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  1. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to IslandExile in Warne Out Out   
    "All about results".
    No, it isn't.
    Playing game after game so badly that, even after a win today, it actually feels worse than a defeat.
    Sorry. Warne out. Let's play football.
  2. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to angieram in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    I couldn't agree more with this. There was not one supporter saying that Sibley's challenge should have been a penalty on here (despite some posters constantly wanting to put the boot in on our own players) yet Warne made a big issue of it, not once but twice,  on the RD interview.
    No credit either about how much better we looked when we had a midfield - Max in that more familiar role did more in the last 30 minutes than Hourihane has done in several games now. 
    I thought Collins worked hard and was pleased he got a superb goal for the winner, because he never gives up despite the way we play. 
  3. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    I didn’t boo at halftime but people around me were shouting ‘sort it out Warne’ - I think the boos were more for the tactics than the players….I didn’t actually see many errors in the first half, just abysmal tactics.
    We played with essentially a back 5 in the first half when in possession, with Hourihane dropping as quarterback, no-one (literally no-one) in midfield, Bird slightly withdrawn from a front 4…….passing out from the back to Wilson, who was marked and robbed about 6 times. The alternative was to lump it.
    No member of the coaching staff admonished Hourihane…..he was clearly doing as he was asked.
    I thought the boos at their goal were aimed at PW i.e. sort it out.
    I cringed at the cheers for Hourihane being subbed. That was horrible- he’s working to orders and outnumbered in midfield.
    3 in midfield was better and Bird seemed to drive with the ball more through the middle and things happened……I think that’s more to do with tactics and numbers rather than personnel.
    i know the winner came from a cross but by then Cheltenham actually had to deal with more than one form of attack.
    Happy with 3 points- really unhappy with the performance.
    You can argue that the result is the most important thing and there is an element of truth in it…..but it is meant to be entertainment that’s somewhat enjoyable.
    if I went to the cinema and watched an awful film I wouldn’t be happy just because Brad Pitt ended up snogging Julia Roberts and lived happily ever after……I’d think I’d had very poor value for money.
  4. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to Carl Sagan in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Exactly this. It's bullying. Does the manager think he's being funny? Shame on him, steadily chip chip chipping away at the players who aren't in his clique. For me the best case scenario is we scrape up, Warne gets found out (as he surely will) early next season and we move quickly to bring in another manager.
  5. Haha
    NOTSA74 reacted to The_Sheriff in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Yeah all you so called fans! Next time cheer when the other team score
  6. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to CBRammette in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Dont know where to start with that. Terrible first half snd start of second. Excellent free kick from Max after poor first half. Big big difference in mood and impact after the subs especially from Max - like a different player. Bradley really calmed things down. Amazing goal from Collins. Their number 6 dirtiest player have seen off ball for very long time.  Pleased that Curtis got the respectful goodby he deserved - take note Mason Bennett. 

    Now my rant. OK sibs wasnt perfect but he did well for whole match not in his position rather just 20 minutes towards the end as some did. Warne really annoyed me (for a change) in post-match interview - couldnt just say he stepped in and did well - had to have a go few times about a penalty like the time he said he was worst tackler in the squad. And some on here ask what has happened to Sibley - would say those sort of comments on a daily basis are probably what's happened. Like those little comments he used to make always about Didzy. Tommo back plays ok then back on bench. Fornah made good start at club then disappeared. Wildsmith - what's happened there? He's all about certain players like Collo, CH and plays games withe rest. I dont buy the jovial PW act - I think he plays mind games to get the best out of players but actually comes across as snarky and nasty. And will never get best out of people.  If he's like that in public..... 
    if he starts CH next match says everything about him as a manager
  7. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Sack Warne.
    Get Warnock in.
    Put Wildsmith back in goal.
    We have just played Lincoln, a Reading in dissaray and a very poor Cheltenham side...and made a right pigs ear of it.
    We should be top of the table after those 3 games.
  8. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    We are winning this in spite of Warne. We are winning simply because we have better players, and it has been the case many times this season.
    It’s garbage football over and over again.
  9. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    I feel like we are winning in spite of our tactics not because of them
  10. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Warne out. I don't care if we turn this game around. It's just the absolute worst dross I can recall us playing.
  11. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to Sparkle in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Regardless of results I hate the way Warne plays his football and makes my team look so poor when we really should be a very decent side. He will moan about not getting the players he wanted no doubt again - I have a season ticket yet again but I have missed 8 home games this season due to various reasons but it doesn’t bother me at all - sad 
  12. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to littleover ram in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    I worry Warne has lost the dressing room and it's unsalvageable
    Senior players should be going straight to Clowes and demanding Warne goes 
  13. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to IlsonDerby in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    About 70 seconds of sustained pressure and the fans are applauding loudly. 
    They want to get behind the lads. It doesn’t take much for them to be behind the lads. Just give them something to cling to. Some tiny sparks of football. 
  14. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to Crewton in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    A recommendation from Mrs C from a recent flight "Empire of Light", a 2022 Sam Mendes film starring Olivia Coleman as the manager of a seaside cinema in the 1980s struggling with her mental health. She described it as "sweet and touching" which is odd because she usually describes such films as "soppy", so maybe it isn't too sugary. I'll try to catch it myself somewhere to see if I agree.
    Possibly Leon Osman/Morten Bisgaard
  15. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to i-Ram in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    Warne doesnt deserve or need online abuse, although I think calling him a PE Teacher or a Physio is fair game personally. This is a footy forum which should be an environment to let off a bit of steam, have a bit of banter, etc. If he is reading this site he needs to give his bobble hat a wobble.
    I choose not to resort to name calling. Other than at my TV/iPad in my home. I had to apologise to the wife for my inapproriate language on Tuesday night when I screamed filthy abuse at him. I rarely listen to his post match comments, because they are pretty much rinse and repeat. But on Tuesday I wanted to hear him explain that abject performance. The bit that got my dander up was his comment regarding Reading holding on to the win. I can't recall his actual words but they were something like 'fair play to Reading, their game management at the end, defending their one goal advantage was very good. I wish we could do that'. I shouted something like well Paul that is your job, to organise some control in the last few minutes when we are trying to hold on to a lead, but when we are in the final minutes in such situations, we have full backs charging up the wings, with as much support as midfield can muster, to get the ball into the mixer, and win second balls. Something like that I said.
    Anyhow. I am sure he is a very nice man. 
  16. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to angieram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    They don't though, do they? At least not individually. Collectively, maybe.
    But there are plenty of posters a bit undecided about the quality of football and about Warne's tactics at the games. Against Burton, against Lincoln, against Reading. Even against Oxford until we launched a storming fight back.
    I'm at nearly every game and there are a fair few of the regulars - the ones who encourage for the full 90 minutes, that stay behind and applaud the team regardless of results - that are still feeling ambivalent about Warne's style in particular and whether he is getting the best out of this set of players.
    That is telling.
    I'm not talking about the ones trooping down the stairs making obscene hand gestures at the few players who dared approach the stands to applaud us, I'm talking about the die-hards. 
  17. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to DavesaRam in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Well I got lucky last night! Woo Hoo! But only in that I didn't watch the match! But I have done my penance by reading this thread all the way through, so now I am as miserable as everybody else!
    Someone said that Warne in one of his interviews admitted to by-passing the midfield, and that he only wanted the midfield players to have two touches of the ball - one to control it, and the second to move the ball on , either to where it came from, or out to the wings. I appreciate the desire to get the ball forwards quickly, and is why I enjoyed the change from Rosenior-ball, which was based on boring the opposition  to sleep then attacking them while they were indisposed. And by-passing midfield is the problem, probably in more ways than one. If you remember when we went to Cheltenham, who were the weakest team in League One, who hadn't scored, and who had a non-existent midfield, so Warne decided to by-pass the midfield that wasn't there!!! Duhhh!!! And so caused the debacle of that match. It, and the matches immediately before and after triggered the fan response, which got everyone bollocked for not licking Warne's feet all the time. And suddenly there was a change, starting with the Lincoln (?) cup match where we played really well, as if he just sent the team out and let them get on with doing their thing! And we embarked on the good run, where we started to involve the  midfield, and played the ball at ground level, and Collins started to put himself in the penalty are instead of out on the wings.
    Up until we were completely outplayed by Peterborough, since when we have slowly reverted back to what caused the fan outrage again. Did Warne use Peterborough's superiority to say "Right! That's it. We got outplayed, so its back to doing it my way"? Pure conjecture, but hopefully you can see where the idea fits in. So apparently all we did at Reading was get the ball out wide and lump the crosses in to our resident absentee striker/general offside man, and may have pointed out that all they had to do was double up in the flanks and Derby were like the proverbial Dalek at the foot of the stairs. Duhhh!!!! Again!
    Re the lack of passion and overall sloppy play: we have seen it from time to time, especially early on in the season, but not to the levels described last night. Could it be that the players are hacked off being forced to play sub-football, because they know they are capable of so much more? When you have Bird and Hourihane who are capable of playing a bit, but who are forced to just boot the ball to the wings or simply up the field? Did any of you see de Bruyne's return after injury in the match against Newcastle United? He came on midway through the second half and transformed the match. We could sign three de Bruynes and you'd never know they were on the pitch because of our abuse of midfield! Is that why so many people are fed up of Bird's apparent invisibility? (Now there's a conundrum!) Are the players therefore on a go slow in protest?
    A few weeks ago I was right on the edge of "Warne Out", but his apparent change of heart after the fans kicked off, and the good run made me shift back to backing the guy. If we carry on with this non-football against Cheltenham, I won't just move back to "Warne Out", I will be thinking of setting up a Crowd-fund to get him out. I am that cross and disappointed. Imagine who angry I might be if I'd had to watch the match as well!
  18. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to Mucker1884 in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    I appreciate Warne get's a lot of stick... and at times like this it's difficult to argue against... But there's a particular trait I like... have always liked... in a player.  And that's passion!
    Not for the shirt, per sé.  Not for the badge specifically.  But for their craft.
    There's a distinct lack of that right now, and it seemed to be massively magnified last night.
    Masses of mistakes last night, and yet I don't recall one single hint of a player reacting in a frustrated "must do better" kind of way.  No kicking hoardings.  No thumping the ground.  No heavenwards screaming out in frustration.  No bollockings from team mates.  No fist pumping encouragement.
    Even young Cashin was doing this a few weeks back... and it was truly wonderful to witness... but that seems to have gone now (And no, I'm not singling him out intentionally.  No effing way!)  
    All we got last night was meek acknowledgements of apology.  Lots of stooped shoulders! A half-raised hand of patheticism. (*Looks like I just made that word up, but it's staying in!  Fuckem!) 
    If I was the cynical sort (I'm not!), I'd be wondering if they actually cared!
    Now... I hasten to add... My support of DCFC is currently going through a similar phase.  I can laugh it off.  I can shrug my shoulders.  I can slouch back in my NE Corner seat and not bother singing.  (I won't boo, but my silence alone should be deafening to the players!)  I can almost appear to those that don't know me as though I don't care.  That's not the case, but I certainly don't care as much nowadays as I have done in the past.  Of course I've lost SOME of my passion.  But that comes with age.  That comes with having "Been there before... numerous times".  In essence, I've "got an excuse".
    These players don't have that excuse.  They are the now.  They are as close to being in their prime as they're likely to be.  They should care.  They ought to care.  They should be taking pride in their craft.  They should feel the passion.

    They ain't clocking in at Royces at 07:40 every morning, to stare at the same old computerised CNC milling machine hour after hour.  They ain't driving the same old dirty bus around the same old dirty streets of Derby day in, day out.  They ain't staring at spreadsheets shift after shift.  Those guys and gals are (arguably) entitled to "plod on".
    These guys are craftsmen.  They are entertainers.  They are professional athletes. They have either been gifted with a talent, or indeed they have worked bloody hard to hone themselves that talent. 
    So where is their pride?  Where is their passion?  Why are they letting their peers down?  Why are they letting the supporters down?  Why are they LETTING THEMSELVES DOWN? WTF does it look like they don't care?
    I just can't get my head around that.
  19. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to Jayram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Or maybe get a manager/coach in that understands that a functioning balanced midfield is an alternative to endlessly lumping the ball out wide and into the box in the hope that someone will get on the end of it. Bird isn’t a bad player but is being made to look so by a coach who has no interest in playing football in any way other than his own prehistoric way.
  20. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    The simple fact is Warne thinks he can approach the Derby job with vibes and percentage based kick and rush football down the flanks that offers little control. There's not really any nuance to it and any manager with half a brain can figure it out and counter it. 
    We have brute forced a number of wins by having better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. If we get promoted we won't have better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. What do we do then?
  21. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to GeneralRam in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    What really grates me is when we lose he just seems to shrug his shoulders and goes “that’s football”.
    There’s just something about this team I don’t like. Even in the Prem, Clough or Rooney seasons I felt attached to the team and the characters within it. Right now? Not so much and I don’t know why that is.
  22. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to SSD in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    He doesn't deserve to be called a charlatan or gym teacher, that's very harsh. We can't argue that he is very successful at this level of football. With this budget and calibre of players, we should be a top 3 team in this league comfortably regardless of manager. And we are challenging for promotion based on our position and points.
    I'm not sure why I can't warm to Warne though. Is it because I have been used to watching a certain style of football for years and now we have gone back to good old fashioned "hit it wide and cross it"? I don't think he is maximising the best out of the squad and financial resources at his disposal. There is a sense when I watch the team we are winning purely because we have better players, nothing that Warne is doing tactically to win us matches. It feels like the bare minimum to win and a number of supporters don't want bare minimum. We should be dominating and the team are not doing it regularly. The league is there for the taking and we keep missing opportunities. 
  23. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Warne Out Out   
    I think there were a lot of people who thought it was the wrong decision.
  24. Clap
    NOTSA74 reacted to tomsdubs in Warne Out Out   
    We had a good manager that played better technical football that would have played teams of the park with this squad, Clowes sacked him.
  25. Like
    NOTSA74 reacted to Chellaston Ram in Warne Out Out   
    I agree, in my opinion we are going nowhere with his style of football 
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