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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

That would depend what rules were set.

I wouldn't say I'm going to break the rules just because politicians did, that would make me as bad as them. 

Like you, I won't ever be told I can't see my family again but I'd have no problem with social distancing again in shops.

Nope I don’t think I’m inclined to break rules just because politicians do either, the problem here is rules ,well rules that are either stupid or so inhuman that people will not follow them constantly on a loop to the point that life is changed forever, nobody should ever be allowed to be denied seeing family and people that are important to them again , no old or vulnerable should be allowed to rot, live , die alone in their homes or care homes again, be buried without the people who loved them there, nobodies lives and livelihoods can be destroyed at the drop of a hat anymore ,nobody should be forced to take a vaccine they don’t want or perhaps even need ,

this virus is here and here to stay , these measures are not stopping spread, the best we can do is get everybody on board with regular testing of ourselves ,I’m seen on here as some kind of conspiracy theorist or covidiot but I take tests if I feel the slightest sniffle or have been near anyone who has it , we sit on the patio in the cold after golf for our drinks while most go inside wearing a mask then all sit down drinking in crowded indoor setting ( pure theatre ) , as Norman says earlier , I also have people moralising and virtue signaling to me about stuff who are happy to sit in a pub or swan off on holiday , I don’t go in pubs , have not had a holiday since this started and been out for a meal twice since this started, I cancelled going out for our Christmas meal with my mates Friday just gone because if I caught it I wouldn’t be allowed Christmas with my family 

as I said earlier in a post a total rethink is needed ,certainly to get people on the same page as each other again , this government is just getting people at each other’s throats and it’s just counter productive 

Edited by Archied
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Apparently there are 3 options being considered. That’s right even after all you did the past two years and the scarifies made. you’ve had your jabs and now you’re boosters. 

➡️ Families will be asked to limit indoor contacts, without legal enforcement

➡️ Mandate curbs on household mixing, the return of social distancing and an 8pm curfew on pubs and restaurants


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45 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Apparently there are 3 options being considered. That’s right even after all you did the past two years and the scarifies made. you’ve had your jabs and now you’re boosters. 

➡️ Families will be asked to limit indoor contacts, without legal enforcement

➡️ Mandate curbs on household mixing, the return of social distancing and an 8pm curfew on pubs and restaurants


Of course there are, we've been softened up for it from the beginning.

Further to the discussion on doomsday modelling that was going on last week, this is a good read...


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3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Of course there are, we've been softened up for it from the beginning.

Further to the discussion on doomsday modelling that was going on last week, this is a good read...


Had GMB on in the background this morning and the lead presenter (not sure of his name) was interviewing a Labour politician and he asked the question “would you support further restrictions” followed up by the comment, “because a lot of people are asking for further restrictions”. I’d love to know who these people are asking for further restrictions, I don’t know one person who wants anything more than we currently have. 

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6 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Of course there are, we've been softened up for it from the beginning.

Further to the discussion on doomsday modelling that was going on last week, this is a good read...


And this is what some people still refer to as 'the science'...

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9 hours ago, Andicis said:

The question is, can you introduce social distancing in shops without doing it in pubs and restaurants? And if you do it in pubs and restaurants you then probably have to reintroduce furlough due to the devastation it would cause on the hospitality industry. Social distancing is one of the worst measures they could reintroduce. 

They've already given it good go at causing issues for hospitality. The last 2 weekends are usually our busiest weekends of the year, the first was what it was before covid, then this weekend has been one of worst since restrictions were lifted, we had 2 parties cancelled/rearranged because of covid, and what has been said during the week we've had a massive drop in footfall, going in the city centre and you wouldn't have thought it was the weekend before Christmas.

I'm worried what will happen if we have to bring back restrictions and no help is given to us, I'm not sure we will be able to survive.

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5 minutes ago, sage said:

Just to be clear, have they proposed this? 

Just to be clear they have made it clear that they cannot rule anything out , this is stuff they have done before and is they’re go to and the poster has stated he won’t be abiding by it if returned??‍♂️, government actions are far easier to predict than covid 

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18 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

I won't be confined to my house or told when I can exercise, let's put it that way. 

Obviously if they close pubs etc, there's not a lot I can do about it. 

I won't judge you. I think MANY people feel the same.

This is what the governments' rule breaking with their parties last year has achieved. They no longer have the moral authority to tell us to do these things.

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Just seen raab on gmtv defend the latest cheese and wine Downing Street garden gathering ,,, when will these clowns realise that defending the indefensible just blows and semblance of credibility they have and destroy s any pretence of integrity,

ffs just put your hands up , say it’s wrong and needs to be stopped ,,, they are like crooks with they’re code of never grass, never deny , how long before we see full on no comment interviews like those accepted in police stations,

god we are at an all time low in our political classes

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On 18/12/2021 at 21:16, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

So the Omicron variant is replacing the unbelievably scary Delta variant and Delta replaced the unbelievably scary virus from March 2020. 

Just imagine if Omicron had come in March 2020 without any triple vaccine in place. Doesn’t bare thinking about  

I’m beginning to get worried there’s going to be an even scarier variant that’s going to come around in 6-12 months that the 6th vaccine might not cope with. 

There have been a bunch of other variants like beta, gamma and epsilon, but they didn't get much coverage because they weren't as unbelievably scary. 

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9 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

I won't judge you. I think MANY people feel the same.

This is what the governments' rule breaking with their parties last year has achieved. They no longer have the moral authority to tell us to do these things.

The honest truth is they are stupid rules like the latest exposure shows ,people working in the same building in trouble for being outside in the garden having wine and cheese , me working with someone all week in close proximity but banned from banging a golf ball round a field with them after work ,,, stupid stupid stupid ,, we know it and so do they??‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

There have been a bunch of other variants like beta, gamma and epsilon, but they didn't get much coverage because they weren't as unbelievably scary. 

Have we had one that’s more deadly than the less than 2% yet

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3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Apparently there are 3 options being considered. That’s right even after all you did the past two years and the scarifies made. you’ve had your jabs and now you’re boosters. 

➡️ Families will be asked to limit indoor contacts, without legal enforcement

➡️ Mandate curbs on household mixing, the return of social distancing and an 8pm curfew on pubs and restaurants


How about leaving us to live our lives?

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