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  1. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    But we kept the good one.
  2. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Carl Sagan in The Administration Thread   
    My assessment is that Ashley is only interested if we remain a Championship club. He wants us because he wants the glamour of owning a Premier League club, but if we're relegated it becomes too difficult a task and is certainly not worth his money of paying off the creditors to a sufficient degree not to get a 15 point penalty in League One. He can take it or leave it and would just walk away. There'll be other opportunities in the future. And, of course, he will already be looking south at Chelsea and wondering if there's a deal to be done.
    If we go down (as has to be very likely) I think the only (and therefore preferred) bidder will be the Appleby consortium, but they haven't got the money so they would (hopefully) step in to keep the club alive, but have to take the 15 point hit. Meaning we may well go straight down into League Two the following season.
    This is entirely speculation on my part. If true, then for the future of the club we need to perform on the pitch through to the end of May. Everything feels on a knife edge but we're a far more attractive option as a Championship club, given the amount of money involved. 
  3. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
  4. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to NottmRAM in The Administration Thread   
    Yes, that's what I meant ?
  5. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    Ner-ner, ner-ner! Language pedant police here- surely that’s an anagram rather than an acronym?
  6. Like
    Rammeister got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
    Ner-ner, ner-ner! Language pedant police here- surely that’s an anagram rather than an acronym?
  7. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Ner-ner, ner-ner! Language pedant police here- surely that’s an anagram rather than an acronym?
  8. Like
    Rammeister reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    George Thorne transfer saga, the many Chris Martin threads, the John Brayford-Cardiff saga…your boys just took one hell of a beating!
  9. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    You have to laugh or you would cry. There is a good book called “Pride” that goes through our ups and downs with ownership. We don’t want to live in the past . But I wish we could Learn from the past.
  10. Cheers
    Rammeister got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  11. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Wignall12 in The Administration Thread   
    Have you tried the Tomato sauce trick instead ?
  12. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  13. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  14. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Wistaston Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Spoiler alert, Maxwell enters the fray on page 10.
  15. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Wistaston Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  16. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  17. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from archram in The Administration Thread   
    I’m still round about page 3 dated sometime in 1984, reading about what people think Stuart Webb is going to do about the financial stituation we find ourselves in.
    Hopefully, he has a plan to save us so we never have to go through an admin type scenario again.
  18. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Comrade 86 in Rav Morrison   
    Found a home hasn't he? A few folk are still saying he needs got rid of. Fair enough, that's clearly their opinion. Why anyone would be repeatedly saying that when there's 10 games remaining in the most difficult season in decades, I'll not dwell on any further, but I do wonder why he has not been judged by the same metrics as some of our other players. He's always worked hard for Derby, he's tried to settle, he's all about the team and especially mindful of the young'uns and to a degree, he has already succeeded when he's failed so often before. Clearly, he absolutely loves the club, the coaching team and us fans, so whilst he's not and should not be exempt from criticism, it's hard to fathom why some choose to single him out so often.
    In fairness and for balance, for a player with such outrageous technical ability, he's not shown enough consistently as yet. The coaches will be talking to him no doubt and I'm sure Rav himself has high expectations of himself and would admit that some strong early performances seemed to give way to a 'safety first' mindset and yet despite his age, I do wonder whether with Rav, it's simply a case of confidence and being made to feel welcome and appreciated. We all know he's made mistakes in the past and some will understandably argue that he's been given chances to redeem himself before now, but why should we care about that? Surely it's only his work ethic at Derby with which we should be concerned?
    Looking to the future and with his first full season under his belt, I do wonder what we might have on our hands if he stays. Whilst some still say he should be first out the door, I think he might well have silenced them before end of season. Most doubters will be genuinely happy to admit he's worth a slot if he does, I've no doubt of that. We can be hard to please but for the most part, we're not an unfair bunch. One or two, not so much, but you can't please everyone. A very small minority need someone to dislike and sadly for Rav, he fits their bill. He may silence them, but he'll never be loved by them in the same way as some other players, even those with far less potential upside. Alas, such is life and perhaps Rav himself will need to accept that fact if he is to complete the most unlikely of renaissances, but what a story that would make. That's the message I'd be drilling home.
    For my part, if his growing confidence over the last few games maintains an upward curve, which I believe it will, I wonder whether Rav might not prove the most unlikely of heroes should his goals and assists ultimately help keep us in this league? The way I see it, the issue then would not be whether or not he stays, but rather whether or not we can keep hold of him. I guarantee that he'll be interesting one or two now that he seem to have dealt with his demons, but I hope the love he's been shown by the club and the majority of us fans would be enough to convince him that Derby is his true home and that he can still become a legend, though not perhaps in the fashion he once envisaged.
    Food for thought?
    In the interim, here's his message to us:
  19. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Zag zig in Is it back on then?   
    If anyone had said before the season started, you’re going into administration, then lose -21 points, I mean 21 POINTS, half your senior pro’s and however many kids just to survive BUT be within 5 points of safety with 10 games left.....
    Of course, it’s still on,........we’re Derby County and we fight until the end ?
  20. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Careful now. I haven't got blind faith in Q. I do think though they are doing a lot of a better job than many on here think they are.
    The challenges for them are significant. Significant with a capital F. 
    Yes, they could improve their communication to fans a little, but probably only by not keep giving updates that lead fans to think substantial progress is imminent. They should be more careful with their phraseology, but whatever they say is never going to be enough for a febrile audience.
    I had some dealings with Administrators and Receivers in my professional past, and would suggest that in this particular situation their priority in terms of ultimately keeping people happy is in the following order:
    1) Their Professional Body (and PI Insurer)
    2) Creditors
    3) Bidders
    4) DCFC Owner
    5) DCFC Employees
    6) EFL
    7) Fans
    The trickyness of this administration is 7). It is unusual for them to have such partisan oversight. Yes they might deal with unions, but this is a great step up from keeping them happy.  The bottom line is they cannot say anything that a) breaks confidentiality, or b) affects values, until such time as they have someone who has contractually agreed to proceed on exclusivity terms (with a wedge of money downpaid hopefully). Even then they will be tightlipped until the completion monies have been banked, allowing distribution. Loose tongues lose money, and leave Q open to great risks of being sued by anyone from 2) to 4) if they do not follow due process to the letter.
    Difficult gig this one. Be interesting to see if they want to give it another go when the next Championship club goes bump.
  21. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Millenniumram in Jozwiak - Taken early retirement   
    Did think our squad was a bit bloated tbf, who needs more than one winger anyway?
  22. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Eddie in The Administration Thread   
    I think their name is short for Quantumañana.
  23. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    To an extent. That’s a new one, well done Quantuma good work.
  24. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to I am Ram in To derby players keep head up and keep fighting till the end   
    Practice shooting as well.
  25. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    Random source of the day award goes to.....
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