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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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24 minutes ago, Albert said:

I left this thread months ago as it was just nonstop madness, but my word, it just keeps going. 

This approach would mean that they're treating it with less significance than even the flu, which they do test for, and do report on the numbers for still. Bizarre. 

Realistically, the issue with omicron is the shear scale of infections. Hospitalisation rate is down for it, as are deaths, but the shear number of infections more than makes up for it. 

Honestly, I suspect the UK will do better out of this than Australia, as there are high rates of historic infection, and there has been some effort to deal with things throughout. Honestly, Scomo just forced stuff open with no plan, and is basically now daily saying 'we never could have known it would be like this'. 

The one to look out for with it though is because omicron hospitalises less, what tends to happen is that hospisations hold steady for a bit while omicron cases climb, then eventually the hospitalisations start climbing too. For South Australia and New South Wales, which are driven pretty much by omicron, hospitalisations are doubling every 4-5 days. Victoria saw a period of flat hospitalisations, which are now starting to rise, as omicron has become the dominant variant. This is seen in the UK already, with hospitalisations in England now above the November pre-lockdown peak, and rising. Hopefully, it doesn't get to the January peak. 

I think we can be somewhat hopeful that the UK can ride this out. South Australia is a mess though. The incompetence of the current government is being highlighted dramatically. Their preparation was sorely lacking, and the health system is already showing signs of serious trouble. No idea what'll happen here in the coming weeks, but some of the modelling is suggesting a peak here of around the third week of January. I guess that's a positive with omicron, things are happening so far that the peak shouldn't be that far off. 

I see Victoria has canceled all elective surgery from today. Everything seems to be going ok in our little part of the world here in Qld but as you say the peak is due in a couple of weeks. Still hard to believe we haven’t had a death due to covid since 2020 but we have been warned that is likely to change. The federal election can’t come soon enough.

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40 minutes ago, Albert said:

Realistically, the issue with omicron is the shear scale of infections. Hospitalisation rate is down for it, as are deaths, but the shear number of infections more than makes up for it

Why does it? If the vast majority of people are not really getting seriously ill anymore, what does the number of cases actually mean other than to support a media obsession. 

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Just now, Stagtime said:

I see Victoria has canceled all elective surgery from today. Everything seems to be going ok in our little part of the world here in Qld but as you say the peak is due in a couple of weeks. Still hard to believe we haven’t had a death due to covid since 2020 but we have been warned that is likely to change. The federal election can’t come soon enough.

The issue is the lag between new cases, hospitalisations and deaths. Because omicron is spreading so fast, we're into eyewatering numbers of new cases before anything else can really catch up. 

The good news is that there does appear to be a drop in hospitalisation rate, and ICU figures do appear down, on the delta wave in NSW, even accounting for the lag, etc. This drop isn't enough to stop record hospitalisations, etc, indeed NSW are already at their record for the pandemic, as is the nation as a whole, but is encouraging. 

In terms of death, the case fatality rate of cleared cases in NSW from this wave is about 0.1-0.2%, which is very very encouraging. Between vaccination, treatments, previous immunity and a less virulent variant, it seems we're in a much better place. That's still going to be a lot of deaths though if that applies to all the active cases, however. NSW has 192,927 active cases, so a 0.1-0.2% CFR will see approximately 200-380 people lose their lives just on the cases they have right now. SA is just under 0.1% for their CFR so far, with 4 deaths. That, in a sense good news, as that's still less than the delta wave, but we're not at the peak yet.   

As to Queensland, there have been 34,271 new cases since the start of December, with 8374 cleared to date. Notionally, we'd expect about 8 deaths from that many cleared cases looking at NSW, but there are two things at play: 1) it takes time in many cases for Covid to kill, 2) you're going to get a lot of noise. Let's hope that Queensland's not just getting lucky, and the CFR overall will end up even lower. 

Overall though, while any deaths are tragic, it could be a whole lot worse than omicron is looking. The key challenge right now is for the health systems to hold up. Honestly, if we had a more competent set of governments in SA and Federally, I wouldn't actually be that worried right now. Our health system in SA, however, was struggling to cope with demand before this all started though, and we've already stopped all elective procedures, etc. 

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12 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Read the patents bit. 

I did, needed a good chuckle.

Cheers for that. 

1 minute ago, TexasRam said:

Why does it? If the vast majority of people are not really getting seriously ill anymore, what does the number of cases actually mean other than to support a media obsession. 

Because while most aren't getting seriously ill, the rate of people going needing hospitalisation is still not lower enough to compensate for the infectivity. To put that another way, while hospitalisation is down 70%, maybe even more, the number of infections is ballooning. How much depends on context of the country, but here in South Australia, for example, we planned for an outbreak of about 2500 cases total of delta. Yeah, we're getting 70% less hospitalisations per case, but we've got 10 times the cases already, and still climbing. If you've got 10 times the cases, then having only 30% of the hospitalisations is still 3 times the expected hospitalisations. This is happening in the space of less than a month as well, rather than the 2-3 that was expected. 

So yeah, the issue is just the shear number of people needing treatment at once. A very different situation to earlier in the pandemic. 

Honestly, this is better in some ways, worse in others. Less people, hopefully, will die of Covid, but more will be impacted by what's happening to the health system because of it. That should be over relatively quickly, with the estimated peak within January and tailing off from there, but it's not going to be a fun few weeks here. 

I hope the UK is handling things better, but the hospital numbers are climbing now too. Hopefully, the mix of factors in the UK keeps that manageable though. 

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3 days ago I had suspected stroke/TIA symptoms. Ambulance 2 hours wait, so wife transported me to A&E.

Mention stroke and this army of folks turned up in seconds. In my very distressed state its a bit of a blur, but wife said I had head X-ray, ECG, BP tests, various physical tests. All done very quickly and with sympathy, even from porter chap.

Decided probably not stroke so sent home, appointment next morning at stroke clinic. More highly efficient tests from very caring people. Consultant went through everything in minute detail. Not stroke or TIA probably a medication issue.  Huge relief.

Now seeing GP tonight, no complaint there.

2 Points from this

1. I had brilliant service from everybody even though even I could see they were rushed of their feet .

2. I had covid test on entry first day, but from then on, both days, no tests or questions for me or my wife (who was allowed to stay with me). Seemed strange.

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13 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

3 days ago I had suspected stroke/TIA symptoms. Ambulance 2 hours wait, so wife transported me to A&E.

Mention stroke and this army of folks turned up in seconds. In my very distressed state its a bit of a blur, but wife said I had head X-ray, ECG, BP tests, various physical tests. All done very quickly and with sympathy, even from porter chap.

Decided probably not stroke so sent home, appointment next morning at stroke clinic. More highly efficient tests from very caring people. Consultant went through everything in minute detail. Not stroke or TIA probably a medication issue.  Huge relief.

Now seeing GP tonight, no complaint there.

2 Points from this

1. I had brilliant service from everybody even though even I could see they were rushed of their feet .

2. I had covid test on entry first day, but from then on, both days, no tests or questions for me or my wife (who was allowed to stay with me). Seemed strange.

Did this follow a covid jab?  If so, how long after?

Good to see you're well enough to be back online ?

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1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:


shocking that it’s even a consideration by the media! 

There’s some In here I’m sure would support it 

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3 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:


Love the conclusion


Variants are caused by gene deletion from fake vaccines and fake tests. Stop complying to your Democide and Mark of The Beast enslavement.

Serve the war criminals (anyone pushing the death jab) with Notices of Liability.

Contact me if you need a detox protocol to remove the biological poisons we are being bombarded with because there are solutions to protect your health

Do you not think he might be taken more seriously if he didn't use such ridiculously emotive language? If he's not a conspiracist nutcase, then why is he doing his best to sound like one?

See also the bit where he claims (presumably with a straight-face) that viruses are only a theory and there is no proof that viruses actually exist. 

Edited by Stive Pesley
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16 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Do you not think he might be taken more seriously if he didn't use such ridiculously emotive language? If he's not a conspiracist nutcase, then why is he doing his best to sound like one?

See also the bit where he claims (presumably with a straight-face) that viruses are only a theory and there is no proof that viruses actually exist. 

Lol indeed.

This bit: Contact me if you need a detox protocol to remove the biological poisons we are being bombarded with because there are solutions to protect your health

I wonder if the detox protocol is avilable for a "small fee"?

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

Did this follow a covid jab?  If so, how long after?

Good to see you're well enough to be back online ?

Had booster weeks ago. No its probably my blood pressure tabs for some reason causing sudden low pressure. Is I stay sat down and quiet I'm ok. Anxiety is also not helping sleep so I'm tired but otherwise fine thanks.

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Ah ok, well I hope you continue to improve ?

The reason I asked was because my brother-in-law, a healthy 39yo had stroke-like symptoms a couple of days after his second jab.  He was rushed to hospital with severe headaches, blurred vision, slurred speech etc.  He stayed in for 3 days before being discharged, he has seen numerous Doctors since and whilst non have said it was the vaccine they also haven't offered an explanation as to why it happened. 

Since that happened in the summer he has had another night in hospital and suffers from regular headaches.  He was eligible his booster before Christmas but has held off for the time being.  He also had covid (mild) before Christmas.

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

Did this follow a covid jab?  If so, how long after?

Good to see you're well enough to be back online ?

Was going to ask similar as a friend suffered a stroke within 2 weeks of booster , of course it could be totally unconnected but I’m not comfortable that the effort to check these thing out is as rigorous as it should be , certainly not in line with death from any cause within 28 days of a positive covid test 

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For those who travel some really good news 

The PM confirms that pre-departure travel Covid tests to enter England from overseas will be scrapped from 04:00 on Friday.

He also says he is lifting the requirement to self-isolate on arrival in England until receiving a negative PCR test result.

Instead people can take a lateral flow test on day two - and if it's positive a further PCR test will be needed to identify any new variants, plus isolation as normal

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