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Cardiff City (A) - Matchday Thread


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Much better after the drinks break. It seems Cocu gave them the kick up the arse they needed. Pretty pathetic from the players to come out so lethargic for the fourth game in a row mind. We need to get a grip of that. We looked a lot better once we started to actually play our game mind, rather than going all defensive like we did at the start. We are much better when playing the possession game rather than aimlessly lumping it up to Martin. 

That said, we’ve still not looked hugely threatening despite all our nice play. We need better movement in the final third, as well as players in midfield to pick the right pass more often - sometimes that’s the backwards pass, but sometimes there’s a good option free in space further forward that you need to hit.

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Sorry if this has been said. Scandalous refereeing for our equalizer. Not one but two Cardiff defenders deliberately took Sibley out and neither was booked. They were outrageous challenges and if those two defenders are booked as they should be, it changes the whole game when we go forward.

Yet another example of the officiating that seems to go against us every match.

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Think Knight can be the Bryson style all action runner who scores goals from midfield. He’s a better finisher than Bryson too, and that’s saying something given some of the seasons Bryson had. 

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1 minute ago, Bob The Badger said:

That’s like saying about QB that ‘he can throw as good a long pass as an QB I know, but if he didn’t throw interceptions he’d be great’

Roos just isn’t the complete package.

He was as bas as Hamer when he was dropped.

But stopping shots looks spectacular whereas holding back on your line because you’re fearful of catching the ball looks mundane.

Credit to him today as of now, but he’s a long way from being too good for this division.

Every keeper at this level has a weakness. Quite a few of the so called better keepers are also weak in the air

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A few issues stemming from playing out from the back. 

With Lowe on the right and Davies playing next to him it's making playing out from the right difficult and Fozzy seems a bit too punt happy (to be honest early on a lot of players were doing this). Rooney is also quietly having a bit of a bad game. 

This is making it hard for us to build play properly but it's somewhat balanced by Clarke, Bird and Sibley playing really well. 

Also Roos is having a really good game so far.

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5 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Sorry if this has been said. Scandalous refereeing for our equalizer. Not one but two Cardiff defenders deliberately took Sibley out and neither was booked. They were outrageous challenges and if those two defenders are booked as they should be, it changes the whole game when we go forward.

Yet another example of the officiating that seems to go against us every match.

One of those where it's easier not to, so I'm not really surprised. If Knight missed I expect he'd have given a booking. But when there's a significant moment, it takes the attention away and it's easier for the referee to avoid a contentious decision in the second half where there's a debatable yellow that could see a player sent off.

It's frustrating because it's inconsistent, but those kind of decisions happen every time and it's far from the worst refereeing we've experienced lately. I actually think this referee is doing ok so far, letting a few things go, not really buying the play-acting and keeping his hand out of his pocket at the moment.

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3 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Sorry if this has been said. Scandalous refereeing for our equalizer. Not one but two Cardiff defenders deliberately took Sibley out and neither was booked. They were outrageous challenges and if those two defenders are booked as they should be, it changes the whole game when we go forward.

Yet another example of the officiating that seems to go against us every match.

Just seen a replay and on initial watch in real time, thought yellow card for at least 1 player. On replays at the time, confirmed it. 


However on the most recent replay, one of the players takes the ball cleanly, yes takes the man a bit too but not enough for a card, i think a yellow would be an easy sell but i can see why the advantage was played for just the foul, it was careless /borderline reckless so i can see why no card. 

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Sibley is by far and away our best player. I think he is the real deal. The only one causing them any problems. 
Everyone else is very one dimensional.

Playing  Max Lowe at right back really doesn’t work. He is so one footed it goes backwards every time. I know it’s a bug bear of mine but how do these academies work - why doesn’t someone work on his right foot?! How many years does he need. Ashley Cole was the same. Modern football. You can just about get away with it playing on the left but it exposes you when having to play out of position.



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