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Gotta love Extinction Rebellion

Bob The Badger

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

Problem is it is easy for drivers to be distracted and accidents occur, some attempting to unfurl and fix banners on gantries, things could be accidentally dropped or if police just ignore them and leave them up there ,where does it go next, the intention is civil disobedience and to stop traffic, they clearly and openly say any harm or loss of life is regrettable BUT, so if just being up there does not achieve stopping the traffic on a high speed motorway what’s the next level, after all it’s clear this is not #climate change it’s # climate hysteria ,

just aresst them , section them to secure mental heath facilities until it stops , job done

Are they mentally ill?

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1 hour ago, Rev said:

Are they mentally ill?

I honestly believe they are and I base that on watching and listening to them giving interviews, very unhinged and emotionally on the edge , they are like brainwashed cult members , people who are stating openly that they are prepared to put other people lives at risk as well as they’re own , are doing just that every day and openly state they will not stop until they’re demands are met , the rest of us stay inside the law and accept we live in a society that we vote for change

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

I honestly believe they are and I base that on watching and listening to them giving interviews, very unhinged and emotionally on the edge , they are like brainwashed cult members , people who are stating openly that they are prepared to put other people lives at risk as well as they’re own , are doing just that every day and openly state they will not stop until they’re demands are met , the rest of us stay inside the law and accept we live in a society that we vote for change

If you accept they're mentally ill, then we'd need doctors as well as police to attend every protest.

Probably a independent third party too, to ensure their mental health needs are being addressed while they're dragged down from the gantry.

Then we'd have an assessment period, under the care of the NHS, while various consultants and other medical professionals have their say, all the time with the police in close attendance, before they'd finally be admitted to a mental health facility, if appropriate.

I'd suggest it's far easier to just declare them criminals, if the law has been broken, and let the criminal justice system take care of them.




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4 minutes ago, Rev said:

If you accept they're mentally ill, then we'd need doctors as well as police to attend every protest.

Probably a independent third party too, to ensure their mental health needs are being addressed while they're dragged down from the gantry.

Then we'd have an assessment period, under the care of the NHS, while various consultants and other medical professionals have their say, all the time with the police in close attendance, before they'd finally be admitted to a mental health facility, if appropriate.

I'd suggest it's far easier to just declare them criminals, if the law has been broken, and let the criminal justice system take care of them.




Is this genuine, sarcasm, satire...?

Scarily it could be taken as any.

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8 hours ago, Rev said:

If you accept they're mentally ill, then we'd need doctors as well as police to attend every protest.

Probably a independent third party too, to ensure their mental health needs are being addressed while they're dragged down from the gantry.

Then we'd have an assessment period, under the care of the NHS, while various consultants and other medical professionals have their say, all the time with the police in close attendance, before they'd finally be admitted to a mental health facility, if appropriate.

I'd suggest it's far easier to just declare them criminals, if the law has been broken, and let the criminal justice system take care of them.




If you’ve followed the topic you will see that from an initial reaction of general annoyance at these protests and protestors I have watched interviews with these people and genuinely feel concern for the mental and emotional state of the people involved for instance the girl who poured the poo over the captain Tom statue was interviewed on GB news and it was stomache churning , where others perhaps felt annoyance at her and wanted her locked up ( I’m sure the purpose of the interview) I actually saw a young girl who if she was my child would i be worried sick about the mental state she was in and be pretty angry at those whipping people up into this state and organising them to go out and do this stuff with hysterical  rhetoric ,

you don’t need to do all you say but rather just remove them, arrest them , then interview them ,, at that point the issue of they’re mental state can be taken into account , as I say someone who states they refuse to stop putting the lives of others and themselves at very real risk saying it’s regrettable if they’re actions cause death or injury but will not stop until they’re demands are met are not functioning at a reasonable level and really need help , the public and themselves have to be protected from themselves , I have a close friend who’s son was sectioned for those very reasons ( not related to protests ) 

it seem lots on here are happy to look beyond what being done because they back the views of these people and without thought are ok if one of the protesters or innocent member of the public die or are killed as a result ,, these are busy high speed motorways folks first and foremost, let alone people who may die because of delays caused by the gridlock s



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I imagine that they probably consider the mentally ill ones to be those who refuse to accept that the current trajectory we are on results in the human race going extinct within the next 100 years or so

"The sun is so hot, we have no food, I'm so thirsty. What did you do when people were warning us about this and trying to get our governments to change, Grandad?"

"I owned the libs on a football forum."

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

I imagine that they probably consider the mentally ill ones to be those who refuse to accept that the current trajectory we are on results in the human race going extinct within the next 100 years or so

"The sun is so hot, we have no food, I'm so thirsty. What did you do when people were warning us about this and trying to get our governments to change, Grandad?"

"I owned the libs on a football forum."

Hysteria hysteria hysteria,  owned ? You don’t own people who paint themselves into corners ?????

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17 hours ago, alanmarklewis said:

Whilst I don't agree with their actions, at least they're doing something. What are we all doing?

Ita the random nature of their actions that I can't support.  Potentially preventing someone getting to a job interview or getting to a medical appointment or whatever, in some arbitrary act of civil unrest is just out of order. Sets a terrible precedent that anything you don't agree with you can just take out on fellow citizens.  If I was on the way to the airport for the holiday of a lifetime and instead was sat in a car with my kids for hours with no food/drink etc...any protestor would do well to get out of the way sharpish. Your average person is likely to get antagonised to the point where they land themselves in trouble whilst China continues to merrily carry on its way. Seems all out of kilter to me.

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1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

Ita the random nature of their actions that I can't support.  Potentially preventing someone getting to a job interview or getting to a medical appointment or whatever, in some arbitrary act of civil unrest is just out of order. Sets a terrible precedent that anything you don't agree with you can just take out on fellow citizens.  If I was on the way to the airport for the holiday of a lifetime and instead was sat in a car with my kids for hours with no food/drink etc...any protestor would do well to get out of the way sharpish. Your average person is likely to get antagonised to the point where they land themselves in trouble whilst China continues to merrily carry on its way. Seems all out of kilter to me.

If only it were just that but it’s not , the statement put out when they’re so called protest caused an accident and injury to a police officer was basically that stuff like that was regrettable but it didn’t have to come to this , your making us do it , so going out doing this stuff this stuff with that clear stated belief / intention , if someone is killed on the motorway what is it , man slaughter ? Murder ?

and all this being organised by a nut job grifter telling in videos of the rape in front of they’re eyes of they’re mothers , daughters, sister as a result of climate crisis , quite a leap and bordering on Charlie Manson territory 

as for settled science , yes it’s pretty much settled in terms of humans contributing to it but very much not on how much is down to humans and how much we can stop it ,

im sure the usual suspects will be along shortly to accuse of point scoring , simply because it’s outrageous that anybody could disagree with they’re chosen opinion , I don’t give a stuff about points scoring , I passionately disagree with them , they have they’re opinion , I don’t see it / dismiss it as point scoring, you see the difference ??‍♂️
the m25 stuff put on hold they now say , could that be anything to do with the grifter roger hallam being arrested and jailed for orchestrating this?

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5 hours ago, Archied said:

as for settled science , yes it’s pretty much settled in terms of humans contributing to it but very much not on how much is down to humans and how much we can stop it

How much is down to humans is very much settled science. The graphs that show the massive increase of CO2 in the atmosphere since we started mass industrialisation in the mid-20th century show clearly that this isn't a "natural fluctuation" - it's a vertical line

How much we can stop it? Yep - that one I'll agree with. There are sadly too many people who don't want to believe and/or try to change the current trajectory , and won't change their mind until they are directly and negatively impacted by the effects of climate change. At which point it will be far too late. The tipping points will be long gone


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23 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

How much is down to humans is very much settled science. The graphs that show the massive increase of CO2 in the atmosphere since we started mass industrialisation in the mid-20th century show clearly that this isn't a "natural fluctuation" - it's a vertical line

How much we can stop it? Yep - that one I'll agree with. There are sadly too many people who don't want to believe and/or try to change the current trajectory , and won't change their mind until they are directly and negatively impacted by the effects of climate change. At which point it will be far too late. The tipping points will be long gone


Yada yada yada

weve had more tipping points than the department of the environment 

Its only a few short months since the settled science was telling us everyone had to be vaccinated because it stopped the spread of covid and we could sack half the care workers in the country on the strength of if let alone all the other clap trap visited on those choosing not to have by the blind disciples 

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18 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yada yada yada

weve had more tipping points than the department of the environment 

· Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be ‘Siberian’ in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism


· World close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown, warn major studies
· The climate crisis has reached a “really bleak moment”
· “Furthermore, the world is unfortunately in a geopolitically unstable state,”



The Guardian 20 years apart... Virtually the same message - although 20yrs ago we were going to freeze to death, now we're gonna boil. 

I do my bit and don't worry about anything else tbh, I'm beyond caring.  We're gonna tax the poor into oblivion (whilst the rich continue to get richer off the back of it and carry on polluting at a rate most of us could only dream about) and spend insane amounts of money on 'solutions' that are arguably just as bad as what we have in place already.

We'll probably all look back in another 20yrs time and be having a similar argument about the future.  Anyone that feels the need to climb up on a gantry over the M25 and film themselves crying about having no future and how the world is gonna end should seek help imo.  There are a lot of unsavoury characters and media manipulation pushing constant doom and gloom on us for very lucrative reasons.

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