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Posts posted by Spanish

  1. 13 minutes ago, Warwick Ram said:

    So we are going with conspiracy theories that because one of the members supports Forest means this is all fabricated or forced upon us.

    You could also argue that because Pearce was on the board our indiscretions went unchecked.

    Does anyone fully know the Reading situation? According to the charge sheet we have broken so many rules. Have Reading breached as many as us? Probably not.

    19/20 accounts will be combined with 20/21 and the test will be over 4 years.  I don't think they have actually breached anything yet?

  2. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    Aaaaah, Agneta. My first childhood celebrity crush.

    I watched a "30 best moments" thing on Channel 5 last Friday when I was half drunk and it all came flooding back.

    I liked ABBA but always preferred their slower, more emotional songs to the disco hits. Give me Winner takes it all or The day before you came over Dancing Queen any day.

    Once the initial opening rush has died down a bit, I'd probably like to go and see this.


  3. 59 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Isn’t it a bit of a cheat to just pre-record the concert once and then just hit the play button?

    They’re not dead, like Tupac, and they’re not cartoons like the gorillaz, they could actually show up and do it themselves. 

    listened to the singles yesterday though, they’re quite good. 

    every concert the same, buy the DVD on the way out?  But people will go and enjoy themselves.  Bit like going to an enhanced cinema experience and not on tour at all

  4. 7 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    No football forum can be complete without a thread on ABBA.

    The  Swedish songsters are releasing a new album and creating a purpose-built venue in the Olympic Park in Stratford to the east of London, where they'll play 8 gigs a week. Except they're using new technology so it's their 1979 selves who will be up on stage as holograms, supported by a real  band. 

    Here's the first single from the point the holograms become visible:

    The venture is called ABBA Voyage. Mrs Sagan has long been a fan, and forced me to gate crash the premiere party of Mamma Mia the Party to join her (she was invited) which was fun. I ended up having drinks with Noel Fielding and giving Bjorn a congratulatory pat on the back as he walked past. Hopefully we both get invited to this one!

    So they don’t attend in person

  5. 3 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

    Yep 15% of entire next deal £ 6.3 million + add ons so officially around £900,000-940,000 went to Derby 

    they have him sold for less than they paid us for him, fook me, and we got money on the sale.  Stroke of genius, why were people moaning?

  6. Just now, sage said:

    I don't things are good but some of the drama queens on here...also don't understand why people who want nothing more to do with this disgusting club are happily posting on here.  

    pretty tough time especially if you work in an environment where people are taking the pi55 all the time.  In their hearts they remain full on fans and I am sure they are just frustrated.  We all react differently.  There are some on here who enjoy calling others not 'real fans' or 'not right minded' when you me and all the others just want our club back and on an upward trajectory.

    Obviously not moaning about your post

  7. 13 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

    We got £900,000 roughly for Hughes deal they sold him to palace for £6.3 m

    fact as I think the source needs to be shown, I just don't have access to the info that could prove this

  8. 7 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    This revenge being persued by the EFL is now becoming plain bullying. 

    Are Derby innocent of all charges against them, I've no idea, am just a simple fan who as no influence on how football is governed.

    But since the original charges that the EFL brought against us. Which was originally proved unfounded, a decision which seemed to upset a certain club chairman. The EFL at the behest of him and other club's chairmen, appear to be tying themselves in knots to find anyway they can to stop Derby fielding a competitive team.

     And it's not just the ELF that seems to have an axe to grind. The owners of Sky Sports probably weren't to happy with Morris when he helped lead a campaign that wanted more money for the rights to broadcast EFL games. So it's no surprise that Forsyth's stumble is deemed to be a deliberate stamping by Sky Sports employees. Their actions must have had some influence on the FA's view of the incident.

    even from Derby fans there is some doubt over his innocence and I don't think this is an example of an agenda, it is what it is, a football incident

  9. 14 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    If that was the one in front of the dugouts I was the other side of the ground so couldn't see it. I've not seen it on any of the highlights either. I remember thinking at the time he couldn't have thought it was a foul by Jags as he let play go with a clear advantage to Derby with the ball being played towards the Boro box, so presume he'd reacted to something the Fourth Official had told him, as I don't remember the assistant flagging either. Or the fact the benches went up. 

    Though my abiding memory from the game was that Andy Davies, the referee, put in a poor performance from start to finish. 

    I was in the East stand also, I think Colin jumped (well creaked) out the dugout to complain.  The whole game Davies appeared to be watching it with a 15 second delay.  Incidents would take place the game move on then he would call it back, all very bizarre

  10. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Do we get any money from Hughes sale?

    1 How much did we actually sell him for?

    2 how much did they actually sell him for?

    3 Were our add ons a % of future sale or the difference between 2 and 1?

  11. Just now, Ravabeerbelly said:

    I think the fact that Forsyth / Derby have accepted the punishment is enough to suggest they knew appealing ‘frivolously’ would most likely result in an additional game being added. That in itself tells me they know what they know…

    I think it was a red but I don't think acceptance of the charge is necessarily an acceptance of guilt.  Sometimes you have to balance out the risks and move on

  12. 2 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    Nope, not I. I don't think I've even mentioned it on here as I think it always comes across as a bit pompous. But in this situation I did because I hoped it might bring some context about why or how the decision was made.  

    no edge to my question honestly

    I went to the Middlebro game, I don't get many chances but I happened to be in Derby.

    The Jags incident where he was booked for full bloodied clearance left me wondering about modern football.  Such incidents seem to punish the winner of the tackle when both players had put themselves in a situation where impact was inevitable.  Not sure what a defender is supposed to do, back off and let the attacker win the ball?   Having deemed that to be a foul which could only be seen as a dangerous tackle why was he booked and not sent off?  The attacker applied equal force, why wasn't he booked or sent off.  At my age I don't automatically see such incidents as an offence.

    I wonder if you would share your view if you saw it.

  13. 32 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    I'm telling you that under the laws of the game "when a player uses" does not mean it has to be deliberate act to hurt. We are taught as referees that a dangerous challenge does not have to be intended or a deliberate act to constitute serious foul play/violent conduct. Just the act of putting an opponent in danger through use of excessive force is enough. 

    It's the same principle as the high foot/dangerous play when challenging for a ball. A player who's foot is deemed high isn't intending to injure his opponent's head, but that doesn't mean to say it's not a dangerous challenge and therefore punishable either by yellow or red depending on the force used. 



    were you the guy that said you were a ref- ask me anything of football?

  14. 23 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Just as laughable as the PCR test on day 2 of your return, often never get the results...but you are at home. 

    we went back to the UK for the UK masters championship in Derby for 4 days

    2 days before flight - test

    2 days after arrival - test

    arrival in Gibraltar - test

    somebody is making a lot of money

  15. Just now, BucksRam said:

    Yeah agree - but to do him for it surely there has to be clear evidence it was deliberate.  I don't see it personally.  If he meant it, and wanted it to be effective, he really ought to have put a little twist on it at the end.  Poor execution IMO then. 

    I think stamping on the general area was accurate enough now you expect him to twist on  the end?  Expectations of some fans are impossible to meet?

  16. Just now, TexasRam said:

    Did the Boro player who elbowed Jagielka get a retrospective ban? 

    who is responsible for notifying the retrospective review? If it is DCFC then you can give up on that because that would require organization.

  17. 1 minute ago, EulogyForEvolution said:

    It screams to me that Morris has had his fun and has took his ball home when it got dicey...due to the poor decisions he has made, I might add. 

    He threw money at it for years without any sort of concrete plan, hoping against all hope that we would get promoted. That never ends well. 

    All he wants to do now is sell and save as much money as he can in the meantime. Hilariously, if he invested a bit more to keep us ticking over and in a more healthy position, he would probably find it easier to secure a sale and save money in the long run.

    An idiot and his money are easily parted. 

    one of the traits of successful entrepreneurs; failures are forgotten very quickly.  He must hate having to see this clusterf and can't waiting to erase it from his memory

  18. 2 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    Fozzy is not that sort of player.  End of.  I watched it several times. He didn't once look down.  It was to stop him stumbling. He pulled up very quickly. It's the wrong decision and a poor one - yet another cross to bear for us. 

    he didn't need to look for the player, he was on the ground, peripheral vision would have been enough 

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