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Derby County “ate my newborn baby”.


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As if things couldn’t get any worse for embattled Club Derby County, in a week when they have lost a case against them for “nefarious accounting practises” and also a case where they cruelly sacked long-serving captain Richard Keogh after the poor bloke had the temerity to share a few drinks with some team mates because he was thirsty after a training session, police may now believe that Rams Club owners, fronted by evil tyrant Mel Morris (aka “Mad Mel”) may possibly be behind a whole series of unsolved crimes across the region. In an exclusive interview a top police source may have said that they have no evidence to unequivocally rule out the possibility that Morris, aided by Club Head of Finance, Stephen Pearce (aka the real “Psycho”) were not behind a growing list of horrific unsolved murders, rapes, and drug deaths;  “We can’t at this stage definitely say that they weren’t involved in some way in some of these things”. 
As well as a possible 75 point deduction, a massive fine, and relegation, Morris and Pearce may well be running the Club from behind bars next season. 
We haven’t contacted the Club to check any of the facts but if you have any evidence of Morris’s or Pearce’s involvement in any wrongdoing please don’t hesitate to contact any of the tabloid newspapers with your story. 

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1 minute ago, Ellafella said:

As if things couldn’t get any worse for embattled Club Derby County, in a week when they have lost a case against them for “nefarious accounting practises” and also a case where they cruelly sacked long-serving captain Richard Keogh after the poor bloke had the temerity to share a few drinks with some team mates because he was thirsty after a training session, police may now believe that Rams Club owners, fronted by evil tyrant Mel Morris (aka “Mad Mel”) may possibly be behind a whole series of unsolved crimes across the region. In an exclusive interview a top police source may have said that they have no evidence to unequivocally rule out the possibility that Morris, aided by Club Head of Finance, Stephen Pearce (aka the real “Psycho”) were not behind a growing list of horrific unsolved murders, rapes, and drug deaths;  “We can’t at this stage definitely say that they weren’t involved in some way in some of these things”. 
As well as a possible 75 point deduction, a massive fine, and relegation, Morris and Pearce may well be running the Club from behind bars next season. 
We haven’t contacted the Club to check any of the facts but if you have any evidence of Morris’s or Pearce’s involvement in any wrongdoing please don’t hesitate to contact any of the tabloid newspapers with your story. 

fair and balanced all you can ask for really

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8 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

As if things couldn’t get any worse for embattled Club Derby County, in a week when they have lost a case against them for “nefarious accounting practises” and also a case where they cruelly sacked long-serving captain Richard Keogh after the poor bloke had the temerity to share a few drinks with some team mates because he was thirsty after a training session, police may now believe that Rams Club owners, fronted by evil tyrant Mel Morris (aka “Mad Mel”) may possibly be behind a whole series of unsolved crimes across the region. In an exclusive interview a top police source may have said that they have no evidence to unequivocally rule out the possibility that Morris, aided by Club Head of Finance, Stephen Pearce (aka the real “Psycho”) were not behind a growing list of horrific unsolved murders, rapes, and drug deaths;  “We can’t at this stage definitely say that they weren’t involved in some way in some of these things”. 
As well as a possible 75 point deduction, a massive fine, and relegation, Morris and Pearce may well be running the Club from behind bars next season. 
We haven’t contacted the Club to check any of the facts but if you have any evidence of Morris’s or Pearce’s involvement in any wrongdoing please don’t hesitate to contact any of the tabloid newspapers with your story. 


This is what I despise about the internet.  The headlines drag you in, and yet the article itself makes no mention of babies being eaten.

I'd like my click back, please!   

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1 hour ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

In shock new development it has been reported that in 1996, Pride Park was built on the breeding site of the rare 7 testicled newt.


The one from Harry Potter?

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2 hours ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

In shock new development it has been reported that in 1996, Pride Park was built on the breeding site of the rare 7 testicled newt.

An petition  has been by Mr S. Gibson esquire that the site should be returned to its original state. (And Steve Bloomer is not allowed to watch).

There's newt you can say about that

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34 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Presumably made as a tongue in cheek article.

Still doesn't smooth over the running of the club over the past few seasons.

No. It’s all “true” allegedly, said a close source, yesterday, who asked not to be named, for legal reasons. 

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