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Sibley on the right


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I wrote this mid-July in topic Midfield next season:

It's tough question as I do like all of them... 

If we continue with 4-2-3-1 I'd like to see Bielik-Rooney in the bottom and Bird in more attacking role. Also, I'd try Sibley on the right, see if he could adapt to play on the wing. Knight on the left and all of a sudden there's not too many players!

If Sibley on the right wouldn't work out, he'd take the Bird's place in the middle. And as Max is way too good prospect to be sat on the bench, I'd be tempted to sell him. Unpopular opinion for sure, but we could afford it and he would command a hefty fee.

Bielik needs to play as our team is lacking height and aerial power so, so much.

As preseason is gone, I'm afraid it's not worth trying it anymore. Other than that, I haven't changed my mind. 

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Yes but only if Rooney is playing number 10 in a 4-2-3-1. Sibley tends to run the right inside forward channel a lot anyway so it could work, particularly if Rooney is holding the ball then laying off to Sibley to the right, Lawrence left & Marriott round the corner. Dont believe it would work in a 4-3-3, would rather see him central

Also would like to see Whittaker emerge as a starter & RW would seem a logical position for him to come into the side.

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So much of player selections in particular positions depends on what sort of opponent they might be facing.

you’d never play Rooney in an advanced position ... unless the opponents back line was seen as lacking something that he could exploit, same with Sibley. Great at moving anywhere in an AM role / edge of the box. Who works best with him in terms of interchange and mind set ? What are they up against .. Terriers or Battlecruisers ? 

I reckon you have a plan A for your best set up .. then you must start thinking that Joe Blogs of their’s is slow .. so let’s tweak our plan to exploit that. 

Our problem at the moment is we are missing firepower up top so need to give the mids the confidence to move up the pitch. We have quality in the middle but they seem a little reticent .. as the defence improves with Marshall and Dutch Mike perhaps we will see some more adventure. ... something Sibbo wants to be instinctively, wherever he plays

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7 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

I don't know if it's just his running style but Whittaker doesn't seem to display enough urgency for me. Still very much learning his trade.

I agree, there is something there, but he almost seems to be holding back at times.. is it coaching ? Is he one of those “lurkers”  a right place right time sort of striker ? 

I don’t think we have seen what he is about yet but there is plenty of time, he’s young and wouldn’t have got this far without some star dust. (I hope !) 

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6 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Didnt Sibley start on the left when he was making a name for himself in the youth set up? Or was he just the type of player that could play anywhere? 

I vaguely remember a game for the u23s where he was terrorising the left hand side of the pitch.

He started out as a left-back for the U18s, so could arguably be used anywhere down the left side. IMO he's much more effective playing just behind the striker though.

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Sibley has been our only decent attacking player available recently so no surprise.

Once he has quality around him other teams have to spread their attention. He’ll get the space back.

Plus Marriott as a striker isn’t someone he can play the 1-2 off. So he needs to slightly adapt, find the pockets and then immediately slide in Marriott.

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