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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 4 minutes ago, Archied said:

    As a moderator you will be pleased to know that personally I believe this thread / topic just far too emotive and far to complicated to be dissected on a football forum ,

    It is a s*** show and the death , cruelty and lack of humanity turns my stomach , like others I have taken an interest in how this has developed since the Second World War but I don’t know how this all ends , I have no intention of trying to debate it , my bet is this topic will slide quickly into side taking and or accusations of side taking ,, best of luck moderating it 

    It is too complex for sides. The nuances are too numerous, the rights and wrongs too diffuse.

  2. 7 hours ago, CongletonRam said:

    I don't think Carsley would leave a role within the England team to manage Derby.

    It would represent a risk bringing in a manager who has never held a permanent job in senior club management.

    The risk would mainly be to Carsley's reputation. It would certainly be a step down for him - from pivotal role in the England setup to manager of a 3rd division side who don't have a reputation for stability 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Seems to have gone a little quiet

    Any other wars going on that involve oppressive empires occupying neighbours territory illegally?

    Or the slaughter of civilians at a music festival in the name of their god?

  4. 1 hour ago, old tray boy said:

    Just because you may not want to discuss the thread does not mean it can be ignored.The Club is being run in a proffesional manner, supporters are relieved ,we need a manager who can deliver success ! Nearly winning ,nearly being promoted is not an option.

    I think you've missed the point. There is plenty of discussion of this very topic in threads elsewhere on the forum. Nobody is ignoring it. It fact, it would be impossible to do so.

  5. On 02/10/2023 at 07:45, Grumpy Git said:

    Did I dream it, or did last year's World Cup have automatically drawn "offside" lines which worked more or less perfectly?

    The FA are a pisstake.

    It was the clubs (ie the members of the Premier League who voted against it)

  6. 4 hours ago, BOB BIGGS said:

    The ECB backed the dreaded 100 at the expense of the 50 over game. That’s left many of our players with little current experience of playing this format. 

    Well done the ECB😎



    How much 50-over cricket has any of them played in the last couple of years?

    How much 50-over cricket have Brook and Livingstone ever played?

  7. 2 minutes ago, oodledoodle said:

    Are you saying people shouldn't have an emotional connection to their football team because some places are at war? And then you sign off with "get a grip" without a shred of irony.

    No, I'm saying some lack perspective. They come on the match day thread to be angry about insignificant things.

    There are emotional connections and then there are over-the-top reactions.

  8. 1 minute ago, oodledoodle said:

    I don't think he lacks perspective at all. We're 10 points off the pace, and we just drew with the team bottom of the league. A team who before us, hadn't even scored a goal. It's not anywhere near good enough. What miracle are we supposed to be sat waiting for?

    Well, for a start, it's just football, so any sense of shame is likely misplaced.

    If by some stratch of the the imagination, Warne does feel shame, I am not sure which specific actions he took today will have caused it.

    On a day when countries in the middle east went to war and people in this country have been flooded out of their home, you people need to get a grip.

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