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4 hours ago, ImARam2 said:

The media have stopped their "league tables", i.e. Age groups of those who have died or contacted the virus; ethicity or culture backgrounds and if those who have died have "underlying" health issues.

Only two lists now published in the media - deaths and those with positive symptoms.

Yesterday (Sunday) there was just one death, which is not even a statistic, yet over 1,700 positive cases. Where are those cases, what are their age groups and are they being seriously told to self-isolate for 7 to 14 days?

Are any of the cases found on children, 5 to 16 year olds, because if they are, then the schools will not re-open.

Are they in the 18 to 22 year old age groups, because if they are, then the colleges and universtities will not re-open.

The govenment is pushing hard to get everyone back to "normal" - schools & universtities opened and the general public back to work, yet I don't think the full facts are being published.

Not sure I understand why it matters who is getting it?

As long as the number of infections is causing increased hospitalsations and deaths, I dont understand the relevance?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

As long as the number of infections is causing increased hospitalsations and deaths

We seem to be in some kind of limbo at the moment, cases are up but deaths are mercifully very low, makes you kind of more relaxed. The recent havoc on the beaches doesn't seem to have led to anything serious yet.... makes you wonder.  My Staff Nurse niece however goes mental if anyone breaks the rules, she knows what this thing can do to some people.

In EU it looks increasingly likely they will go into more extended lockdown again. 

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52 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

We seem to be in some kind of limbo at the moment, cases are up but deaths are mercifully very low, makes you kind of more relaxed. The recent havoc on the beaches doesn't seem to have led to anything serious yet.... makes you wonder.  My Staff Nurse niece however goes mental if anyone breaks the rules, she knows what this thing can do to some people.

In EU it looks increasingly likely they will go into more extended lockdown again. 

I'm not sure why we just dont make the leap now and fully open up.

If hospitalizations start going up then we apply the breaks again.

Think the baby steps have been justified to date but now think we are going too slow.

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Sith Happens

I think its clear when you read a couple of pages here how difficult it is to manage the public expectations of how we should open,  you have those who think we should open faster, those who think the pace is about right,  those with concerns about the speed we open and those who want a permanent lockdown until the illness is eradicated and zero risk. 

This weekend I have travelled the furthest since lockdown,  currently away in a lodge and have to say despite some claiming facemasks aren't being worn, my experience so far has been very positive,  people seem to be being sensible and wearing them where they should. 

This just furthers my annoyance with the media who will happily publish stories of non conforming to make people think the worst. 

I know there are people not sticking to, nor have never,  I know some myself but I look around and am pleased with what I have seen. 


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2 hours ago, Paul71 said:

I think its clear when you read a couple of pages here how difficult it is to manage the public expectations of how we should open,  you have those who think we should open faster, those who think the pace is about right,  those with concerns about the speed we open and those who want a permanent lockdown until the illness is eradicated and zero risk. 

This weekend I have travelled the furthest since lockdown,  currently away in a lodge and have to say despite some claiming facemasks aren't being worn, my experience so far has been very positive,  people seem to be being sensible and wearing them where they should. 

This just furthers my annoyance with the media who will happily publish stories of non conforming to make people think the worst. 

I know there are people not sticking to, nor have never,  I know some myself but I look around and am pleased with what I have seen. 

I went in the Intu on Saturday and the majority of people seemed to be wearing them as standard even when not in the shops.

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10 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Why shouldn't the government start encouraging people to start going back to work in an office, they should have been progressing this with more vigour weeks ago. 

It's patently obvious that there a number of people who are more than happy to go and dine out for cheap meals, or sit on a packed aeroplane or beach but when given the alternative of going back to work rather than sit at home and get paid for it shock horror they play the social distancing card. 

If people can work from home adequately then there is no point in forcing them back to work for the avoidance of doubt I'm alluding to the number of conscious objectors who really are supine hypocrites. 

I imagine there are plenty of people who feel relitavley safe eating in a spaced out restaurant or even sitting on a busy beach, who wouldn't be quite as keen to be squeezing onto crowded public transport.

It's quite a hard sell to get people who are happy to work at home, as well as saving a couple of hours a day commuting, to go back into the office.

Are you suggesting that some workshy types are staying at home on the furlough and feigning worry about going into work. This seems like a precarious strategy if it redundancies are on the horizon or if the company ends up having to close down. If this is what you are suggesting, do you have any evidence of the numbers involved in this? 

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

I went in the Intu on Saturday and the majority of people seemed to be wearing them as standard even when not in the shops.

I went in today for the first time since March and I couldn't believe how many people weren't wearing them or had them on their chins, probably 25% who don't give a toss what the signs say. It wasn't the odd individual there were familys of 4+ and not a mask between them so I couldn't be because of an illness unless they all had it. 


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11 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Are you suggesting that some workshy types are staying at home on the furlough and feigning worry about going into work. This seems like a precarious strategy if it redundancies are on the horizon or if the company ends up having to close down. If this is what you are suggesting, do you have any evidence of the numbers involved in this? 

Its human nature and you're naive if you think this is not the case!

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40 minutes ago, Mick Brolly said:

and I couldn't believe how many people weren't wearing them or had them on their chins, probably 25% who don't give a toss what the signs say.

This is the world we live in today #sodyou Look at the people in charge, leading us. #ffs

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Its human nature and you're naive if you think this is not the case!

It's human nature to take the furlough money when you could really go back to work, knowing that your company is probably struggling? That sounds like a fairly naive strategy for your employment prospects from October onwards.

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Reading the last few posts on this thread. Yes people are and will continue to milk forlough, sitting on their arse for at least 80% pay of course they are loving it and will want it to continue. 

Teachers have worked tirelessly hard to get kids back to school, absolute BS. They have been sun bathing for 6 months and are gutted they have to go back, and will cry safety to the unions to prevent the opening of schools. Good on Boris for forcing them to open.

Yes we should open up the country NOW. The virus has had its day and seems no longer to be the huge threat it was made out to be. Let people in football grounds, have concerts, open night clubs etc etc ...let people live their lives.

You feel unsafe and don’t want normality, then stay in. I’m prepared to take the risk, if your not fair enough.

Thats my views on this topic, good morning and have a great safe day everyone. 


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21 hours ago, ImARam2 said:

The media have stopped their "league tables", i.e. Age groups of those who have died or contacted the virus; ethicity or culture backgrounds and if those who have died have "underlying" health issues.

Only two lists now published in the media - deaths and those with positive symptoms.

Yesterday (Sunday) there was just one death, which is not even a statistic, yet over 1,700 positive cases. Where are those cases, what are their age groups and are they being seriously told to self-isolate for 7 to 14 days?

Are any of the cases found on children, 5 to 16 year olds, because if they are, then the schools will not re-open.

Are they in the 18 to 22 year old age groups, because if they are, then the colleges and universtities will not re-open.

The govenment is pushing hard to get everyone back to "normal" - schools & universtities opened and the general public back to work, yet I don't think the full facts are being published.


Deaths as per NHS England...

Female: 39%
Male: 61%

0-19: 0.1%
20-39: 0.7%
40-59: 7.8%
60-79: 38.0%
80+: 53.4%

White: 85%
Mixed: 1%
Asian: 7%
Black: 5%
Other: 2%

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55 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Deaths as per NHS England...

Female: 39%
Male: 61%

0-19: 0.1%
20-39: 0.7%
40-59: 7.8%
60-79: 38.0%
80+: 53.4%

White: 85%
Mixed: 1%
Asian: 7%
Black: 5%
Other: 2%

Is there anything published which shows the deaths as a % of the population ? For example its says 7.8% 40-59 but what % of the population are 40-59, plus what are the deaths as a % of those that caught it. 


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11 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I imagine there are plenty of people who feel relitavley safe eating in a spaced out restaurant or even sitting on a busy beach, who wouldn't be quite as keen to be squeezing onto crowded public transport.

It's quite a hard sell to get people who are happy to work at home, as well as saving a couple of hours a day commuting, to go back into the office.

Are you suggesting that some workshy types are staying at home on the furlough and feigning worry about going into work. This seems like a precarious strategy if it redundancies are on the horizon or if the company ends up having to close down. If this is what you are suggesting, do you have any evidence of the numbers involved in this? 

It's apparently obvious that there are numbers of people who have become institutionalised now happy to live off the governments free furlough handouts and sit at home. 

The furlough scheme was always a job retention plan - it isn't for a company to indefinitely pay staff knowing that they never will be likely to operate again or trade without making significant staff redundant. 

I've read studied that people have been more productive working from home, as I said in my original post I am not singling these people out it's the refuseniks who are now used to taking free money for nothing.

The schools opening will be a huge catalyst in changing this as will the tapering off of the furlough payments. If staff still don't return to work then they wont be eligible for company sick pay which might alter some people's minds when they are receiving SSP instead of 80% of their wages 

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10 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

It's human nature to take the furlough money when you could really go back to work, knowing that your company is probably struggling? That sounds like a fairly naive strategy for your employment prospects from October onwards.


8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:


I don't know if its human nature but it can be a trait of some individuals. 

Many people think employers are a bottomless pit financially, but there are also lots and I would like to think more who see the preservation of the business, and thus their jobs to be more Important than a 80% paid for holiday. 

I certainly know people,  not just of but actual examples where returning to work has been a massive inconvenience to them, comments from one lady working at my wife's company who has been returning part time 'why am I back and not such and such...', and 'will I be needed the week after next because I have x,y and z' on.

But to counter that those returning where I work have been positive in the main, although stop telling me what a great time you had. 

So my, purely anecdotal view would be most people want their jobs and want to work, but just some would be happy on furlough forever and a day.

In fairness if I get told once more by some family friends that their precious grandson has been unfairly treated because his 'greedy bar steward' boss refused to ever put him on furlough I might have to set Eddie on them.

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Last week I started with a sore throat then it turned into a cough then a cough with a sore throat. The only symptom I didn’t have was a temperature. I had all the rest.

I felt really ill at one point so I booked in for a test. It took a while for the results to come back by which time I was feeling loads better. The result was negative it wasn’t Covid-19 but there’s something else going around at the moment.


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42 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Is there anything published which shows the deaths as a % of the population ? For example its says 7.8% 40-59 but what % of the population are 40-59, plus what are the deaths as a % of those that caught it. 


Difficult one to give accurate numbers as I can't find data with the correct age groups, so I've interpolated some as a result. Struggling to find data on number of cases as well.

Percentage of population
0-19: 28.1%
20-39: 27.15%
40-59: 27.10%
60-79: 18.10%
80+: 4.69%

Percentage of deaths (in age group)
0-19: 0.00%
20-39: 0.00%
40-59: 0.02%
60-79: 0.11%
80+: 0.61%

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Teachers have worked tirelessly hard to get kids back to school, absolute BS. They have been sun bathing for 6 months and are gutted they have to go back, and will cry safety to the unions to prevent the opening of schools. Good on Boris for forcing them to open.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have read. Sunbathing for 6 months? My other half has been teaching keyworker kids during lockdown, preparing work and lessons for the rest of the children who are remote learning during the entirety of lockdown. Spent the whole of the six weeks holiday (bar one week) lesson planning for the current term and organising and making her classroom as as ready as it can be. Teachers absolutely want to go back, but they want to go back when it is safe to do so. It is not currently safe to do so.

The insistence by you that they have been swanning off doing nothing for the last 6 months is incredulous, extremely damaging and just plain wrong.

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3 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

This is the most ridiculous thing I have read. Sunbathing for 6 months? My other half has been teaching keyworker kids during lockdown, preparing work and lessons for the rest of the children who are remote learning during the entirety of lockdown. Spent the whole of the six weeks holiday (bar one week) lesson planning for the current term and organising and making her classroom as as ready as it can be. Teachers absolutely want to go back, but they want to go back when it is safe to do so. It is not currently safe to do so.

The insistence by you that they have been swanning off doing nothing for the last 6 months is incredulous, extremely damaging and just plain wrong.

Can’t believe you wasted your energy replying. 

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