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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 34 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I wonder what would have happened if they had started to build HS2 from Manchester to London instead of the other way around

    Would they have cancelled it before it reached London ???

    If it really was to benefit the country rather than just London, why didn't they start with the Manchester to Birmingham leg?

    Just as an aside, Japan has had its Bullet Trains since 1964.

  2. 8 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Stumbled across Patrick Melrose and it's really very good. Benedict Cumberbatch plays a man struggling with addiction and the memories that caused it.

    It's not an easy watch, by any stretch, but Cumberbatch is quite brilliant in a role that could quite easily have been written for him.


    I tried reading one of the novels but gave up after a while. I just didn't connect with any of the well off types lounging around swimming pools etc.

    Might give the TV show a whirl on your recommendation.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    I’ve just read that Darren England, the Var for the game at Tottenham and Dan Cook, the assistant Var, were part of a group of English referees who officiated Sharjah’s match against Al-Ain on Thursday.

    It is understood that England and Cook returned to London on Friday on a near-eight hour trip to begin their preparations for the following day’s match between Spurs and Liverpool.

    The excuse that England thought that the goal had been awarded seems nonsensical.  Why didn’t England & Cook ask the referee why Spurs were restarting the game with a free kick for offside.

    Either Howard Webb is lying through his teeth to save VAR from further pain or Webb did not fully think through the response he got from the VAR official!

    Either way something doesn't smell right………..I wonder if they were both awake at the time!

    I think they went out for a fag.

    It's the woke anti-smoking laws what's to blame.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ramit said:

    Getting rid of Warne now means paying up his remaining contract.  No one here can possibly expect Clowes to fork out the cash for that, so it comes down to the fans to put their money where their mouths are.  Get a collection started and do it.  No? 

    How much do you think Warne is paid?

  5. 1 minute ago, sage said:

    We played better tonight than we did at Carlisle.

    Bird for Smith when he is fit will help at home.

    We just needed one of the CM to take a chance stepping up to the edge of the box when we are pitting crosses in for a weak header or pull back. Also one of the CMs has to be available for a winger or full back when they cut inside.

    Take the 2 sitters of headers and its a different day 


    Why don't the midfielders do that?

    Could it be that the man in charge has told them not to?

  6. 1 hour ago, On the Ram Page said:

    If David Clowes hadn’t saved the Club you wouldn’t be on here constantly moaning. Possibly Don Amott might be the subject of your negativity instead. In my view Clowes has carte  blanche to do whatever he wishes for a few years yet. He will run the Club as he sees fit and employ who he wants to employ. The Club is gradually being transformed totally I guess, even if most of us aren’t aware of the steps being taken.

    First and foremost Clowes is a Derby County fan - he is totally aware of our current internal situation (unlike us) and no doubt, just like us would like to see better performances than we have seen so far. The only difference is that he has stumped up millions to save our club - I know you have bought your season ticket and have you travelling costs. But there is a huge difference and I think he deserves our support, rather than questioning his early tenure. If he believes that Pearce is the right person to employ, knowing fully what has happened in the past, then who are we the question his decision.

    Under Paul Warne our away results have improved, lest we not forget previous terrible runs. We do need to improve at home, but for many visiting teams a visit to Pride Park is their FA Cup Final and make things difficult for us.I am sure things will improve as some of our players return. We have had cruel luck with injuries so far and I just don’t buy the idea that these are caused by the current training regime (which of course to many is Paul Warner’s fault too).

    For goodness sake, there are a few “fans” who need to bite their lips and not behave like spoilt children because they can’t immediately have all the toys for Christmas they wanted. If you can’t support our Club, in these early years of rebuild, go and “support” some other club or start your own Forum “ Negative Rams Members Only”. There are a few that would love to contribute.

    I really cant understand the 'be grateful and shut up' angle.

    By the way, Morris is  a Derby fan. He was given something of a free ride thanks to this and some rather obvious PR.

  7. 38 minutes ago, ramit said:

    Warne is the manager chosen by our literal savior to lead us during the first steps of rebuilding after disaster and near collapse.  He will not be fired any time soon, that much needs accepting.  Logically then, it makes no sense to moan about anything to do with the club presently, the best we can do as fans is give our unconditional support to the owner, the players and the management team, however bitter that last bit may be to swallow.  Less demands and entitlement, more humility and gratitude.

    We have what we have so don't complain?

    Anything else? Know our place? Tug our forelocks?

  8. 5 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    The Goliath Birdeater Spider. The thing has twin fangs as long as cheetah claws and pumps it's prey full of stomach acid, then sucks out the smoothie when the acid's done its work. Stuff of nightmares 😬


  9. 18 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    So just assuming David Clowes decided to gamble and make  a change now which I definitely don’t subscribe to to be clear what would happen to the likes of Barker , Buxton etc .

    What compensation would Warne get on the 3 years left on his contract and could Derby afford that. !

    Alternatively. Clowes could stick with Warne and assess at end of the season which is what I would advocate .

     To me changing now would be ridiculous and not letting him manage as he wants is also ridiculous.
    We don’t want Clowes going into the dressing room after a defeat or a win because of style of play concerns do we !

    The fans can moan if they want but moaning and shouting and booing might not help 


    Clowes did exactly that a year ago. Instead of giving Rosenior time with the squad he had assembled since the middle of July, he brought in the footballing equivalent of a neanderthal.

  10. 4 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    How do such stupid people get so wealthy. That annoys me more than anything. 

    There is no correlation between wealth and intelligence.

    I bet this fellow is one of those 'I didn't need school to get where I am' types.

    See also the aristocracy.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    What is the point of giving a manager and his team a 4 year contract and then sacking him after just one year and paying out all that compensation? 
    when will people get it in their heads that he WILL be given more time. 
    we all know that this constant moaning will disappear when results improve which they will as the squad injuries clear up. 
    constantly sacking managers from Nigel Clough onwards has been the problem not the solution 

    Don't worry. They won't fire him. Clowes must have known Warne's style of play when they headhunted him. 

    This is the way Clowes wants us to play. 

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