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17 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

Is there a possibility a few of us are suffering from Coronavirus fatigue ? I’m not trying to be clever or flippant here, but to me, people’s tolerance levels seem to be dropping and their lack of patience with each other is visibly evident.

I took a sabbatical a little while ago because after shielding (and following the rules) for 17 weeks, I found myself getting a bit short tempered. Short tempered and logging in here is not a good combination. 

I haven’t read too much on here regarding the effect this virus is having on us mentally. Maybe everybody is coping and I’m weak but I’m frustrated as duck I can’t shake hands with somebody I haven’t seen for ages, can’t hug (female) colleagues I once did after not seeing them for a while, negativity on the news 24/7, not even a hint of trying to find out for certain how this all started, and having a drop of accountability, no fans in football grounds, no festivals/concerts to look forward to, I could go on.

I suppose all I’m asking is for people to take on board somebody else could have had a poo day and are a bit down in the dumps and cut them some slack. I certainly feel I’ve lost some of my spark, and I’m not as quick with the wit as I was.

It’s 6 months tomorrow since I began shielding, although I returned to work on the 3rd of August, and I don’t care what anybody thinks about me on here, it’s only the Internet after all, I’m definitely worse off mentally and not afraid to admit it since this virus hit us.

I think I probably am. I work in a place where suicide attempts and self-harm have gone through the roof. I got punched in the face from someone who had a psychotic episode that has been proven not to be drug induced just 4 weeks a go. 

I'm burnt out from overtime, 3 months of nights, a lockdown regime that causes animosity and a constant stream of abuse and conflict. I'm knackered. Short-tempered and probably shouldn't be logging on. 

Ah well. Back in again tomorrow. Can't wait. 

And on that note, for my own mental health, I'm taking a break from here.

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1 minute ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Well put @Pearl Ram.

Without going into too much detail, I've suffered little financial impact, kept working albeit on reduced hours, haven't lost anyone close to me and on the surface life is pretty normal.

It's not though, and I don't see a way out.



Sorry to read that last line rev, but I know where you’re coming from, I crave a drop of positivity, not for myself, more for the nation. ☹️

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42 minutes ago, TexasRam said:



And this is why the country is having to deal with a spike in coronavirus cases. People not adhering to the rules and regulations that they have been asked to follow. Should have left the pub at 10:00pm and not at 10:02pm.

But seriously if we'd  all worn a mask, worn a mask correctly and stayed socially distanced, like we were asked. Then we may not be facing a new period of restrictions.

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Some of the best posts on the forum I've read in the last few posts. 

it is taking a toll on most of us, life is difficult right now, like @Pearl Ram I had to shield,  sometimes I'd like to discuss the challenges we have personally rather than wade through the politics,  but it is what it is.

A few months ago I suggested two threads , one for discussing our personal situations , challenges and one for the political aspects. 

I lashed out, wrongly tonight and I apologise, I dunno,  just would like be able to discuss coronavirus at a personal level.

Even the football is no fun right now with people ripping each other a new one after every game. 

I'll probably be back in a few days when we win at the weekend, but ideally I wont, I'm going to have a break for as long as i can.


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6 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Some of the best posts on the forum I've read in the last few posts. 

it is taking a toll on most of us, life is difficult right now, like @Pearl Ram I had to shield,  sometimes I'd like to discuss the challenges we have personally rather than wade through the politics,  but it is what it is.

A few months ago I suggested two threads , one for discussing our personal situations , challenges and one for the political aspects. 

I lashed out, wrongly tonight and I apologise, I dunno,  just would like be able to discuss coronavirus at a personal level.

Even the football is no fun right now with people ripping each other a new one after every game. 

I'll probably be back in a few days when we win at the weekend, but ideally I wont, I'm going to have a break for as long as i can.


Take care, it's a fraught time and maybe we all need to think of that before posting.

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8 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Some of the best posts on the forum I've read in the last few posts. 

it is taking a toll on most of us, life is difficult right now, like @Pearl Ram I had to shield,  sometimes I'd like to discuss the challenges we have personally rather than wade through the politics,  but it is what it is.

A few months ago I suggested two threads , one for discussing our personal situations , challenges and one for the political aspects. 

I lashed out, wrongly tonight and I apologise, I dunno,  just would like be able to discuss coronavirus at a personal level.

Even the football is no fun right now with people ripping each other a new one after every game. 

I'll probably be back in a few days when we win at the weekend, but ideally I wont, I'm going to have a break for as long as i can.


If you feel like a topic on handling lockdown and the restrictions personally, away from the news and stats would help, feel free to open one.

I can put a notice at the top to make it clear the topic is not for discussion on Coronavirus news and stats but members trying to live the situation.

This is not a problem at all, and with lockdown 2 looming it’s a topic I may find myself more interested in as I’m struggling to find ways to occupy myself and keep my mind active whilst being cooped up.

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59 minutes ago, Norman said:

I think I probably am. I work in a place where suicide attempts and self-harm have gone through the roof. I got punched in the face from someone who had a psychotic episode that has been proven not to be drug induced just 4 weeks a go. 

I'm burnt out from overtime, 3 months of nights, a lockdown regime that causes animosity and a constant stream of abuse and conflict. I'm knackered. Short-tempered and probably shouldn't be logging on. 

Ah well. Back in again tomorrow. Can't wait. 

And on that note, for my own mental health, I'm taking a break from here.

Sorry to hear that @Norman, you do a tough job which I cannot imagine doing.

I honestly didn't accuse you of being a far right conspiracy theorist. I was reading an article at the weekend about how QAnon is appealing to all sorts of people, and from what I read, plenty of it is not far right.

It does target the Clinton's specifically though, especially the 'pizzagate' garbage which I remember been mentioned here in the past.  

I'm sure Clinton has some skeletons in the closet, but I thought you had previously implied that were things beyond what you mentioned earlier tonight.  Apologies if you didn't mean that.

Now...back to me half heartedly defending the government against the Brexit Racists* who all voted for them!

*That is a joke

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

I think I probably am. I work in a place where suicide attempts and self-harm have gone through the roof. I got punched in the face from someone who had a psychotic episode that has been proven not to be drug induced just 4 weeks a go. 

I'm burnt out from overtime, 3 months of nights, a lockdown regime that causes animosity and a constant stream of abuse and conflict. I'm knackered. Short-tempered and probably shouldn't be logging on. 

Ah well. Back in again tomorrow. Can't wait. 

And on that note, for my own mental health, I'm taking a break from here.

One of my oldest mates is a Prison officer and he has a very similar experience to you. Absolute top respect for you all.


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8 hours ago, Srg said:

The Government's reaction, communication and implementation throughout this whole pandemic has been absolutely shocking whether you're on the side of wanting things to be locked down further again or not. To me, that is absolutely indisputable.

The Government have been pathetic, but to be fair they always said they were following Scientific rationale & guidance (Srg). As early as February this year Srg was feeding them highly misleading information. You couldn’t make it up.


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On 21/09/2020 at 23:08, ariotofmyown said:

The stats you quote do not imply deaths and hospitisations should be higher as younger, fitter people are getting positive results now. You are aware that hospitisations are increasing right? You are aware that we seem to be a few weeks behind countries like France who are already seeing the deaths come back?


says the person who also says...

This certainly doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory, does it...

Why are people like you so distrusting of literally everyone involved? What do you think they are trying to do? At the worst, it's trying to stop loads of deaths happening again. 

And I don't even like the current regime at all. I shudder at what the people might demand next. Clampdown on glasses wearers?

Since the beginning of this all, I have posted and sourced many facts to which people like you just routinely dismiss because it doesn't suit the opinion you've already formed. 

Yet you still try and imply anyone who doesn't agree with you is a far right conspiracy theorist. 

Have another:


As always it's the same clique ?? 


I've gone from warning friends who were traveling to South East Asia earlier this year to look after themselves as I was seeing videos out if a place called Wuhan in China and they were all getting removed.  

To being quite concerned when I saw the now garbage modelling by the likes of Prof Ferguson before they were publicly released. 

To seeking out information from Dr's and scientist's discussing the issues they a d we were facing that the MSM didn't want to cover. Highlighting how it was comparable to the flu and the modelling was shocking. 

Having idiots say this wasn't from China, when the evidence supported it. To people ignoring the Chinese censorship of people who work with bats and in that lab in Wuhan 250 meters away from the wet market. 

Then people claiming it wasn't man made, when numerous people from this lab have even come forward and stated it has come from that lab. 

To people blindly ignoring how the number of deaths were being inflated due to everyone dying being tested. Only for the figures to already get revised down, just  a few months back. They will again in the coming years.

Having to watch people make stupid political points when the government were doing a good job at providing hospital beds, ventaltors and tests for a complete unknown. 

To then watch people collectively lose their minds over a man going to a castle when there were numerous politicians from every party that had been caught doing things they perhaps shouldn't. 

Then constantly read about how stupid and ignorant everyone else is but themselves regarding who is the most cautious person in the UK. When the reality is almost everyone has adhered to the rules and sacrificed. 

To then see utter silence from these very same people when it's BLM and Antifa gathering in large numbers. 

Then I began to recognise our government don't really have a single clue regarding stratergy and perspective after 6 whole months. But neither do any of the established political parties in the UK. 

Now you same guys don't want to know anything about false positive rates. 

All the while, barely a source or fact from the lot of ya. Just here, endlessly chatting poo. ?





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10 hours ago, Norman said:

I use the chart from the Official National Statistics website. 

Sorry if facts hurt your feelings. 

If I posted a chart that showed suicide is a far greater threat to under 45s, would that make you determine who is expendable? 

Suicides are a problem now ten years of austerity do not make me laugh.

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4 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Since the beginning of this all, I have posted and sourced many facts to which people like you just routinely dismiss because it doesn't suit the opinion you've already formed. 

Yet you still try and imply anyone who doesn't agree with you is a far right conspiracy theorist. 

Have another:


As always it's the same clique ?? 


I've gone from warning friends who were traveling to South East Asia earlier this year to look after themselves as I was seeing videos out if a place called Wuhan in China and they were all getting removed.  

To being quite concerned when I saw the now garbage modelling by the likes of Prof Ferguson before they were publicly released. 

To seeking out information from Dr's and scientist's discussing the issues they a d we were facing that the MSM didn't want to cover. Highlighting how it was comparable to the flu and the modelling was shocking. 

Having idiots say this wasn't from China, when the evidence supported it. To people ignoring the Chinese censorship of people who work with bats and in that lab in Wuhan 250 meters away from the wet market. 

Then people claiming it wasn't man made, when numerous people from this lab have even come forward and stated it has come from that lab. 

To people blindly ignoring how the number of deaths were being inflated due to everyone dying being tested. Only for the figures to already get revised down, just  a few months back. They will again in the coming years.

Having to watch people make stupid political points when the government were doing a good job at providing hospital beds, ventaltors and tests for a complete unknown. 

To then watch people collectively lose their minds over a man going to a castle when there were numerous politicians from every party that had been caught doing things they perhaps shouldn't. 

Then constantly read about how stupid and ignorant everyone else is but themselves regarding who is the most cautious person in the UK. When the reality is almost everyone has adhered to the rules and sacrificed. 

To then see utter silence from these very same people when it's BLM and Antifa gathering in large numbers. 

Then I began to recognise our government don't really have a single clue regarding stratergy and perspective after 6 whole months. But neither do any of the established political parties in the UK. 

Now you same guys don't want to know anything about false positive rates. 

All the while, barely a source or fact from the lot of ya. Just here, endlessly chatting poo. ?






I'm gonna guess that you do not believe in climate change.

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11 hours ago, Norman said:

I'm burnt out from overtime, 3 months of nights, a lockdown regime that causes animosity and a constant stream of abuse and conflict. I'm knackered. 

Take it easy mate - I remember you saying back in March that you were getting offered incredible overtime rates to do these crazy shifts, but that you were worried about being burned out by August and not going to be allowed holiday. Did you get any? Hope so

I know we rarely agree, but the good thing about being a liberal leftie is that you care about people regardless ?

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