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Comrade 86

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Posts posted by Comrade 86

  1. 4 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Once yet again I can't help but think Washington loses too easy. Got up like it was a flash knockdown but staggered away from the ref. 

    Take some of the count or walk towards the ref. 

    Maybe harsh but everytime I see Washington fight he's in good shape and then loses like a fighter that isn't desperate to win. 


    There's only oooooonnnnnneee Tyson Fury!! Time to shoot the bronze bomber down! 

    At 5 am... 

    Thought the same. Looked half decent early on but just seemed to lose interest. Can't be switching off like that. Martin looks ok though.

    Meanwhile, I'm on my 4th bowl of chilli FFS! 

  2. 1 hour ago, Andicis said:

    Fundora Lewis was a decent fight. Fundora at 6'6 is obscenely big for welterweight though, definitely edged it.

    Tuned in for the Washington fight. Not inspired by the undercard tbh. Hope the fight is off promptly as I'm pretty much emptying my fridge right now ?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Are we there yet?

    Are we there yet?

    Are we there yet?

    Are we there yet?

    Think I might have peaked too early. Schoolboy error. Will have to cheat I guess. 

    As for the fight, so hard to call. Really worried that Wilder might get to Fury early which would be a massive anticlimax, but hopefully we'll get to see the fight we all want to see. I'd love to see Tyson spark old motormouth but I'd happily settle for points win. If Wilder wins, then I fear there'll be zero chance of a unification bout which would be a crap end to what's become a great story.

  4. Couple of older movies to recommend. Insomnia back like a biatch so been trawling through a few old favourites to wile away the dark hours. Tonight's double bill was...

    Man On Fire - Denzel Washington plays John Creasy, quite simply the baddest mofo ever to grace the screen. Playing a washed up CIA assassin working personal security in Mexico. Still my favourite Ridley Scott movie and an absolute tour de force IMHO. Sure most will have seen it but if not, grab some beers, short rib and popcorn and get watching. 



    End of Watch - Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena play two LA cops heading towards big trouble. Another movie doubtless most will have seen but a strong recommendation if you've not already come across it. Not an easy watch but a great film nonetheless.



    * Note both films contain some pretty violent and upsetting scenes which may not be to everyone's taste but all in context FWIW

  5. I know it probably shouldn't but it still irks me the way he and Chelski handled things. I was convinced he'd stay another year especially after he gave assurances to that effect. As it was it completely derailed our pre-season and left Cocu and his team with a mountain to climb. I understand the lure but still feel it was pretty disrespectful though I appreciate many feel otherwise. That said, I'm not hoping he fails, I'm just not that fussed about seeing him succeed.

  6. Anyone else watching The Outsider? Wishing I hadn't started it as I'm so immature that I can't wait a week between episodes. Watched 1st three and am hooked so debating whether to drop it for now then binge watch it when all episodes are available ?

  7. Dark Waters - Superior legal thriller with Mark Rufalo playing Rob Bilott, a lawyer swapping corporate for environmental concerns and exposing corporate chicanery at Dupont in the process. A true story and a compelling if somewhat disturbing watch. 



    Parasite - Korean Oscar winning movie about a family of grifters who perfectly con their way into the employment and good graces of a wealthy family only for their ruse to unravel in spectacular fashion. Brilliant without necessarily being to everyone's tastes.



    The Coldest Game - Fair cold war espionage thriller whose centrepiece is a chess match between Russian and American grandmasters against a backdrop of the Cuban missile crisis. Some fact amongst the fiction and watchable enough.




  8. 29 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    Black Mirror is the perfect show for people who think they're more clever and interesting than they actually are.

    Yeah, the underlying dialectic of having a PM shag a pig was hugely intellectually stimulating for those cerebral enough to grasp it's core message. I feel so superior for having understood the multiple satirical layers that less intelligent folk would doubtless have overlooked completely ? 

  9. On 28/01/2020 at 20:55, reverendo de duivel said:

    Make sure you've watched it all by Friday midnight, it'll be replaced by re-runs of the Good Life afterwards.

    Just had a peak at the IMDB write up...

    When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. 

    Sounds like they might have taken a bit of inspiration from True Detective series one I reckon! 

  10. On 27/01/2020 at 07:00, Chester40 said:

    It's a step up from The Bill, but if you compare it to The Wire, The Sopranos, Gomorrah, True Detective... even Ray Donovan etc then its simply world's away. 

    You were flying until you mentioned Ray Donovan ?

  11. 8 hours ago, Pastinaak said:

    Normal i reckon. I havent spoke to my 'father' for 30 years, never will again - honestly couldn't care less. My brother recently told me he's heard he has stage 4 cancer. When he dies it'll just be another day.

    Depends though mate. People can fall out over silly stuff and then time passes and it becomes harder and harder to find a way back to one another. In those cases the void can be like a cancer growing inside you. Parents do make mistakes, least I know mine did and I know I have too. Question is are said mistakes forgivable? Obviously some parents are just awful so I get that it's not a one-size-fits-all thing but where that's not the case, I'd err towards forgiveness.

    Me and my old boy had proper physical tear-ups back in the day because of stuff I'd been told that turned out to be almost completely untrue. Stubborn old sod just told me to respect him rather than point out my old dear had told a bunch of lies. Didn't exactly go down well with me and on things went in their shouty, often violent way. My sis eventually put me straight, I reached out and over time came a see a very different man to the one I'd fashioned in my mind. Love him to bits now. He's been like a rock for me through some awful stuff and I've tried to return the favour more recently, as he's had his own fair share of troubles. 

    Every story is different though, I get that, but I think folk need to understand whether even for selfish reasons, being the one to mend things is the lesser of two evils. We only get one shot at this after all.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

    That dreadful sentence whenever I visit my folks.....

    "While you're here, can you just......... *insert IT / technology related issue that needs sorting*"

    This is my dad down to a tee. When I take the lad with me to see him he has us both at it working on multiple different computer related issues. He does bribe us with a posh lunch or dinner, mind!

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