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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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35 minutes ago, maxjam said:

It certainly seems that way.

We've done what we were told for the past couple of years.  We have the vaccines, we have social distancing, we have masks - non of those things I have a problem with.  But mandating vaccines or introducing vaccine passports is a scary path to go down.  I'd rather make a noise now and help prevent them from happening than look back in the future at the freedoms we've lost.

I actually should have put , there’s lots in a rush to give away the freedoms of others because they believe it’s better for themselves

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30 minutes ago, maxjam said:

It certainly seems that way.

We've done what we were told for the past couple of years.  We have the vaccines, we have social distancing, we have masks - non of those things I have a problem with.  But mandating vaccines or introducing vaccine passports is a scary path to go down.  I'd rather make a noise now and help prevent them from happening than look back in the future at the freedoms we've lost.

Masks, Social distancing even not being able to see my Family I can/have put up with, But i'll not have a vaccine passport...I lived OK this last couple of years on my own, Been to a pub twice since September, My 10 year passport runs out in January 2022 it's not being re newed, Holidays will be in the UK, I've not missed watching DCFC, Found other things to do ie took up running/walking.

The Police already have my finger prints and DNA i'll not let them know where I am other than CCTV with other electronic software

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15 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

The problem, or rather one of them, with the virus is that it's invisible and not easy to quantify, understand or predict.

During WWII people banded together because they could see and understand a common enemy. It made sense, it was obvious what they wanted and how they were going to get it. Sticking together made sense.

At the moment governments across all ideological boundaries are banding together in their insiatsnce that this is really serious, but the people they govern don't quite understand it so many aren't supporting them.

They cannot see the enemy and they flat our don't understand the science, so they are rebelling.

That isn't to suggest that scientists fully understand the science because it's very early, just that those studying it are aware of the potential implications if we bat on regardless.

To think this is a conspiracy is anywhere on the spectrum of flat out moronic to being paranoid, to simply not understanding how many people can keep a secret.

Fauci said right at the beginning of this  (and I paraphrase) that he's rather be considered a fraud for over exaggerating and nothing happens, than negligent because he said nothing.

Pretty much every government and serious scientist on the face of the planet is saying 'seriously, we could have a huge problem on our hands here and it may get a lot worse' but still some people with zero scientific background and with no relevant information that contracdicts that other than a hunch or two are effectively saying....

Animated GIF


Paranoid???? , just got in from walking the dog ,,, bloke across the road walking in a mask with hardly a soul around ,,, now that’s paranoid

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4 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Funny that, the government is so worried about this huge problem that they're having parties! 

Didn't Neil Ferguson get caught out shagging his mistress in the first lockdown?

These terrified politicians and scientists don't exactly act in a way that would indicate it to be a serious problem, maybe that's why people doubt their sincerity? 

Part of me wished I could type faster and more accurately, but then part of me thinks that would just give you more to ignore.

Do politicians deny smoking and drinking are unhealthy because they may partake in either, or both.

Is Boris saying " there's nothing unhealthy about being fat, look at me, I'm fat and I'm not dead'?

Do you know anybody terrified of sugar even though it kills millions of people every year?

This isn't a case of being terrified, this is a case of putting public health first.

I can't stand Johnson and I can see he is in a no-win situation with half his Party hating him. So I kinda think he maybe realises we're in a hole here.

I dread to think what the right would be saying of we had a labour PM. The country would be in civil war.

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8 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Just enquiring why it's unreasonable to doubt the sincerity of people ordering one thing and doing another? Wouldn't their own actions betray their true thoughts on the matter, rather than the public front? 

Yep remember Ferguson, not the slightest fear of a virus he was telling everyone we should be Terrified of ,, these Downing Street bashes, anyone died or been seriously I’ll from attending them ? 

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2 minutes ago, Archied said:

Paranoid???? , just got in from walking the dog ,,, bloke across the road walking in a mask with hardly a soul around ,,, now that’s paranoid

It's probably fear and/or ignorance.

And who cares if you have seen an extreme example?

That is so utterly meaningless.

It's like me saying I saw a guy shouting and swearing at the security guy in Tesco's that it's all fake before storming (which I did about 5 or 6 weeks ago and still have part of on camera), so what?

I doubt if you'd seen 20 people without masks going about there business that you would be sharing that nugget of information. 

I walked my dogs this morning and it didn't rain even though I put my waterproofs on.

It never rains in Cornwall, clearly.



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2 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Part of me wished I could type faster and more accurately, but then part of me thinks that would just give you more to ignore.

Do politicians deny smoking and drinking are unhealthy because they may partake in either, or both.

Is Boris saying " there's nothing unhealthy about being fat, look at me, I'm fat and I'm not dead'?

Do you know anybody terrified of sugar even though it kills millions of people every year?

This isn't a case of being terrified, this is a case of putting public health first.

I can't stand Johnson and I can see he is in a no-win situation with half his Party hating him. So I kinda think he maybe realises we're in a hole here.

I dread to think what the right would be saying of we had a labour PM. The country would be in civil war.

To be honest, the point here is how can you trust the moral judgement of somebody who doesn't follow their own rules. 

How can you believe somebody is making restrictions for the good of society if they don't believe in them enough to partake themselves? 

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4 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Part of me wished I could type faster and more accurately, but then part of me thinks that would just give you more to ignore.

Do politicians deny smoking and drinking are unhealthy because they may partake in either, or both.

Is Boris saying " there's nothing unhealthy about being fat, look at me, I'm fat and I'm not dead'?

Do you know anybody terrified of sugar even though it kills millions of people every year?

This isn't a case of being terrified, this is a case of putting public health first.

I can't stand Johnson and I can see he is in a no-win situation with half his Party hating him. So I kinda think he maybe realises we're in a hole here.

I dread to think what the right would be saying of we had a labour PM. The country would be in civil war.

Have politicians banned smoking and drinking?

has boris mandated being thin with fines and restrictions on the lives of fat people 

has sugar been banned 

im all for information, recommendations, guidance,,,,,, NOT where this is going and yes even less so if it’s being driven by people who clearly don’t feel the need to follow the rules they make for others , if you genuinely believe in stuff you live that way NATURALLY yourself

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21 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

It's probably fear and/or ignorance.

And who cares if you have seen an extreme example?

That is so utterly meaningless.

It's like me saying I saw a guy shouting and swearing at the security guy in Tesco's that it's all fake before storming (which I did about 5 or 6 weeks ago and still have part of on camera), so what?

I doubt if you'd seen 20 people without masks going about there business that you would be sharing that nugget of information. 

I walked my dogs this morning and it didn't rain even though I put my waterproofs on.

It never rains in Cornwall, clearly.



Actually it’s far far from meaningless, it’s the crux of the whole thing ,,, the bloke you speak of will undoubtedly have been helped on his way to that extreme by irresponsible conspiracy theorists , just as the bloke ive just seen ( and seen many many stupid acts over the last two years) has been helped on his way to that extreme by irresponsible government ministers and msm ,, ffs you’ve got one minister telling of 250 hospitalisation s when it’s apparently NINE, let’s see how boris s first omicron death pans out if we ever get true story one way or the other ,

yet again double standards , misinformation for the public good ? The trouble is with that approach comes a shelf life and in the long run may probably do more harm than good it certainly turns me away from a booster more than or as much as concerns over safety 

Edited by Archied
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59 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

There are people in this thread who think we should all get doubled jabbed, boosted and wear masks in public.

If we're wrong  and it's not necessary, you have a slightly achy arm and a you have to enunciate more clearly when talking in a public space.

If those of you that think it's unnecessary are wrong, hundreds or thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people die (potentially you) and this drags on forever.

This is such a ridiculous argument to me.

Get vaccinated, wear a mask and then if this is all a waste of time, mock the duck out of us afterwards for you being slightly inconvenienced as opposed to being dead.

How many jabs and how long do you want this experiment to last for? The vast majority did exactly what you suggested above and it still hasn’t ended. 

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34 minutes ago, Archied said:

Have politicians banned smoking and drinking?

has boris mandated being thin with fines and restrictions on the lives of fat people 

has sugar been banned 

im all for information, recommendations, guidance,,,,,, NOT where this is going and yes even less so if it’s being driven by people who clearly don’t feel the need to follow the rules they make for others , if you genuinely believe in stuff you live that way NATURALLY yourself

No, just like they haven't banned Covid .

They have banned smoking in public places to slow the spread of people killing themselves and others though. 

And they banned drink driving for similar reasons. 

You'd last sentence would suggest nobody who smokes knows it's bad for them to make any sense. 


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3 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

How many jabs and how long do you want this experiment to last for? The vast majority did exactly what you suggested above and it still hasn’t ended. 

I dunno  if I had a vote I'd like it to end tomorrow,

My mum and dad didn't get a vote on how long WWII went on for, they just managed a situation that was crappy for everyone.  

If only they'd been asked it could have ended sooner. 

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

There are people in this thread who think we should all get doubled jabbed, boosted

Two jabs and a booster each year I think the majority can agree with. Anything else should not be required or even considered, otherwise the jabs are a waste of time. 

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56 minutes ago, Archied said:

Paranoid???? , just got in from walking the dog ,,, bloke across the road walking in a mask with hardly a soul around ,,, now that’s paranoid

If he's got a cold, a cough or suchlike, fair play to him. If 'walking the dog' is code for 'just come out of the pub' (see Geordies passim), fair play to him. Otherwise, somewhat OTT and, by all WHO guidance, unnecessary.

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6 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Two jabs and a booster each year I think the majority can agree with. Anything else should not be required or even considered, otherwise the jabs are a waste of time. 

Indeed, unnecessarily prolonging the lives of the vulnerable - what a waste of time.

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23 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Two jabs and a booster each year I think the majority can agree with. Anything else should not be required or even considered, otherwise the jabs are a waste of time. 

I mean surely 3 jabs a year is just not possible long term anyway? Look how the whole health service grinds to a halt for the booster drive. 

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