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Posts posted by Day

  1. Just now, cstand said:

    It’s well known in the US which I have posted previously that hedge funds have lost millions betting against Musk failing with Tesla. 

    Sorry I haven't been following the topic that closely, which is why I was interested in the context.

    The context is needed as I could easily throw out there the interview with the WSJ 12 years ago which claimed in 10 years he would put a man on Mars, I'm sure some doubted him on that at the time which they were proven correct.

    You will probably call that pettiness, yet I'll be honest, prior to his Twitter takeover I knew very little about the bloke, it's only since the Twitter takeover and the awful awful rebrand to X, ruined the verification system even more, messed up the algorithm to push his own views and businesses have I been paying attention. The more I see, the more of an oddball he becomes.

    You obviously wouldn't agree, respect your opinion, I just wish he would sell up and bugger off back to his cars and rockets and X was reverted back to it's former glory as I'm social media homeless now and it's super frustrating.

  2. 1 minute ago, cstand said:

    Carl you are too good for this forum.

    Petty minded people have been complaining about Musk for years even before he took over Twitter and he has proved everyone wrong.

    5000 Starlink satellites in orbit now spreading free speech across the world through X.

    Soundrel up 100% on stock market today everyone knows Musk is a winner. 

    Just out of interest, proved everyone wrong in what way exactly? 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    So largely, so what if Musk said a stupid thing on Twitter. 

    So what, appears to be the default response to anything Elon does and can largely get away with saying and doing anything by his following.

    The Teflon Don.

    I appreciate the effort to unravel the thoughts of Elon, however, you could be either spot on or a million miles off depending on the day of the week.

    Also it delves deep inside a subject which will take this topic down a path which isn’t really suitable for this forum.

  4. 1 hour ago, jimbo jones said:

    Can't wait to see @David in his new Cousins jersey 👀


    If that happens. I’m done with them. It’s been rough as it is with Pickett, Rudolph and Trubisky, if we go lower than that with Cousins. I will boycott the game.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Strange one. Seeing your post I looked through my followers and I have none of that. Am I missing out?

    We should understand that as one of the richest, if not the richest human, Elon lives a different, rarefied life. He's probably more normal than many multi billionaires. All his life he's voted Democrat, but when Trump (also a long-time registered Democrat) became President, he invited Musk onto the nation's Industry and Technology Committee and Musk thought he should do that. But there was so much vitriolic hate for Musk for doing that, that Musk probably thought stuff you. And, as is only natural for anyone, he reacted against that.

    When he bought Twitter, he saw first hand the political interference that had been going on. As he's said, it was basically an arm of the FBI, and this suggests all the other platforms are in hock to the American state. The obvious example before the last US election was the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story (now universally acknowledged as true), with anyone who tried to post about it being banned from Twitter (and everywhere else). Clearly a deliberate attempt to manipulate the American election, just as Facebook previously boasted it won Biden the election. This is the establishment at work, which Musk chooses to call the deep state. Another obvious example is with Covid, when anyone who talked about a lab leak from the largest coronavirus research institute in the world in Wuhan, was banned from every single platform. Now it's acknowledged the theory is highly plausible and most scientists (and other people I know) assume that's what happened.

    But taking on Twitter has been tough because of the mass advertising boycotts driven by one side of an increasingly polarized political divide. Maybe I don't see the bots because I subscribe? But I don't mind subscribing because Twitter remains the greatest site for interesting news and comment and fun. And I love the diversity of voices that are allowed. It remains a mostly left-wing site but nowadays other voices (such as Tucker's) which would be censored without Musk, and it's right they're not censored. People should be able to choose what they want to see and hear.

    Twitter/X is far from perfect, and frustrating at times, but it's an impossible job to make it perfect and Musk and his team are generally trying to do a good job and create a public square/space for the free exchange of ideas. The future should be a decentralized platform, like BlueSky is, but that's so small it makes it pointless to use - only the same few faces.

    Can I ask you what your thoughts are with Elon agreeing that there is a deep state turning kids into LGBTQ+ for presidential election votes?

  6. 26 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Nobody insults TikTok on my watch

    You think it’s ok that kids are setting other gullible kids challenges to eat wash tablets, or how to self harm videos?

    It’s a platform that has caused to many deaths already and needs to be wiped off the internet for good 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

    You're not alone Wolfie same here...but, A few months ago I could click on a link posted here from twixxter and watch goals from DCFC, Now when I click on a twixxter link on here I get a image.png.7e23b94772d602ebe113dedac975a5b5.png has the secret police blocked me 😬


    What’s the username?

    It’s possible they have closed their account, or protected their account so you have to request to follow and see their content.

    Or now if it’s a popular account, they would have the opportunity to stick content behind a paywall.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    I'm beginning to feel on my own. I don't care a jot about Twotter, Snap-whotsit, Tick-Tack-Toe or whatever - am I missing out?

    Twitter, probably the best of the bad bunch still for the latest news and football.

    Facebook, the family zone where you get nothing but memories being shared or competitions entered.

    Snapchat, for single teenagers and a place for OnlyFans content creators to avoid the tax man.

    Instagram, images and videos, been ruined by turning it into a shopping site where you follow content creators, not just seeing what your mates are up to.

    TikTok, attention seekers and gullible kids taking on life endangering challengers. The worst of the lot.

    Threads, had promise to be the new Twitter, launched with missing key features and limited countries, subsequent releases over what the site is for shows it’s just another follow these content creators.

  9. He’s taming the bots. I’ve had to reopen an X account just to follow the Derby accounts. Disappointingly Threads doesn’t appear to appeal to the football outlets.

    Anyhow, I’ve not made a single post, liked a post, reposted a post. Nothing. Just followed 55 accounts.

    If I have this many bots already, I think it tells you a lot about how many followers Elon really has. 



  10. 15 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Irritating as a footballer but never had any kind of notion he was dislikeable personally.

    But JFC that's a bit much. Probably the best thing for everyone is when we finally get football prison island built Leeds get sent there along with the old firm and Millwall.

    There's a number of south Atlantic islands which are presently uninhabited and could be made suitably inescapable.


    Imagine a football Hunger Games. Send them in wearing full kit and nothing but bare fists.

  11. We’re over here deducting penalties from goal tally’s, whilst over in Leeds they are rocking up at players houses giving them abuse when they miss a penalty. 

    In all seriousness, his behaviour on the pitch makes him a dislike-able character, however rocking up to his house is as you say disgraceful, even more so when it’s your own player!

    Nothing Leeds fans do overly surprises me. You can screenshot this and share it with your Leeds mates on X @DarkFruitsRam7, I’m sure they will defend the behaviour as perfectly reasonable for anyone that misses a penalty.

    Imagine the pressure that puts on the player taking them. Idiots.

  12. 9 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:


    Get a room you pair of melts!


    Seriously, much respect to you both. Sorting out the flag must be quite onerous at times, certainly seems so for beer monsters like me who tend to turn up 5 minutes before kick off! Same for Inverurie and his round the world in 80 days trips just to get to a match.

    Its people and characters like you who make me proud to be a fellow Derby fan.


    How’s the hangover? 

  13. 14 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Yes, because an interview with Vladimir’s Putin, that famous advocate of free speech, is likely to be a serious piece of journalism. You think Putin would allow this if it wasn’t going to be a puff piece? An American journalist is currently being detained in Russia for “espionage”. 

    There’s literally a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to internet censorship in Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Russia

    Still not seeing the power, I mean Putin has spoke loads on the Ukraine war, all been reported in western media. The only difference here is a western journalist having the opportunity to ask questions, which will have been agreed prior to the interview, all leading to the same things being said.

    It's a scoop for sure, in the sense that it will bring in a shed load of views, but I doubt it's going to cause the masses switching to support Putin

  14. 26 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    It would be funny if he wasn’t one of the most powerful people in the world. 

    Is he that powerful? I mean he has money, a large social media platform and his own cult following yet the only real power he has is controlling what people see. Even then it's limited to the algorithm feed and search pages. 

    I'm sure the US government is watching closely and can rein him in at any point. Can see Europe blocking X soon as well if things continue.

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