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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. Vickers - 6.5 - Called into action twice. Pretty much a spectator for much of the game.

    Wilson - 7 - took an hour to get on top of their left back

    Nelson - 6 - Short cameo

    Forsyth - 6 - Not one of his better perofrmances

    Hourihane - 6 - Has lost the speed for the role

    Fapetu - 7 - A nice cameo. Came close with a good header

    Bradley - 6.5 - Good distribution and solid defensively

    Cashin - 7- doing what Cash does

    Barkhuizen - 5 - Mr inconsistency. A couple of good moves that didn't mask his deficiencies in this game

    John-Jules - 7.5 - if only the lad wasn't made of glass. The right move was to pass to the unmarked Weston but he's a striker and saw a chance and took it with a very well placed shot. Here's to an injury free rest of the season for the lad.

    Bird - 7.5 - good defensive work. Going forward he showed on several occasions he sees things his teammates don't. He is on a higher wavelength

    Collins - 8 - 2 goals, could, with a bit of luck had more and his work rate was, as ever top notch.

    Weston - 6 - a couple of good rune where the ball never came his way. The one where it did he'd strayed just offside. He has a good future.

    Waghorn - 6 - On a different day he would have bagged a couple. Work rate, covering and tackling (except for the card) good

    Mendez-Laing - 7.5 - excellent work-rate and tracking back

    Ward - 7.5 - A better dead ball taker than Sibs which puts him well ahead of the rest. Worked well together with Wilson.


  2. 13 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    That's a big do list. I'm really struggling to think of the last time we materially improved in a January window. It's a real challenge I would say.

    Spot on, Van der MH. We will stand or fall, this season, on how effective we are in January. My list was what I perceive to be what we need to storm the 2nd half of the season. I hope we get them all but I won't be holding my breath.

  3. 1 hour ago, CongletonRam said:

    And that is my point. Even the club accept that fans will be voting on their feet.

    Yet, should we get to Wembley in this competition, there'll still be 40K wanting tickets. Me included and, as an expat, I will have only seen the lead up games on #RamsTV using my subscription.

  4. 2 minutes ago, CongletonRam said:


    Attendances are always a fair meter of just how much we care about the competition and we'll be lucky if the attendance tonight hits 5 figures.


    We certainly will as there's not "5 figures" of tickets on sale.

  5. 11 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Last year it was the second half of the season that did for our promotion ambitions so it's there that we need improvement.

    Shouldn't be too hard provided we get the players in we need (striker, NML-like wide player and a MF general) AND adequately replace any players who leave.

  6. On 02/12/2023 at 22:59, europia said:

    If we can avoid a collapse in December, and get some really good additions/replacements in January, theres no reason that the November form can't be replicated. A few sustained periods of good form and we have a chance to get out of this dreadful league. 

    My thoughts entirely. A net improvement getting 1, maybe 2 strikers in, a speedy wide player, and a proper solid Seth/Hudds-like midfielder plus adequately replacing any players exiting is what is needed.

  7. We've conceded as many as this time last year and scored more. Not sure if folk will see that as a success or failure. Considering the turnover in players and the injuries and having to assimilate a dozen new players. I see it as an improvement. A net improvement in the squad over the January window should see us get more points in the 2nd half of the season than we will have in the 1st and put us in a good position for 3rd prize (top 6) at worst, 2nd prize (2nd place) or the 2st prize, going up as Champions.

    That's the theory and logic but, this is football and, more importantly, it's Derby, it doesn't work that way. We shall see what we shall see. UTR!

  8. On 02/12/2023 at 07:29, Mucker1884 said:

    Wait.  Didn't you just delay any fellow Rams behind you, from entering the ground sooner?
    It's not like you delayed the end of his shift, or gave him extra work to do.  He's not under pressure to ensure everyone is in before kick off.  I suspect he would have been equally smiley if you had taken another 15 minutes.  Was he shrugging his shoulders at the same time as smiling back at you?

    What flavour pie did you have?


    Plenty of time for my fellow Rams to get in. We only had an allocation of 1500 or so and we were far from the first in.

    Can't remember the pie flavour. Just that I remember it having been a tasty one.

  9. 19 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    I know exactly what you mean… at Port Vale the other night the hi-viz brigade were going to town on every Derby fan prior to entry to ground doing full body searches for drugs/knives/flares/ etc. I had concealed about my person a can of coke & was ready to have it removed but when it came to the chap looked me up & down then said “you can go through”. For some reason, that disappointed me…clearly thought I was too senior to be dodgy I reasoned, as I snorted a line of coke* in the toilets minutes later 👀 




    * I lied about snorting coke. 

    Tell me about it. Bournemouth, 2 season's ago. Empty yer pockets, everything in yer 'and. Everybody getting the old pat down. I got waved through. Ya dunt gerraway that easy Mr High Viz... I stood there, not moving along, not even an inch while I, nice and slowly, put all my stuff back into the correct pocket of the correct garment. As I walked past Mr HV, I smiled that knowing, satisfied smile and he smiled back knowing exactly what I'd done and why.

    Pies at Bournemouth were very good as well.

  10. 4 hours ago, Eddie said:

    It's a good job Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm retired early.

    Johann G for short ;)

  11. 22 hours ago, ossieram said:

    Yeah, I do the same,  but for some reason it's not having it today. 

    email the ticket office but don't forget to include fan ID, address and date of birth or they'll reply asking for that info. In fact they are so efficient, they sometimes reply asking for it even though you had put it in your original email 😉

  12. 19 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    Excellent post @On the Ram Page and very helpful evidence to fuel the debate…one key caveat is the fixtures ie Have we played against a comparable homogeneity of teams. Should be random and therefore of negligible difference season on season; detractors will argue teams generally are poorer this season so not “like with like”. But, a very helpful tool nonetheless. 

    Of the other sides in the top 8.. IMO,

    Bolton               lost 2-1 at theirs. 2 blatant penalties turned down. Theirs was a foul but outside of the box.

    Portsmouth      1-1 draw at home in a game we ought to have won

    Oxford              lost 1-2 at home and they were the better side on the day

    Stevenage        lost 3-1 away in a game we never really got into. They play a style we have always struggled against in my 62 years of watching the Rams

    Peterborough   won 2-4 away in a good performance including a very good 1st half

    Barnsley            Won 3-0 at home in an impressive performance

    Blackpool          won 1-3 away in another good performance

    This points to our last five games in this last half of the season will be mostly against sides outside the top 8 (only Oxford currently in the top 8 - 3rd place)and we ought to be able to expect a reasonable points haul. We have 33 so far. I expect wins against Orient, Lincoln and Wigan. Wycombe will be difficult as they employ unsavoury tactics often referred to as the dark arts, take forever to take throws, corners, free kicks and goal kicks, hopefully a 1-0 win as their style frustrates our players as much as it does us. Oxford away is a difficult one and I'd be happy with a draw.

  13. 6 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    Trying to buy tickets online for this for me and the Grandson and it will only let me buy 1.

    Got tickets for us both loads of times but the assign tickets box is already ticked and I keep getting the quantity of tickets owned by ------ exceeds limitations message. 

    Looks like a trip to the ticket office tomorrow,  but it's a pain in the arris.

    When I buy multiple tickets, the first one is assigned to me, I then scroll down to the 2nd ticket and assign it to the correct age group and fan ID, wash, rinse repeat for all subsequent tickets...

  14. 2 strikers, maybe, now Wash is out long term.

    A Seth/GT type of midfielder with good legs.

    A 2nd NML type to mirror him on the other wing. Sibs and Barks aren't the answer in that role. I've been a staunch supporter of Sibs from his U18 days. The number of times he's played his preferred #10 role in the first team can probably be counted on the fingers of one foot. His development seems to have stagnated due to playing LB, DM, LWB, LW, RW.. just about everywhere except #10. It hurts me to say it but he'd benefit from a move to a club that will play him as a #10. PW isn't going to play him at #10 for a game, never mind give him a run at it. Barks is, IMO, not consistent enough.

    That would be a reasonable January window, provided we see no players exiting the club. If we do see exits, then we would have to properly replace those players to have the window seen as a success.

  15. 8 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    The owner chose to no longer finance the club because he had lost a shed load due to poor recruitment. 

    No owner would take over a club just to put them in admin. Clubs go in admin because owners can’t or won’t keep covering the big losses. And clubs occur big losses due to bloated wage bills and poor recruitment.

    Poor recruitment that MM agreed to and signed the cheques...

  16. 2 hours ago, angieram said:

    Very nice. Have stayed in Corralejo a couple of times, at the Barcelo. 

    Through the years we've stayed at a fair few in Corralejo. This was our first time at Ocean Suites and we were well pleased.

    Lobos Bahia 3 or 4 times. TAO Caleta Playa 5 times. Alysios Playa, Las Dunas, Maxorata Beach, Oasis Dunas all once. A couple of others whose names I forget... That's spread over the past 27 years.

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