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Clarkson’s Farm


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I don't really tend to trust the Guardian's critic section quite honestly as too often they seem to prefer the obnoxiously pseudo intellectual rubbish that all too often gets put on and just slam a lot of shows that appear low rent basically. The actual review read like she had made her mind up before she'd watched the show and the critiques didn't really appear to be true if she'd watched more than a single episode. 

I put it on the other night at 12ish and got through the entire season until 4. It's definitely a funny show that can be poignant even if it is a bit confected at times. Clarkson is a naturally good presenter tbf and eases you nicely into something that isn't top gear. Yes, there are the staged bits and the repeated jokes that hit home less and less the more they're done but it's solid 7/10 amusing comfort tv after a long day. I'd watch the second series if they made one just to see how the project gets on tbh. 

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2 hours ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

That's a great idea, but unfortunately this slot has that well and truly covered ...


BBC iPlayer - BBC Parliament



I can't take credit for the idea, Alan Partridge pitched it to the head of BBC in the first series he did on TV.

Personally, I was thinking more along the lines of walrus golf.

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Only a few eps in but absolutely loving it.

My whole family are farmers and this really nails what actual farming is like.

We've had years of terrible "farming" TV Shows that are completely unrepresentative of real British Farming, I would never have bet on Clarkson nailing it.

I can also confirm, sheep are bar stewards.

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1 hour ago, Shuff264 said:

Only a few eps in but absolutely loving it.

My whole family are farmers and this really nails what actual farming is like.

We've had years of terrible "farming" TV Shows that are completely unrepresentative of real British Farming, I would never have bet on Clarkson nailing it.

I can also confirm, sheep are bar stewards.

Bit what shocked me was they are expecting 30% of farmers to drop off when funding is cut. 

That and the government satellite photos to see what you’re up to, sounds very Big Brother like!

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40 minutes ago, David said:

That was one line you could tell was not scripted at all, even the cameramen were in stitches ?

I don't think many of the lines are scripted at all, I was meaning the events. Like the drivers waiting hours for him to empty the shed, him ducking up a field by leaving out tram lines and getting a huge Lambo so people could talk about it and it wouldn't fit in his shed.

Clarkson is very witty and throw him into those situations and he'll find something amusing to say.


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12 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

I don't think many of the lines are scripted at all, I was meaning the events. Like the drivers waiting hours for him to empty the shed, him ducking up a field by leaving out tram lines and getting a huge Lambo so people could talk about it and it wouldn't fit in his shed.

Clarkson is very witty and throw him into those situations and he'll find something amusing to say.

It’s a TV show, of course there will be some scripting/planning, the camera crew wouldn’t have been there filming everyday so you’re going to have some kind of scheduled content.

It felt less scripted/planned than Top Gear/Grand Tour though where the pranks felt very forced as they messed with each other’s cars on the road trips.

Maybe I’m being naive, but the tractor, he’s loaded, he’s going to go out there and buy the biggest most powerful tractor he can find, that’s his personality. 

Never going to see him reach for a tape measure to look up the height of his buildings when buying a tractor, in fairness it was only the light at the top which might not have been included in the tech spec.

Let’s not forget this is his money on the line, not going to import a tractor that just wouldn’t be practical and unusable. I’m sure he’s driving that thing around now even though the cameras are not there. 

He’s a brute force, corner cutting that’s not the most practical kinda guy. If you have reached the wilding episode you can see his missus is genuinely pissed off by it.

No TV show is universally loved by everyone though, plenty appear to have enjoyed it for what it is. 

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15 hours ago, David said:

Bit what shocked me was they are expecting 30% of farmers to drop off when funding is cut. 

That and the government satellite photos to see what you’re up to, sounds very Big Brother like!

This does not surprise me in the slightest, farmers have been dropping off at a faster and faster rate for years now.

My family are dairy farmers and the price supermarkets pay for milk is insanely low, it has gotten better in recent years but previously many farmers were producing it at a loss.

The EU funding is definitely flawed, and put far too much money into the hands of those who already had enough. I'm not sure what the UK Gov has planned, but hopefully something that helps to support smaller family run farms instead of large industrial enterprises.

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2 hours ago, Chester40 said:

Errrrr...could be a bit dark that programme ..? 

Another dark 'idea for show' -

'The Holiday Show with Vladimir Putin'

I went to Helsinki .... that was nice

I went to Stockholm .... that was nice too

But Riga, Vilnius and Tallinn are my faves.

"I'd like an airbnb booking for 100,000 please"

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