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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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28 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Depends on your age. At my age of 22, the vaccine is more risky than covid. In the end I'll likely take it due to severe pressure, I've still not seen a good reason for it other than getting my family members to leave me alone. Even though the vaccine isn't proven to stop the spread, and the vaccine is more risky than covid, but go figure. 

IMO no one should be forced to have the vaccine either through peer pressure or being required to have had it to attend [insert event]

11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Genuine question here...how is the vaccine more risky than Covid? What metric are you using to measure it?

Im in the same boat as you in as much that I had the vaccine for someone else's wishes rather than my own.

I posted the following a few pages back;

Brett Weinstein was talking about risks, including anaphlyaxis back in December - there is an excellent segment well worth watching in the following video (watch from approx 11m40s onwards)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIcV3rmk9hM

Furthermore that actual guy that invented mRNA technology said that the vaccine presents a health risk - another excellent 15m conversation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du2wm5nhTXY - although Politifact have decided its false information; 


Personally, I think the vaccine is obviously highly effective at protecting against covid but both short and long term effects should not be so readily dismissed - especially for the younger generations that are at minimal risk from covid.

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17 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Genuine question here...how is the vaccine more risky than Covid? What metric are you using to measure it?

Im in the same boat as you in as much that I had the vaccine for someone else's wishes rather than my own.

I don't have the exact numbers to be fair, but when you consider my risk of covid is less than 0.1% the risk associated with long term illness and death from the vaccine can't be too far off. If it is as currently believed that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, then there is precisely 0 reason to get the vaccine, other than shutting up relatives. 

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12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Genuine question here...how is the vaccine more risky than Covid? What metric are you using to measure it?

Im in the same boat as you in as much that I had the vaccine for someone else's wishes rather than my own.

I was under the impression that the risks associated with Covid vaccine related wholly (or nearly so) to blood clotting.

An in-depth analysis published recently demonstrated clearly that, for any population of any age range, there was a far higher risk of contracting one of these rare blood clots from Covid as opposed to from the Covid vaccine. Now I'm quoting here from memory (I have just got tired of trying to educate people about anything, and really can't be bothered to dig through abstracts any more), but the study showed that there was a risk of blood clots caused by the vaccine, and this was a real risk compared to those who were unvaccinated AND had not contracted Covid. However, the study demonstrated that your chances of developing a clot after having been vaccinated was in the order of one fifth to one tenth of your chances of developing a clot THROUGH CONTRACTING COVID ITSELF.

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8 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I was under the impression that the risks associated with Covid vaccine related wholly (or nearly so) to blood clotting.

According to the videos I posted earlier the vaccine is already behaving differently to how they expected it to, normally a jab stays in your shoulder, your body creates antibodies and gets rid of it.  With the MRNA vaccines the spike proteins have been shown to spread throughout your body - hence the wide variety of side effects. 

Furthermore significant quantities of the spike proteins are ending up in your ovaries (if applicable ?) and bone marrow.  One of the videos I posted included Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the MRNA technology who supplied evidence to the FDA that the vaccines were behaving differently than anticipated and cited the ovary/bone marrow concerns - or reproduction problems and various cancers/lympomas etc. 

Dr Malone recommended 3, 6, 9 year studies into the vaccines but was basically told there was not enough evidence to back that up and the vaccines were safe.  To be clear, he wasn't saying the vaccines were dangerous, but there were areas of concern that should be studied before they could be deemed 100% safe.

Personally my opinion is that if you are young enough to be at such a low risk of a serious bout of covid, to carefully consider whether protecting yourself against a low chance of covid complications is worth the risk of any potential long term problems and to wait for the data to come in. 




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20 minutes ago, maxjam said:

According to the videos I posted earlier the vaccine is already behaving differently to how they expected it to, normally a jab stays in your shoulder, your body creates antibodies and gets rid of it.  With the MRNA vaccines the spike proteins have been shown to spread throughout your body - hence the wide variety of side effects. 

Furthermore significant quantities of the spike proteins are ending up in your ovaries (if applicable ?) and bone marrow.  One of the videos I posted included Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the MRNA technology who supplied evidence to the FDA that the vaccines were behaving differently than anticipated and cited the ovary/bone marrow concerns - or reproduction problems and various cancers/lympomas etc. 

Dr Malone recommended 3, 6, 9 year studies into the vaccines but was basically told there was not enough evidence to back that up and the vaccines were safe.  To be clear, he wasn't saying the vaccines were dangerous, but there were areas of concern that should be studied before they could be deemed 100% safe.

Personally my opinion is that if you are young enough to be at such a low risk of a serious bout of covid, to carefully consider whether protecting yourself against a low chance of covid complications is worth the risk of any potential long term problems and to wait for the data to come in. 




I was reading about this earlier.

Viki Male has been discussing the paper snippet you attached. 
If you check out her tweets she also talks about some of the stuff Dr Malone has been talking about. 

Anyways just thought it may be of interest to you to have a gander at.

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26 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

I was reading about this earlier.

Viki Male has been discussing the paper snippet you attached. 
If you check out her tweets she also talks about some of the stuff Dr Malone has been talking about. 

Anyways just thought it may be of interest to you to have a gander at.

Yeah I added that Times article for effect, the basic argument Dr Malone has is that we simply don't know what long term effects these vaccines have.  He points to the fact that they are already acting differently to what they expected and areas of concern that will take the best part of a decade to determine.  He doesn't outright say the vaccines are dangerous, just that they need to be studied to to determine just how safe they are. 

My take from that was if you're young and at minimal risk from covid and you determine that you're better off waiting you shouldn't feel compelled either via peer pressure or being denied access to certain events because you would rather adopt a wait and see approach until more data ha sbeen collected.  IMHO thats a sensible approach.

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7 hours ago, Andicis said:

I don't have the exact numbers to be fair, but when you consider my risk of covid is less than 0.1% the risk associated with long term illness and death from the vaccine can't be too far off. If it is as currently believed that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, then there is precisely 0 reason to get the vaccine, other than shutting up relatives. 

On top of that the Chances are you’ve already had covid and didn’t even know, depending on which figures are deemed the most important at any given time ??‍♂️, massive pressure is being brought to bear on people to have vaccine with covid being made the only thing that counts or matters and for those that like to trot out the tell that to the 150 k and their families that’s fine if they are prepared to take responsibility for the countless deaths and tragedies caused and to be caused going forward from these lockdowns and covid first and only policies 

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15 minutes ago, Archied said:

On top of that the Chances are you’ve already had covid and didn’t even know, depending on which figures are deemed the most important at any given time ??‍♂️, massive pressure is being brought to bear on people to have vaccine with covid being made the only thing that counts or matters and for those that like to trot out the tell that to the 150 k and their families that’s fine if they are prepared to take responsibility for the countless deaths and tragedies caused and to be caused going forward from these lockdowns and covid first and only policies 

Wont have to wait too long for that with the rough winter ahead...

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35 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Oh no, Delta plus has emerged ????

They’ve released that one early, my money was on the or around the 16th/17th July ?

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9 hours ago, Andicis said:

... If it is as currently believed that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, then there is precisely 0 reason to get the vaccine, other than shutting up relatives. 

Where does that piece of data come from?

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9 hours ago, Andicis said:

Depends on your age. At my age of 22, the vaccine is more risky than covid. In the end I'll likely take it due to severe pressure, I've still not seen a good reason for it other than getting my family members to leave me alone. Even though the vaccine isn't proven to stop the spread, and the vaccine is more risky than covid, but go figure. 

Genuine question as I don’t know the stats but, how many 22 year olds have died or been hospitalised after taking the vaccine (any?) versus how many have died or been hospitalised after catching the virus? I’m fairly confident the latter far outweighs the former.

I agree, I don’t think it’s been “proven” that taking the vaccine stops the spread but, I’m pretty sure there has been a lot of medical and scientific opinion that it probably does. 

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And so it continues, vip s will be allowed special treatment to come to U.K. for football matches , feel free to call the calling out of this a conspiracy theory regards the ever emerging world of control / curtail the masses enhance the few ???, let’s save this planet before it’s too late , pump millions of discarded useless masks and plastic testing kits onto the streets and landfills ?

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23 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Come on buddy, if we're going to have to endure another round of your 'global Covid conspiracy' theories, whereby every country systematically brings it's own economy to it knees, crashes stock markets and reduces both the public and private sectors to rubble, would you mind at least giving us less enlightened folk the benefit of a credible reason for this cunning masterplan? Something other than some vague, 'follow the money' schtick? Is Jeff Bezos actually Megamind? Will there be a Scooby Doo type reveal...

Also, please don't try to assign upper strata levels of intelligence to the likes of Johnson, Gove, Patel, Hancock and the other ministers purportedly managing the Covid crisis. They are rank second-raters. I'm sorry, but if your whole premise is based on ministers like the terminally stupid Priti Patel being some sort of criminal and conspiratorial masterminds, I'm calling ********. The reason these people appear not to have a clue is precisely because they don't. At best they do their master's bidding.

By way of an example, here's a gentle reminder as to the depth of our current Home Secretary's critical thinking capabilities. 


You kind of weaken your own case , over a long period of time our political leaders / puppets have become increasingly dumb self serving clowns with the integrity of a fox , they get elected by a public given Hobson’s choice and bombarded by social media and media, the usual suspects will be along next to call me a conspiracy nut but then will shout from the rafters how Russia , China and the like get their most hated politicians like trump or their most hated policies like the big B voted in ??,

seems we all have our own pet conspiracies that are either good or make you a nut ?

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16 minutes ago, Archied said:

You kind of weaken your own case , over a long period of time our political leaders / puppets have become increasingly dumb self serving clowns with the integrity of a fox , they get elected by a public given Hobson’s choice and bombarded by social media and media, the usual suspects will be along next to call me a conspiracy nut but then will shout from the rafters how Russia , China and the like get their most hated politicians like trump or their most hated policies like the big B voted in ??,

seems we all have our own pet conspiracies that are either good or make you a nut ?


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9 hours ago, jimmyp said:

I was reading about this earlier.

Viki Male has been discussing the paper snippet you attached. 
If you check out her tweets she also talks about some of the stuff Dr Malone has been talking about. 

Anyways just thought it may be of interest to you to have a gander at.

We're right to be cautious about following up the long term effects, given how quickly it was developed, but this is all clearly bad science being twisted by the media to fuel the debates that fund them

Given that most women in their 40s will have had the vaccine, and most women in their 40s start to see changes in their periods anyway as the menopause approaches - 4000 reports out of however many million women jabbed is just noise

We should only really be concerned about looking for trending in side-effects that pose a serious health threat IMO



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15 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

We're right to be cautious about following up the long term effects, given how quickly it was developed, but this is all clearly bad science being twisted by the media to fuel the debates that fund them

Given that most women in their 40s will have had the vaccine, and most women in their 40s start to see changes in their periods anyway as the menopause approaches - 4000 reports out of however many million women jabbed is just noise

We should only really be concerned about looking for trending in side-effects that pose a serious health threat IMO



As opposed to the non debate bbc we are forced by law to fund?
( wait for the usual close down tactic of personal insult or introduction of over controversial side track?)

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12 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

We're right to be cautious about following up the long term effects, given how quickly it was developed, but this is all clearly bad science being twisted by the media to fuel the debates that fund them

Given that most women in their 40s will have had the vaccine, and most women in their 40s start to see changes in their periods anyway as the menopause approaches - 4000 reports out of however many million women jabbed is just noise

We should only really be concerned about looking for trending in side-effects that pose a serious health threat IMO



Yeah what would women know about their own bodies and the menopause ?
when you can explain everything away then that’s dogma

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