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2 hours ago, richinspain said:

On the news now they are showing the makeshift hospitals that are being prepared here in Spain. Today we have 2538 new cases and a total of 131716, with 558 deaths and 774 seriously ill in intensive care. Hopefully the measures being taken will help reduce the total number of deaths, even if the total number of infected can't be reduced.


That’s nasty mate,best wishes to everyone.

Keep yourself safe.

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Just now, richinspain said:

If you all agree to take unpaid leave, once you go back to work the overtime you will have may well pay what you lose if it's at time and a half. Obviously it will depend on your economic position and the amount of time you're off work. Four weeks for example at 40 hours per week are 160 hours you will have to do unpaid, or just over 100 hours at time and a half.

I don't know what your financial situation is, but I know I can't afford to take unpaid leave right now. Toyota are saying offically they are off until the 27th March, but most of the workers are expecting it to be nearer the end of April and I can't afford that.

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2 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

cc @richinspain on average and using official figures from 2018, 1,300 people die every day in Spain, so the total over the last 3 or 4 weeks is about the average of 9-hours on a normal day. 

I'd imagine they are not even close to the not being able to manage....yet.

No, I don't think there are problems numbers wise at the moment. The problem will come with the peak.

As for the number of deaths, again that's not a huge increase. Obviously there are deaths for other causes still, so the CV deaths are an addiction. Some of those deaths may have been imminent without the CV as the chronically ill are the most at risk, but when the peak arrives will be the problem.

I would hope that current cases/deaths are more than capable of being covered by the infrastructure already in place. What has/is happening in Italy would suggest that soon that may not be the case.

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7 minutes ago, ossieram said:

I don't know what your financial situation is, but I know I can't afford to take unpaid leave right now. Toyota are saying offically they are off until the 27th March, but most of the workers are expecting it to be nearer the end of April and I can't afford that.

I do understand that, and my case wouldn't be too dissimilar to yours. I have been put on temporary suspension of contract by my employer. He pays my social security and the government will pay me 70% of my wage. It's certainly not ideal, but as I can't go out the house I won't be spending much ?. Although I did catch my wife looking on amazon the other day ?.

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11 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

But we don't know you can't get it twice yet. Supposedly a woman in Japan has done just that. 

She must have been literally clubbing black cats to death with broken mirrors to have that kind of luck. 

Looks like It's super rare.  I thought it was weird it hadn't been more widely reported. 

Any disease can be had twice. There are always a few people who catch chicken pox twice and so on. But as UTR says below, it's a rare thing and not worth basing policy on. We only know about these minuscule number of cases because of the media frenzy and desperation to sensationalize and make out this is the end of the world. Until the next thing that's the end of the world. As someone who researches the end of the world I can categorically state this isn't it [Haven't read the thread but I hope no one on here is saying it is!]. You're right about black cats and mirrors. In a world heading for 8 billion people, you can always find some who are unlucky.

2 hours ago, Uptherams said:

It's still not conclusive that you can't be reinfrcted, but I'd imagine that it's that low, it's not even worth mentioning so the media don't cause a panic. 


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I suppose this enforced break is a good opportunity for Tom Lawrence to complete all those hundreds of hours of community service.

Shopping for the old and vulnerable perhaps. Mind you, someone else would have to drive!

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Talked to our travel agency today.  They are still flying to Spain, even with the country mostly shut down.  We do not have residency in Spain or any essential company work to do there so we are as i understand it not allowed into the country on April 5.  i told the courteous young man that i understand their predicament and that they are hoping most passengers will cancel their flights, so as the company won't have to pay back the ticket, but informed him that we would do no such thing and that their offer of going sometime later in the year would be impossible for us, that we have only this window, adding that if they would put us on a flight to a high risk area in lock down where we are not wanted and told by authorities to stay away, there would be repercussions.  He jotted everything down and promised to look into our particular case.  You shouldn't be flying there with anyone i said, to which he hesitantly replied, well we are doing what we can in this difficult situation.

Will just leave this clip here for your amusement


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2 hours ago, richinspain said:

If you all agree to take unpaid leave, once you go back to work the overtime you will have may well pay what you lose if it's at time and a half. Obviously it will depend on your economic position and the amount of time you're off work. Four weeks for example at 40 hours per week are 160 hours you will have to do unpaid, or just over 100 hours at time and a half.

Depending how the company words it's policy on paying back unworked hours.

A company I once worked for made me work, pay back, the same amount of hours as I had previously not worked. Meaning the  first 24 extra hours I worked on my return to work were paid at the flat rate without any overtime premium.

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5 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

Laying a slightly cynical eye on it but I took it that you release a number that’s beatable, beat it and call the UK response a success. Nothing wrong in principal with that but I can’t see the point of putting a figure out if you don’t intend to beat it comfortably.

I can certainly see something wrong with it!

When you consider we have 71 deaths, and they start saying stuff that makes it sound like we'll do well to restrict ours to 20,000 (and doesn't even state a timescale for what period this is over) then it's exactly the sort of statement that creates such a large level of panic in people?

If you don't know the context behind it, that it's because what they think might happen in China and all you see is the headline figure repeated (again without context) on news item after news item then surely it's actually pretty irresponsible? I mean yeah, there's rmaking sure that people don't treat it too casually, but I imagine teh numbers they were putting out yesterday have poo people up more than keeping them informed. I know it has me, massively triggered my anxiety levels beyond rational thought.

I had the same question as TamworthRam yesterday and felt equally as stupid for asking it.

Can I ask though... if China took it so seriously and went into a strict lockdown as early as they did, why would they now be so bloody lax as to just say they're done with all the measures and everyone can go about their business?

For a country who took such extreme measures to prevent the spread, why would they then take such a massive risk of it all exploding again unless they're confident they've got it under control?  It makes no sense? It doesn't allign with their previous attitude. Surely they must have at least some confidence that they really are over the worst?

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1 hour ago, ramit said:

Talked to our travel agency today.  They are still flying to Spain, even with the country mostly shut down.  We do not have residency in Spain or any essential company work to do there so we are as i understand it not allowed into the country on April 5.  i told the courteous young man that i understand their predicament and that they are hoping most passengers will cancel their flights, so as the company won't have to pay back the ticket, but informed him that we would do no such thing and that their offer of going sometime later in the year would be impossible for us, that we have only this window, adding that if they would put us on a flight to a high risk area in lock down where we are not wanted and told by authorities to stay away, there would be repercussions.  He jotted everything down and promised to look into our particular case.  You shouldn't be flying there with anyone i said, to which he hesitantly replied, well we are doing what we can in this difficult situation.

Will just leave this clip here for your amusement


What the fluck with Britain ? We seem to produce some real embarrassment s of people

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Christ on a bike, we are in trouble.  Our chief epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason said today that there is a much higher risk of virus infection among Icelanders returning from abroad, than from tourists and that their studies show this, without mentioning what studies and on how many or in any way rationalizing this absurd assertion.

His main job seems to be to protect the dying tourist industry at all costs.  While Icelanders are told to self isolate as much as possible and keep 2 meters between people, with strict quarantine rules if having been in the vicinity of Icelanders who tested positive, tourists may roam and congregate freely.  We will have an Italian situation here soon i fear.  45 new cases just yesterday, 250 in total, our curve is becoming very steep indeed.

Talked to our doctor today, told her i was still feeling ill and that our time for testing had been cancelled.  i can go to the parking lot behind the medical center tomorrow to get tested, but just me, for there is a shortage of testing swabs and if i have it is likely the three of us have it.  So, that's good news for us at least, this uncertainty is unnerving.

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Despite having had the full capability of working from home for the last 3 days, my workplace have only just today decided to give us the personal choice of whether or not we go into the building.

This has led to some people staying on at work who may or may not be carrying the virus as they don't want to be seen as somehow disloyal or shirkers.

I'm outta there and will be working at home for the foreseeable unless I'm needed for something that cannot be done remotely.

This organisation? Three letters... begins with an N and ends in S.


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4 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Despite having had the full capability of working from home for the last 3 days, my workplace have only just today decided to give us the personal choice of whether or not we go into the building.

This has led to some people staying on at work who may or may not be carrying the virus as they don't want to be seen as somehow disloyal or shirkers.

I'm outta there and will be working at home for the foreseeable unless I'm needed for something that cannot be done remotely.

This organisation? Three letters... begins with an N and ends in S.


Nas, nes, nis, nos, nus? ?

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11 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Despite having had the full capability of working from home for the last 3 days, my workplace have only just today decided to give us the personal choice of whether or not we go into the building.

This has led to some people staying on at work who may or may not be carrying the virus as they don't want to be seen as somehow disloyal or shirkers.

I'm outta there and will be working at home for the foreseeable unless I'm needed for something that cannot be done remotely.

This organisation? Three letters... begins with an N and ends in S.


Is the answer "MENSA"?

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