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1 hour ago, ramit said:

Seeing truly horrific images from Gaza, way too graphic to post here, entire neighborhoods demolished, residents frantically digging through the rubble in search of survivors, children if they survived intensely traumatized.  War they call this?  Meanwhile my government abstained from voting for a ceasefire at UN because Hamas wasn't properly vilified.  I deplore western politics, we are the evil empire.

You were in good company as far as much of Europe were concerned.  The non-binding (and therefore probably useless anyway) resolution passed 141-14 with 44 abstentions.  But in the EU 27 it was only 8-4 in favour with 13 abstentions.  Also the UK abstained, while the US obviously voted against the resolution.

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9 hours ago, Highgate said:

You were in good company as far as much of Europe were concerned.  The non-binding (and therefore probably useless anyway) resolution passed 141-14 with 44 abstentions.  But in the EU 27 it was only 8-4 in favour with 13 abstentions.  Also the UK abstained, while the US obviously voted against the resolution.

Thanks for that info.  The fact that it was non binding just makes it worse, we can't even pretend to do the right thing.

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And so the mass killings continue apace with the West quite happy to indulge the Israelis in their attempt to 'cleanse' Hamas. According to some, if you're not openly in support of Israel, then by implication, you clearly support Hamas. So be it, but truth be told, I'm simply pro-life.

How do we begin to arrive at a peaceful and sustainable solution? Just stop the killing, pretty please! That'd be a fair start. You can't slaughter hundreds daily and then call out your historical supporters as 'despicable' and then sit their screeching trying to claim the moral high ground. Sadly, it just goes to show how overtly sociopath some elements of the Israeli power structure really are. They've become so used to rolling out the same old hackneyed lies, that it seems that they've started to believe them. Clearly they feel invulnerable and rightly so given no Western power is prepared to put them in check and risk their own chip in the big game. Anything to keep the black gold flowing, I'm afraid and our government is 100% complicit and has been for over 80 years.


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4 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

if you're not openly in support of Israel, then by implication, you clearly support Hamas

Certainly that's the way the Sunday Express are leaning (no surprise there).

'Free' speech and the right to demonstrate should be abolished according to their hysterical headline this evening.

It's a slippery slope - and they are oiling the runners of the sled.

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Certainly that's the way the Sunday Express are leaning (no surprise there).

'Free' speech and the right to demonstrate should be abolished according to their hysterical headline this evening.

It's a slippery slope - and they are oiling the runners of the sled.

It's quite disturbing that they are so emboldened right now that they feel they can run with overtly fascist editorial. Leveraging the deaths of Israeli and Palestinian civilians to remove British civil liberties and further widen divides is about as scummy as a newspaper gets. It's right up there with phone-hacking dead people, IMO.

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Do you ever look back through history at the villains and think how on earth did they convince enough people that this clearly evil campaign was justified? People would have to be so stupid to be so easily led

This is how. I still see so much support for what Israel are doing. The mainstream media in western countries are still very sly in how they cover the conflict fairly. 

"Since 1,400 Jews were massacred on 7th October, the worst attack since 9/11" ... has to be included in every story. You have to pretend every death before that was just banter. Then you keep Israel stories personal. Keep Palestine stories on a wider scale. And either side of any Palestinian suffering make sure to frame it with Israel sympathy. 

Any "fair" coverage also starts with acknowledgement that Israel have been naughty in the past. Once you admit that, then you're free to support ethnic cleansing, Apartheid, genocide.... anything. You clearly have no bias because you spent 4 seconds criticising Israel (but not really) 

Very tedious. But only barbarians from the East fall for propaganda. We're all free thinkers. Liberated from dictatorships. 


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Remember that video of the Russian tank driving over Ukrainians in a car? It went viral? The video that didn't show you the fight it was in with 2 Ukrainian light tanks or whatever they were about 30 seconds earlier? The video that proved there Russians had no care for civilians?


Wonder if this will do the rounds. I don't know the context. But just interesting to see if it gets splashed around on twitter by CNN

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18 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Remember that video of the Russian tank driving over Ukrainians in a car? It went viral? The video that didn't show you the fight it was in with 2 Ukrainian light tanks or whatever they were about 30 seconds earlier? The video that proved there Russians had no care for civilians?


Wonder if this will do the rounds. I don't know the context. But just interesting to see if it gets splashed around on twitter by CNN

The problem is, you never know the real truth. It was a Hamas target. It was Hamas that bombed the car. It's a deep fake. 

Any or none of which may be true. 

Is it a legitimate target? I genuinely have no idea. 

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Just now, GboroRam said:

The problem is, you never know the real truth. It was a Hamas target. It was Hamas that bombed the car. It's a deep fake. 

Any or none of which may be true. 

Is it a legitimate target? I genuinely have no idea. 

I agree. 

It probably why it's never productive to get bogged down in isolated incidents. We know in any war they'll be rape, murder, looting, abuse etc by all militaries. You're giving thousands of people the power of life in their hands. Always going to be some sadistic lunatics among that. 

I just thought again it's the way the Russian tank was used as proof of what Putin has let loose on Ukraine (valid agreeable point but bad example when you see the whole video)

But this...  I don't think you'll see on BBC or Sky. It will be too inconclusive. Which it is. 

I mean a car driving up to a fortified position like that seems very suspicious. Especially with a camera conveniently hanging back. 

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I can’t believe it’s 2023, and we’ve got a war in Europe, and Israel vs Palestine.

Its 202-f******-3! Surely everyone has learned that no one wins from war by now. How are we just repeating the same s*** over and over again, and not learning any lessons? Who the f*** is in charge, and who the f*** put them in charge? Time for old men to just f*** off, bury their Cold War historical bull s***, and leave the world to the kids to run.

We’re suffering existential crises from all angles, never have we needed to put our collective 7 billion heads together more. And yet old men are sending kids to die. And never have we been more divided.

Its so depressing.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

MP sacked by Sunak for publicly calling for the PM to back a ceasfire in Gaza?!

Maybe he can get back in if he sexually assaults someone?

Hey, he knew the rules. If you don't support Israel then you're supporting Hamas. 

It's titled the "Israel Hamas Conflict". Who the hell was he trying to protect?

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War and Natural Gas:

The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields

by Michel Chossudovsky




January 8, 2009

The December 2008 military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Forces bears a direct relation to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves. 

This is a war of conquest. Discovered in 2000, there are extensive gas reserves off the Gaza coastline. 

British Gas (BG Group) and its partner, the Athens based Consolidated Contractors International Company (CCC) owned by Lebanon’s Sabbagh and Koury families, were granted oil and gas exploration rights in awith the 25 year agreement signed in November 1999 Palestinian Authority.

The rights to the offshore gas field are respectively British Gas (60 percent); Consolidated Contractors (CCC) (30 percent); and the Investment Fund of the Palestinian Authority (10 percent). (Haaretz, October 21,  2007).

The PA-BG-CCC agreement includes field development and the construction of a gas pipeline.(Middle East Economic Digest, Jan 5, 2001).

The BG licence covers the entire Gazan offshore marine area, which is contiguous to several Israeli offshore gas facilities. (See Map below). It should be noted that 60 percent of the gas reserves along the Gaza-Israel coastline belong to Palestine.


Probably just coincidence that the 25 year old agreement is nearly up.

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37 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Manufacturers of weapons of mass destruction shares shot up on October 7th. The mass slaughter of civilians is win-win for the billionaires.


Why do we let them get away with it. It’s not like this is a weird, illuminati conspiracy theory at this point. It’s just a known fact. Rich people get richer through war.

Its f****** sick that the powerful play games with the lives of ordinary people just trying to live their lives. For what? Ultimately it’s just for money.

If Putin was genuinely doing it for the good of his people, then maybe that’s what being a good leader is, or netinyahu, or trump, or whoever the head of hamas is, or any of those dick heads. But they’re not. None of them gives a s*** about what happens to ordinary people.

little men playing at being gods. But they’re just little men that everyone hates and the world would be considerably better off without them. 

I have a bee in my bonnet. I should probably lie down. 

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