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  1. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Mick Brolly in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Oops he's on the naughty step post has been removed 
  2. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from RAM1966 in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Lots claiming "I told you so".
    Lots admitting they were taken in.
    As for my own perceptions, and in keeping with the go-to phrase in that article, I will refrain from commenting at this point, if that's ok!   ?
  3. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from angieram in Season Tickets 2022-23   
    As well as the shocking advise re getting a loan, one tweeter on there stated:
    When in actual fact, the official DCFC statement/Update said:
    They have not extended the deadline to reserve your ST seat.
    Of course you can still purchase your seat ("... will still HAVE A CHANCE to purchase...") on an individual match basis... SUBJECT TO AVAILIBILITY... As it's won't be reserved (after 29th) and therefore up for grabs to any match goer, on a first come first served basis.
  4. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Turk Thrust in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    "You can ship a bull-shipper to water, but a pencil must be lead!"
    You're welcome.
  5. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    First off, so sorry to hear of your troubles, and wish you well. 
    Secondly, having experienced myself, it does indeed help just to come on here, write down whatever you feel comfortable with, and press send!  More helpful than many would imagine!  ?
    I know a woman… also a mother to 5 kids… who got taken by cancer at 43. The good news is those 5 kids not only survived, but flourished, and led healthy and happy lives themselves for decades. 4 of us continue to do so even now, 43 years later, whilst always finding time to cherish the past, and the happy memories of mum, so don’t worry too much about those kids. All will come good, and their mum will never be forgotten. 

    It looks like you need to be the strong one in all this, and be there for your family when needed… and sometimes even when you’re not… so stay strong for now. You’ll get your chance to “have a moment to yourself” sure enough. 
    Keep talking. Keep caring. Keep being the good man that you are. 
    Oh.., and please pass on a massive “Happy Birthday” to your sister in law, from team DCFC. 
  6. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I was just thinking on the commute into work that I don't know anyone who is NOT currently going through something. Everyone I know is struggling with a poorly family member, relationship breakdowns, their own mental and physical health concerns, financial issues, a few lost everything on crypto! My head personally is fried and my brain frazzled. Unable to focus and hold any new information!
    Not wanting to even attempt to compete or compare with anyone here, including @David, but my own last few weeks have been eerily similar.
    My grandmother, who was my favourite person, passed on 8th June. She had a poor quality of life since having a brain tumour removed in 2015. Since that tumour was removed, her speech and movement were gone, and the family were divided and arguing quite a lot. One auntie was blamed for talking my gran out of a check-up years earlier. That aunt then suffered from cancer which she partly blamed on the stress caused by her sisters turning/blaming her. She sadly lost her battle in July 2020. The funeral was under social distancing and my gran was there in a wheelchair but we were not allowed near her. That was horrible. She was devastated.
    Fast forward to this year. Early 2022, My gran lost a lot of weight and got COVID, they then discovered she'd been ramming her meds down the side of the sofa and not taking them, she was in and out of hospital and respite care. She was on the mend and was about to move into a better, more appropriate care home, and was spending time there, making friends and building strength and becoming quite happy.
    The day before she died, I got a phonecall quite late saying she wouldn't last more than a couple of days and I should go and say goodbyes. I was going to go the following afternoon, but she passed that night, not long after the call. I found out in the morning. Almost immediately, there was phonecalls flying around discussing inheritances and who is taking what etc etc. I found this too much, and tried to stay out of it.
    The funeral was last Tuesday and one auntie was absent, and that auntie had been very divisive over the last few years, causing a massive rift. A story went around the family after the funeral that the husband of said auntie visited my gran and facetimed his wife and showed my gran, however my auntie was in a hospital bed. A few hours later, an uncle visited and my gran was in hysterics shouting "she's going to die", but cos her communication was really poor, he couldn't understand what she was on about and reported back to family that dementia might be kicking in. My gran never ate anything again, and died a week later. The absent auntie was blamed a bit for killing my gran.
    That was last Tuesday the story about my Auntie came out. On Saturday night, her husband messaged me to ask if I wanted to visit her to say goodbye as she had days left to live, with terminal lung cancer kicking in badly. What? So she was ill and dying in bed. She died yesterday morning at 8am! 
    I'm furious as my mum is inconsolable having lost 2 sisters and her mum in two years and didn't even know her little sister was lying there dying. There's a list of family not invited to the funeral, being told she said she didn't want them there. It's all horrible.
    anyway @David you never got back to the bit about Jax
  7. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    No words, just heartbreaking. Look after each other and you will get through this between you. 
    Being brave enough to be there for her will be the very best treatment for your sister in law. 
  8. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Miggins in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    First off, so sorry to hear of your troubles, and wish you well. 
    Secondly, having experienced myself, it does indeed help just to come on here, write down whatever you feel comfortable with, and press send!  More helpful than many would imagine!  ?
    I know a woman… also a mother to 5 kids… who got taken by cancer at 43. The good news is those 5 kids not only survived, but flourished, and led healthy and happy lives themselves for decades. 4 of us continue to do so even now, 43 years later, whilst always finding time to cherish the past, and the happy memories of mum, so don’t worry too much about those kids. All will come good, and their mum will never be forgotten. 

    It looks like you need to be the strong one in all this, and be there for your family when needed… and sometimes even when you’re not… so stay strong for now. You’ll get your chance to “have a moment to yourself” sure enough. 
    Keep talking. Keep caring. Keep being the good man that you are. 
    Oh.., and please pass on a massive “Happy Birthday” to your sister in law, from team DCFC. 
  9. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Well, I won’t lie times are rough at the minute.
    Not sure if I have mentioned this already, but my sister in law was diagnosed with kidney Cancer before Christmas last year.
    To keep things short, she had the kidney removed, however they didn’t clear it all away and it spread to the other kidney…..then her lungs, lymph nodes and now throat.
    If that wasn’t hard enough, she went and got pneumonia.
    She was taken into hospital last Friday, on Sunday morning at 4.30am we had the call that we need to go in and say our final goodbyes.
    All the family were gathered in the room, ICU doctor went through every possible treatment that she was too weak to have. The only thing left now was to treat her with antibiotics to clear the fluid off her lungs, if successful she could return home to die. 
    Later that day, we held an early birthday party in her room at the hospital, her 43rd birthday is 5th August however when she asked the doctors if she would make it to then, the response was a less than enthusiastic hopefully. Hence holding the birthday party early.
    Monday we get a call from my wife’s mum, you need to get down here quick as they don’t think she will make it through the night. We stayed until 4am and it’s probably one of the hardest things I have ever done.
    My mum and sister came up to pick up my dog Jax, this is a key part of this week which I’ll get on to later.
    Tuesday, still here so we return that night as my brother in law asked us to, said he was scared to be alone when she dies. I had to leave at 1am due to the heat, with no air con and a small fan, the temperature in there was unbearable.
    My wife stays until dinner time, comes home to get some sleep, she says she’s looking loads better and the doctors are pleased that the fluid is clearing from her lungs, blood pressure low and she’s still obviously terminally ill.
    MacMillan end of life support team come in and we return around 8pm to spend the night there again. Couldn’t believe it, she was sat up, talking and breathing a lot better. Still very weak to even consider moving her back home.
    I take a family quiz in as a distraction, after we had finished I received a text from my sister. She’s tested positive for covid again. I saw her Monday. 
    We made our excuses and left pretty swiftly, heads a mess trying to find a late night chemist to pick up some covid tests. Find one, £2.50 per test! Pick up enough for the next few days, get home and thankfully we’re negative, but in that position now where we will be testing constantly as he really needs us. 
    His parents are looking after their 5 kids, one of which is disabled, 10 years old with a mental age of around 4 and doesn't talk. 
    Her parents are old and unable to spend the nights there like we can, brother is still sectioned so pretty much down to us.
    To get Covid now would rock the family massively, we both really struggled the first time we had it, didn't leave the house for 3 weeks after.
    So yeah, life is somewhat of a rollercoaster right now so this forum and football isn't even on the radar right now.
    But one thing my own experiences have told me is it's good to talk and whilst I might not come back to read the replies for a while, it's helpful just to write down and stick out there for others to hear.
    There are no comforting words right now, it's one of those challenges that life throws at you.
    Sat there, watching someone dying that's only a couple of years older than yourself really brings home how cruel this world can be in deciding how long you're here for.
    She's never smoked, goes to the gym, relatively healthy, no genetic history of cancer in the family. Just for whatever reason her name came out the hat.
  10. Cheers
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dimmu in Wordle   
    Not done one of these for a few weeks...
    Just had to have a go, having just seen yours...
    Wordle 396 3/6
    I guess I went for less obvious on line 3, due to your efforts, so thanks for that!  ?
  11. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Dimmu in Wordle   
    Brilliant miss ?
    Wordle 396 X/6
  12. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Tyler Durden in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Hindsight is a wonderful gift isn't it.
    He must have showed Quantuma proof of funds to even get as far as he did.
    After the whole thing went Pete Tong then everyone is coming out saying I told you so. 
    Not that I give a rats ass for the man himself.
  13. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jono in Season Tickets 2022-23   
    I like how your autocorrect has changed "cash in" to "Cashin"!  
    Sign of a full fan and a half, that!  ??
  14. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from angieram in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    Charming!  ??
    It seems there's room for improvement, when it comes to matchday parking... and maybe a little staff training/refresher course. 
  15. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ellafella in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    You mention the barrier letting you in with your parking season ticket.
    (I'm not familiar with these car parks).  Is it a pay & display, or grab a ticket on the way in, and pay on the way out?
    Do you display any form of pass in the windscreen?  How does the entry work?
    Sorry, not even sure why I'm asking, as I'm not affected.  Just curious I guess.  Glad to see you're all sorted now though.  Hate these sort of c*** ups!
    I got a parking charge through the post just before covid (Sept '19), from cameras (Parking Eye?) at the car park at the hotel down near Eurotunnel.  I was booked in to the hotel, staying the night, and it included free on site parking.
    We arrived mid afternoon.  Registered the car reg at the hotel reception as we booked in.  Nipped out a couple of hours later, for a couple of hours in the evening, before returning to park up for the night.  Then left again at 7am to be on our way.
    The Parking Charge guys did me for the first session of parking!
    They wouldn't enter into any form of communication other than mentioning their official complaints procedure, and mumbling something about legal procedures and potential court costs!
    One quick call to the hotel reception... forwarded to the hotel manager... and the whole thing was written off within 48 hours!  Apologies from the hotel, but none whatsoever from Parking Eye.  To55ers!  
  16. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to uttoxram75 in Bobby Duncan signed for Real Balompedica   
    His past reputation appears to suggest he is struggling with life. He seems to be a talented footballer but cannot put that into practice. 
    Like I've said above, its easy to judge without knowing the facts. Its obvious he's not going to play for us but whatever demons he's facing lets wish him well for now.
  17. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    I paid the full £10 as I followed the link supplied by the club the day before. I only parked there because of the heat, I usually park in town and walk.
    I wish I'd known about the £3.10!
    To answer @Mucker1884 I  didn't receive any email acknowledgement  and wasn't given anything to display. The steward I spoke to said to "park at my own risk" as it was nothing to do with them. Scary!
    Luckily I had ticked the box for a VAT receipt, which arrived about 3 am on Sunday morning, so I have proof of payment IF I get a ticket.
    All a bit unsatisfactory really and the only bright spark was exchanging a few words with Harrison Solomon as we were both waiting to be let out of the car park after the game. 
  18. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    You have a ticket card with a hanger on that goes on your rear view mirror. On arrival to the car park there are stewards at the entrance that check you are displaying the correct car park ticket and then wave you in. Occasionally depending on how busy it is, they'll direct you to a certain section to park up. As @Keepyuppyhas found, it seems to be significantly cheaper to pay to park on the councils system not by buying a season ticket from the club.
  19. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    Agreed, it's not worth the DET getting involved. For me, the issue is sorted. For the others with tickets, I hope they manage to get theirs cancelled too. It does seem a confusion between the club and council, I just hope it's clarified for the weekend. As said, I've written to the council asking for clarification so fingers crossed get it in time. If I do, I'll post it here.
  20. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Parking tickets issued in the South car park.   
    I've written back to the council and to the club's supporter liaison officer to see if clarification can be gained. As you say, the council seemingly are trying to save face and know they screwed up. My concern now is when I return to the car following the Leicester game, am I going to get another ticket and have to go through this faff again? 
    It seems like a utter waste of time to all involved as Derby provide the council car park stewards to vet each car going into the car park on a match day. If you don't have a valid car park ticket then you are simply turned away. The car park is now £180 so isn't exactly a cheap way of parking, but with the money (hopefully) going to the club and the guaranteed parking space it's worth it for my family.
  21. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to AutoWindscreens in Attendance next season   
    It's a nice try Mucker, but your example only works if all those people also paid for ticket to come to your birthday party!!
    Edit: I do agree with you on the meaning of attendance, though.
  22. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Tamworthram in Attendance next season   
    Apart from for the bean counters managing (or not in previous years) the finances, is there any point at all in announcing the attendance at all?
    I understand your point but people are interested in how many actually attend the game. I’m sure, on several occasions during the Rush  years, the attendance has been announced and we’ve looked around and thought “no way are there that many here”.
    So, I think announcing the physical attendance IS important simply because people are interested in knowing. 
  23. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Matchday Thread: 19/7/22Stevenage (a) 19:30ko.   
    And more match reaction here… this time from some of the forum posters…

  24. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Crewton in Matchday Thread: 19/7/22Stevenage (a) 19:30ko.   
    And more match reaction here… this time from some of the forum posters…

  25. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Matchday Thread: 19/7/22Stevenage (a) 19:30ko.   
    And more match reaction here… this time from some of the forum posters…

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