a royalist so not here to defend the system. The debate over how much they cost v how much revenue they generate through tourism will rage on long after you and I are still on the planet. 

    You can find counter articles written with guesstimates all day long, how do you know if say one Japanese tourist that visited Buckingham Palace, bought a Corgi stuffed toy would have still came over and bought a London bus stuffed toy even if we didn't have a King or Queen.

    I've just become tolerant for lack of a better word of this is how it is and just be grateful in that we do at least have some democracy with a vote that counts unlike some countries. Looking at you Russia.

    When I spoke of jealousy over wealth and social status, that's wide ranging from say a mate that's got the fancy car, right up to the likes of Elon Musk with 55bn to throw away destroying a social media platform.

    I have 2 mates that go through more TV's than Curry's as they try to outdo each other for the biggest and latest technology to the point where their living rooms look ridiculous. 

    Could be argued that's more competitive than jealousy though, either way I don't have it in me. Truth be told, given a choice to be the King or continue my own life? I'm carrying on as I am, the idea that your whole life is controlled is not an appealing one, even the money is nice. 

    I reckon with 55bn though I could restore Twitter to his former glory and can this daft Mars colony idea. 


  3. 7 minutes ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    You're conflating a number of different issues there.

    If anything the people who 'view the world of Derby County under dark clouds', IMO, are those who constantly bring up the restrictions, talk of shopping in the bargain basement, harp on reminding people we were in administration 2 years ago, say things like "we're a League One club with League One standard players" (or even making out people would laugh at how average our squad is) and use other teams' failures as reason we shouldn't expect success ourselves, even though every club is approaching the season from a different perspective and with their own challenges to face. It's those who treat ambition as arrogance and entitlement.

    The work we put in behind the scenes immediately following coming out of admin, and the squad we assembled in that short time (plus our 'leftovers' Knight, Bird & Cashin who are very clearly Championship quality players) have put us in a better stead to go at a quick return to the Championship than many other teams, regardless of what they themselves do. The fact that we managed to secure a manager with Warne's record speaks volumes, but he does need to live up to the hype he was imbued with upon his appointment. Currently the results are doing that, but it's not a particularly convincing watch.

    Peeple 'demanding promotion' (who exactly is demanding promotion?) would be doing so because they can see that we are, or we should be, capable of it.  People react to bad results because they fear we might mess the chance of promotion up - and a chance as good as this season is unlikely to present itself again anytime soon. It's a s*** league, and we don't have to be much above average to get out of it.

    As for the team and the signings being crap, I don't believe anyone actually thinks or has said that individually any of Warne's signings are 'crap' players (if anything, the players who've had the most individual criticism have been Hourihane, Bird & Collins), but even so you don't have to be a crap player to be a poor signing ,just as you don't need to be an outstanding player to be an excellent signing.

    It's all about the blend of the team, but our over-reliance on one or two players pulling something out of the bag for us has been evident all season, and until the signing of Adams we haven't really come close to getting that right, despite the results.

    Quite frankly anyone who thinks we have a crap squad is talking out of their arse, even some of our, ahem, 'less glorified' players have certain qualities which are fit for the league above even if their general play and/or age prohibits them from playing there regularely.  We have a great amount of experience running through the squad which may be the reason we're not choking (and hopefully don't go on to chopke) in the same manner that others are.

    You must have seen the comments I'm referring to, barely spend much time on here myself yet I've seen the signings are crap, the league is crap, we should be walking it. I'm not just pulling random crap out my arse here and it's not merged with comments from Twitter/X, don't even read replies to anything or view hashtags.

    This forum, the comments are there, even the Forest forum has referenced said comments.

    The Charlton TV co commentator, he was referencing fan podcasts, not sure which one(s) 

    The reaction to even drawing a game is way way over the top, we can literally not drop any points whatsoever without Warne having his balls under threat from the pitchforks.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    My point is, it’s now in our hands, we are not relying on someone else losing, though obviously this could and probably will change.

    Not looked at the others remaining fixtures, if true then yeah, we're there now, didn't realise.

    We have Bolton and Portsmouth left ourselves, these are looking like huge games. Wouldn't be surprised if Sky start tinkering with kick off times/days.


  5. Didn't watch the game, but looking at BBC Football they have Tom Lawrence playing in the midfield 2 in a 4231, can't be right surely?

  6. 6 minutes ago, MadAmster said:

    Put that way, it's a doddle, intit? I'm taking a game at a time. A win at Pompey isn't impossible. On the other hand, losing at home to Reading is also not impossible. We have Shrewsbury and Stevenage (over for that one) coming up and both play the type of game we have always struggled against. We will lose some games between now and the end of the season. We simply have to lose/draw less than our rivals and up we go. 

    Don't get me wrong, it won't be a doddle, we will be games where we have to dig in, find a way to put more points on the board than the others.

    It's just....we're up there and in the mix, not that you would believe it if you read other topics on this forum. I refuse to blame the lack of a positive atmosphere on Warne and style of football.

    I have an alternative theory in that, it's just not that exciting getting back to the division which many fans of my own age and younger will have seen the club for the majority of their lives. 

    Same manager, same football, same league position, 16 games away from potentially Premier League football, this forum would be a joy to be on. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    If we win all our games we are guaranteed top two by the fact that we would have beaten Bolton and Portsmouth and they still have to play each other so can’t take maximum points.

    Whilst acknowledge it's not impossible to win 16 games straight, the probability of that, isn't that great for any of the top sides.

    I'm not switching sides here, don't worry. I still think we'll finish 2nd as a prediction. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

    Thomas Jefferson..."all men are created equal" he's right, Creating a human in the main takes a sexual act, So it's pretty much the same for all of us.

    It's who or where you're born, I'm no royalist either, I had a giggle when Fergie went "toe sucking" or randy Andy said he doesn't perspire, No tears when Dianna lost her life, And now the soap opera of Harry and his wife, The tabloids love all this as they think the public love all this, As for my knowledge of the above...you had to be on the Moon under a duvet and a moon rock not to have heard all the stories.

    There's a perversion and jealousy in this land of ours when it comes to wealth and social status or should I say the "feudal system" 😉


    There is jealousy over wealth and social status, absolutely there is. I just don't have any within me.

    We're on a football forum, spending our free time following and discussing a bunch of players that earn more in a month than many of us will in a year.

    We're making that choice. We're going to work, some on minimum wage or slightly above, paying taxes, then using what's left over to buy tickets to watch these players kick a leather bag of air about.

    If I had that jealousy within me, I'm not sure how I could justify being not just a Derby County fan, but a football fan.

  9. 10 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    That's a proper self destruction job from Posh 😆

    Which is never accounted for with those that prefer to view the world of Derby County under dark clouds. 

    Wasn't long ago where we were being told there isn't enough time now to catch the front runners yet here we are, Wednesday morning needing only to better Portsmouth in one game and win the game in hand, top 2 is then in our own hands.

    Absolutely no reason why any Derby fan can't just sit and enjoy the rest of the season, whilst not mathematically there, play off place barring an absolute disaster looks secure which means we have a real chance of promotion.

    Realistically that's all you can wish for, that chance. 

    Anyone demanding promotion, will be the ones viewing the club under the dark clouds, which is their own personal choice. 

    Paul Warne is crap, can't sign decent players, has no pull, look at the crap he's signed.

    Lose a game with said crap team, my next-door neighbour could get this squad promoted, we should be running away with the league.

    Which is it?

    Anyhow, we will lose another game and the Out Out will rise from the pages, highlighting the pain and suffering we are going through.

    I watched Saturday's game via Charlton TV, their co commentator had a cheeky pop at Derby fans complaining and how hard life must be in 4th (at the time). We must, and I say we as a bundled in Derby County fan must look a bit bonkers from the outside world.

  10. Saying that, I know, but I don't know why this topic has descended into an NHS topic.

    Royalist or not, surely we can all understand why the King of the country would receive priority health care unlike our own friends and family?

    Having lost my sister in law recently to cancer, just 42 years old, I am not sat here without experience of watching someone die having been through the NHS system, months of appointments, misdiagnosis before they realised it was cancer and then left cancer cells in her kidney which spread to the rest of her body.

    She wasn't royalty, she wasn't the Queen of the country, her death whilst making front page news of the local paper, was not a national story. She was just a regular person that unfortunately due to mistakes lost her life, as many have and will continue to do so.

    King Charles, for the record I am no royalist, never watched a wedding, ceremony, couldn't even tell you the full words to the national anthem. He's the King, it's blindly obvious why his health would take priority, avoiding the regular process which all starts being on hold at 8am trying to get a doctors appointment.

    He's the King, figurehead of the country. He's probably never had to load a dishwasher, wash his own clothes or hoover his own living room.

    Do I believe anyone should be born into that position, no, but the hierarchy in this country exists and it is what it is.

    The state of the NHS is another topic in itself, which in fairness due to our political rules on this forum probably can't take place as we ultimately know why all the difficulties exist and with a growing population, will only get worse.

    The King of the country has got cancer though, that's the big story here. 

    I wish him well and catching it early means the treatment will work. 

  11. Same here as well, also get a text from the chemist to say when it's ready. Usually around a week, although I could go in a couple days later and ask for it, then wait. There is even a service which if you're over a certain age they will deliver to your door. I think Lloyds is one that offer an online service as well and post via Royal Mail special delivery.

    The NHS app is pretty decent to be fair, can us it to bring up all medical history, contact the doctors via messages for non important issues. 

    Prior to that I used some website, can't remember the name, was a bit of a mess but it worked. Never had to go into the doctors to fill any forms out. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

    Ah so the anti-Warne talk was just to try and oust him to get Neil a job closer to home. It all makes sense now!

    Exactly. I mean come on, who would seriously oust a manager whilst 2nd in the table.....only the wife of a football manager looking for work and doesn't fancy living up in Aberdeen.

  13. Just now, ilkleyram said:

    This isn’t a bit of the forum that I’ve visited very often, not least because we’ve been doing really well on the pitch, so I’ve only just read this. Firstly, I’ll join the widespread praise you’ve both got @David and secondly, how’s it going (if you want to share)? 

    Thanks and yeah we’re getting there with social services and fostering, edging closer to completion.

    The Mrs has her personal assessment next, just done mine where they build your autobiography. Couple more after together.

    3 more Solihull parental course sessions and we’re off to panel.

    All pointing towards being approved as foster parents as the backup plan, with the SGO order being plan A.

    The boys are great, settled right in and now pushing the boundaries to see what they can get away with 😂

    Been a real into the deep end with a 2 and 3 year old with no parental experience. We’re doing alright though, they are happy, healthy and heading in the right direction.

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