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Comrade 86

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Posts posted by Comrade 86

  1. 11 minutes ago, ramit said:

    singed faces of sheep, blood sausages, pickled rams testicles, soured whale blubber, rotten basking shark and skate.

    A standard Monday night dinner then! I have some Icelandic friends who introduced me to some 'delicacies' when they were living in Iffley Village in Oxford. We were neighbours. The food I could cope with but they used to force me to drink some green tasting liquor called something like Strohm I think. Potent but absolutely disgusting ? They're back in Reykjavik now otherwise I'd be a fully fledged alcoholic instead of just part-time. 

  2. On 17/04/2020 at 07:49, therealhantsram said:


    Wow. Brilliant stuff. Great depth of characters. It's an excellent study of breaking relationships across generations set against a background of corrupt police and Yakuza gangsters. 

    Quirky. Stylish. Plenty of action too. If you like Tarantino or enjoyed Killing Eve, you'll probably like this. 

    On Netflix. 


    On 18/04/2020 at 11:50, ariotofmyown said:

    Too right. Thought it was brilliant show. I thought early Tarantino too. Love how the quirky parts creep in as the series progresses, with little sign of it at the beginning. Is the gangster boss's daughter the most attractive women ever too?

    That's tonight's viewing sorted then, cheers chaps ?

    On a separate note, has anyone watched Devs? Curious as to what folk think of it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    See Wilder's comments? He is such a poorly managed fighter. He needs better advice. It wasn't him that lost you know?

    Yeah. Think he's taken too many shots to the head to be honest. I really can't take him seriously anymore, not that I've ever held in an much esteem to be fair. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Joe Calzaghe never really got the attention he deserved. He came along at a time where the best were getting past it and he was able to pick them off. He was just a great fighter stood on his own with no real prime great fighters to have super fights with. Great fighter though. 

    Froch v Calzaghe would have been incredible. He's hard as nails isn't he, Froch. So tough. He really was a warrior. But a complete Bamford. I can't stand his constant pouting at camera and he's arrogant as owt. 

    I'd put money on Calzaghe when both in their prime. It wouldn't be the war that Froch would want. I reckon Calzaghe is the smarter boxer with the skills to win rounds while having plenty of toughness to deal with Froch success. 

    Andre Ward haunts Froch. A guy who just refused to get sucked in and just boxed his way through. Calzaghe to do the same. 

    Although now the years have passed I bet Froch would rather fight him now than back in his own prime. He may have a plastic nose but I bet his chin is still concrete

    Never understood how Froch has ended up being paid to play lip service. He only seems to want to talk about himself which is an awful trait for a pundit. 

    Had actually forgotten about how badly he was schooled by Ward. I suppose Kessler was the perfect opponent in some ways for Froch as he was as happy to make a fight an absolute war and in fairness, it made for great viewing. I think it's fair to say that although Froch is held in high regard and rightly so, he'd be so much more well liked and regarded if he could just hold his yap for 5 minutes.

    Back on Haney, looking at his Boxrec, there's nothing there yet to suggest he's got any claims to even fight Loma let alone beat him. Once he's dismantled a Jorge Linares or two he'll have a fair claim but right now he's just white noise IMO. 

  5. Loma would absolutely destroy Haney. I guess the latter is hoping tat somehow by being the most obnoxious twit in the game, the fight might actually get made. Can't se it myself.

    In other news and just as daft, Carl Froch has called out Joe Calzaghe. The motormouthed narcissist that is Froch had a great career but Joe's not far shy of 50 now FFS. In their respective primes, Calzaghe would have absolutely humiliated Froch who struggled with the mobility of George Groves first time around, so wouldn't have lbeen able to lay a glove on Joe.

    Guess these guys are all getting some sort of isolation madness thing as they're all talking utter baalocks IMO ?


  6. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Btw I bet he wouldn't be suspended if boxing wasn't suspended. That just the board trying to look good. 

    Hadn't thought of that. You might have a point.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Van Cone De Head said:

    Comes in work sometimes,that’s my only comment.

    Actually comes across as a sound lad in interviews I've seen, but this was plain daft! I very much doubt it was meant as anything other than a joke it's just not something you post to social media.

    They've revoked his license in any case so doubtless a lesson learned.

  8. 6 hours ago, richinspain said:

    The Spanish doubling is excellent. I suppose it's because they've had years doing it. Some of the doubling actors are actually better than the person they're doing. They always put a voice that matches the physical aspects of the actor, so Sylvester Stallone has the body plus a rugged manly voice without any speech impediment ?. From what I remember of doubled films back home they were unwatchable.

    Do you mean 'dubbed' buddy? Confused...

  9. 6 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    Had you down as a night worker tbf. Insomnia must be horrible.

    I'm ok with it to be fair, as I've always struggled to sleep. It's way worse for folk who have never struggled with their sleep or just get occasional bouts of it. Also I have real flexibility in terms of how I work, what hours and when. If I had to work shift for instance, I'd be bang in trouble. I think for folk who are not used to it, it's pretty grim whatever their circumstances.

  10. Stay strong everybody, as best you can. I've had peaks and crests before now but mostly I'm in a good space and for that I'm grateful but for those who were already dealing with stuff before the Covid outbreak, this must be a really hard time so I hope nobody is feeling too down and would urge anyone feeling low to reach out - post on here, talk to your doctor, phone a friend. Suffering in silence just exacerbates stuff, it's absolutely the worst option so don't to it to yourself.

    A couple of folk on here have mentioned having trouble sleeping. I've been an insomniac all my life. The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed I post at some ungodly hours on here. The obvious stuff aside, I've found a few simple things that can help me as I sleepers just aren't a solution for me. The first thing is not to fight it. Get up, drink some herbal tea, go for a slow walk, take a shower, all of these things seem to prepare me better to sleep than watching TV or worse still, get frustrated and angry which used to be par the for the course with me. Exercise, meditation and just concentrating on your breathing can all be helpful too and IMO are better options than risking pharma dependencies. Read if you must, but also avoid using Kindles and tablet PCs. Don't snack - weirdly, snacking helps me but for most folk it does the opposite. The last thing I can think of tight now is that there are also some recordings that some find soothing that can help - soft rain, waterfalls, etc. Google is your friend on these. I know a lot of folk who swear by them so worth a try perhaps. 

  11. Piece on Sky with Usyk discussing Chisora fight and his hopes to get fights with Fury AND Joshua. Gotta love his ambition but while I fancy him to beat Chisora, he'd do well not to take him too lightly. I think this is more of an acid test for Usyk after which we'll know a deal more about his ability to handle these big lads. Can he step up? My gut says yes based on skill set but the physicality thing is still a question for me so I'd not be taking short odds about it. Chisora is nothing if not durable and while Usyk is an altogether more proficient boxer, he'll have his hands full early on at very least.

    EDIT - Ooops! Forgot link 



  12. 13 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Yeah I think Canelo was very very relieved to get the draw the first time. Second time i thought he won by 2 or 3 rounds and I think he's got the measure of GGG now. 

    I want to see Loma v Gervonta Davis. Love to see Davis get toyed with. 

    Agreed. Had GGG winning the 1st fight myself but Canelo is a hot property. Hmmm. I see there might be a 3rd instalment too. 

    As for Davis, let's be honest, he really needs a hiding and Loma seems just the right guy to give the horrible little scrote a bit of a schooling. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    It's his chin and power that does it. 

    I'd rather watch Loma but I think Canelo's chin and power carry through the weights better. But he's had what? 50 fights to prove himself. I expect by fight 30 that Lomachenko will have either been "found out" or have nobody left to fight. 

    Amazing fighters. 

    Ok, I'll let you off then ?

    Being serious for a min, I've never seen anyone fight like Loma and whilst he's not had that many fights as a pro he was 396-1 in his amateur career. 

    I am a bit biased though as the Canelo Triple-G fight still sticks in my craw. The former has always seemed a tad 'suspect' to me too.

  14. Couldn't get on with Hunters. Lost me after a couple of episodes. Altered Carbon I kinda liked. Will check out S02. Westworld I'm not sure about. Loved the first series but it lost me in series 2 of which I only ended up watching 3 or 4 episodes.

    Just finished up Suburra - Blood on Rome series 1 and 2. Decent without ever threatening to reach Gomorrah levels of brilliance.

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