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Comrade 86

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Posts posted by Comrade 86

  1. 31 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    ? I bet he's probably alright away from boxing. Just a complete tool when it comes to the sport. 

    I really hope come March we have 2 British World Champions. 

    So excited for Saturday. Massive fight for Povetkin v Hunter and AJ v Ruiz is off the scale. 

    I pray AJ just to jab, jab, jab and jab. Especially when stepping to Ruiz's left. 

    Watching the first fight and the left hook/uppercut is on all day long. Every Ruiz jab, if AJ can step back and to his own left, then there's a left hook/uppercut on. 

    Rob McCracken was telling AJ to double jab right hand but the right hand makes AJ lean over and Ruiz is quick. 

    He's got to be defensive surely. He has to be patient with his right hand. That caused him all his trouble. 

    Ruiz really is just a bad style for Joshua. 

    Wilder fights off a defensive style anyway so he'd walk Ruiz onto something. Tyson can fight in both stances so would just be a nightmare for Ruiz. 


    His stable is making all the right noises but then I suppose they have to really. Stories flying about that he's retiring sparring partners left right and centre but for me he's looked a little chinny against anyone who can bang and Ruiz certainly can.

    Be a great night's boxing for sure. Shame about the location but heyho, you can't have everything. AJ collecting £66 mill for his troubles apparently and my hunch would be that if he gets tagged again, he'll simply walk away. Fully agree that Wilder and Tyson would make mincemeat of Ruiz but the jury's out on AJ for me. All the tools but plenty to prove at this point.

  2. On 30/11/2019 at 09:54, richinspain said:

    After Derby, obviously. Seriously though, terrible what happened yesterday, but it is great to see that we aren't going to allow terrorism to win.

    Londoners, or Cockeneeeeees as many on here seem to want to call us, are a hardy breed (photo from the 2017 London Bridge attack).

    And yes, we know, at London prices you'd take your pint with you too! ?


  3. Dog owners who don't poop-scoop. Seriously! duck all yous! My last gaff was a townhouse and this one old twit used to let his pooch piss and defecate all over my feckin doorstep, more or less EVERY DUCKIN MORNING. The GF and I politely asked him to stop several times (actually I wasn't very polite at all) and yet on it went to the point where I was quite ready to commit a not so random act of violence. That said, the GF came up with a rather more inventive solution that involved a dirty protest and the ****'s front door and car. Problem miraculously solved.

  4. Another good performance again today. Any fears about whether Frank was ready or not have been put to rest, I think. He seems to be have just carried on where he left off at Derby, playing and improving young'uns, trying to take the game to the oppo, pleasing the fans and winning plaudits. 

    Sad that he, Fik and Mason had to go but happy to see them propering. We had some great nights with them at Derby and at very least I'm grateful for those.

  5. Speaking of tragic, just came across this on the Beeb site. Patrick Day has passed away after suffering a brain injury in a fight against Charles Conwell.


    This after Dadashev and Santillan passed died two days apart back in the summer. Hard to know what can be done really. I think a few years back there was a groundswell for more heavily padded gloves but I think some studies indicated this might exacerbate brain injuries rather than than reduce their likelihood. It's a tough old game, is boxing.

    Thoughts go out to Conwell too. Horrible position to find yourself in. 

  6. On 04/10/2019 at 18:03, bimmerman said:

    id just changed the rear shocks out on it,they were made of rust ?

    its all good fun,paid naff all for it and parts are cheap so something to do over the winter

    Looks pretty similar to mine - an old style graphite grey 3.2 DSG Quattro. I should have got rid years back but it's a lovely bit of kit and a lot of fun on the rare occasions it can be given a bit of a blast.

    Bought a 2.0 litre A3 Sport which was meant to be a more practical replacement it but ended up keeping the Quattro instead! Environmental concerns mean that it'll be the last car of it's kind I buy unfortunately. Looking at whatever Tesla is around at time of next purchase as a likely next car as they don't seem so stupidly expensive these days and the reviews seem quite positive.

    Edit - I'll pop a pic up tomoz if I remember. Quite a pretty car.

  7. On 07/10/2019 at 17:22, MuespachRam said:

    Saw the joker last week, excellently made film with  amazing acting....but... I’m not sure how I feel about It being available for anyone to see...It is so so dark and anyone with any mental issues could be I spited to do anything off the back of that. 

    We went to see It at the local multiplex and we were greeted by 2 police cars at the entrance and 6 officers inside the foyer...


  8. 12 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

    While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

    I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

    One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

    Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

    Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

    I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

    For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

    I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

    Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

    Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!



    2 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    I'm so sorry to read this @Paul71, especially as I was the poster who followed up your comment by posting another mindless joke.

    I too experienced a fitful night's sleep, which was a suprise to me as initially I pushed back against the reaction, I also realised that nothing I post is worth losing sleep over, and woke determined to make amends.

    Please don't leave the forum, it's a much better place with your wisdom and wit than anything I bring to the table, and it would be a shame for others to miss out on that because of shitstorm I created.

    @David please accept this as my resignation from the forum, I can't have this on my head too.


    @Paul71 - if you really feel you need to leave then clearly that's your prerogative but without wanting to sound slushy, you are kind of one of the doyens round here and I think you'd be very much missed. Could you be persuaded to just take a week or two out? I think we all get jaded and I think we all need a break from time to time. I will tend to get enforced breaks every now and then (cheers mods!) as I'm a rude git with a potty-mouth so in some ways it's easier for me than some others. Certainly I feel the forum would be less than its current sum in your absence and I know many would agree with this view.

    As for you @reverendo de duivel, come on chap! We can't lose you too! I have no idea what was said but I do know we all say daft things from time to time and texted responses can be open to multitudinous interpretations when folk are unsettled. Unlike myself, I don't think I've ever seen you be really knowingly rude or hurtful on the forum and as with @Paul71, the place would be poorer for your loss. We should judge ourselves and one another on the balance of what we say and do and not the silly moments we regret. I'd really hope that on reflection you too would reconsider your stance too.

    Anyway, I'll shut up now bar saying yes, my motivations may be selfish, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.! If we can all get through this shitstorm of a season without losing the plot then I'm sure we can raise our glasses to the next 10 years of this wonderful little corner of the interweb  of which yous two are very much part of the fabric?

  9. 16 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Probably been covered in one of the previous 229 pages but people who are disorganised in airports should be banned from using them.

    Not sure you have got all of your documents in order by the time you get to the relevant scanner, booth or checkpoint? Banned.

    Got a load of liquids above the allowed limit? Banned.

    Just wandered through the scanner with your phone in your pocket? Banned.

    Thinking you can stay in the bar and hold everyone up after your flight has been called? Banned.

    You'd get on with one of my best buddies. She's a wonderful girl but boy does she hate airport bimblers ?

  10. On 21/10/2016 at 09:12, SchtivePesley said:

    I've been wanting to start this thread for ages

    As the "Random stuff that annoys me thread" reaches 100+ pages, it is pretty clear that we could solve the world's energy crisis if we somehow harnessed man's natural ability to complain about things.

    So, as one poster accused me of having "no balance" I thought I'd try and tip the scales of karma and start this one up as well. Let's see if it is just as popular?

    So I will start with an easy one.

    When you read through a lengthy online debate and you disagree with what people are saying, so you stick your neck out and say something - get a torrent of abuse back - and then suddenly someone you don't know pops up and agrees with you. Immediately restoring both your faith in humanity and the thought that you may be going mad.

    Pffft. Typical libtard thread if you ask me!








  11. I fear Frank will already be coming under some significant pressure. Chelski fans are a long walk from patient and more than the result, the fact they finished the match hanging on for a draw won't have gone down well.

    That said, while Leicester have yet to win this year, their 2nd half work seems to show they might be a decent outfit and it'd be a surprise if Chelsea are the only 'big' side they trouble this season. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Alpha said:

    I think Hearn should have come out and said "these guys get punched in the head for a living and they wanted Saudi Arabia because it's worth fortunes. What would you do? Joshua's not forgotten his UK fanbase and we'll be back after this"

    But he's come out saying Saudi Arabia is a big player in the boxing game. That they have embraced boxing and have taken time to educate the fans. It's a global sport and he's spreading the good word. 

    It's Qatar with the World Cup. They haven't built towards these events. And you don't make yourself ready by just holding the biggest there is out there. 

    Joke really. Perhaps they'll have a couple of beheadings and a stoning on the undercard to cater to the local audience?


  13. Few folk jumping the gun on the Whyte failed test here. He could be testing positive for all sorts of reasons. There's a big difference between doping and being careless or poorly advised.

  14. Things might be about to get even tougher for Frank. Transfer bans, Hazard nicking off to Real and now Kante crocked. It's not thought to be too serious at this point but they want him fit and firing for the start of the season which may not be feasible.


    Chelsea boss Frank Lampard handed major N'Golo Kante injury blow ahead of new season

    NEW Chelsea manager Frank Lampard has been with a major blow after midfielder N’Golo Kante suffered a setback in his recovery from his knee injury.


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