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Sith Happens
18 minutes ago, David said:

I’m bored of waking up to the same members arguing and taking politics into every topic.

We banned political talk for a while to calm it down, some left, requested their accounts to be closed. Others sulked about not having freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech has never existed on this forum, we have terms of use which the majority are enforced by advertising partners. 

Most members happily post within those guidelines and never cause us any issues. Others, and it’s the same group I’m waking up to each morning are going off at each other in topics outside of football. It’s boring. 

It’s boring having to read comments where members are attacking moderators, which may I remind you do not get paid and if they all contacted me today and resigned from their positions I would close the forum. 

This forum would not be able to exist without them it’s that simple.

They don’t always get it right, I don’t always get it right, we’re not robots and we do what we feel is right at the time for the good of the forum.

The funny thing is, one minute I see comments that we over moderate, can’t say anything without it being removed or warned. The next this forum has become a toxic or hostile place. Both can’t be true can it?

I’m nearing the point of going full on North Korea, removing members without warnings, banning all political talk and anything news related. Then I could enjoy a few drinks on a Saturday night and not having to worry about my phone going off alerting me to a petty squabble because a Labour and Conservative voting members cannot agree on how to run the country and feel the need to drag it around the forum.

In fact, here is where I’m at, for the next 24 hours I am removing the 30 day cooldown policy on closing forum accounts.

If any member would like their account removed, send me a private message and I will close your account instantly without reply.

If you do not like the moderation of this forum, contact me, ask for your account to be removed.

If you feel victimised, targeted by moderators, contact me, ask for your account to be removed. 

If you don’t like me or the message behind this post, contact me, ask for your account to be removed.

If you don’t feel capable of accepting others opinions without arguing, using profanity and insults towards other members, contact me, ask for your account to be removed.

If you ignore this, continue to argue with other members, use profanity, insults towards other members or complain about moderation I will remove your account. 

Try me.

I don’t care if you’ve been on the forum 10 years, have over 10,000 posts and a popular member on the forum, you will be removed.

I’m not doing this anymore, I don’t have to do this anymore. 

We’re in lockdown, a global pandemic has taken hold and whilst people are sat out front of their houses, getting to know their neighbours, going shopping for the vulnerable and generally being nice to each other, some are spending their days arguing, insulting and complaining about this forum and my moderators.

It stops today. Be nice, or go away. 

while I agree with much of what you say,  I feel a lot of what you are saying is a dig at my posts today that have been deleted. 

I accept people make mistakes but I don't believe I have attacked any of your moderators,  if anything it has been the other way round. 

I don't abuse other members,  I have one warning which was in response to a pm intended to try and intimidate me.

I have had the ability to report posts removed yet despite numerous requests no one has provided me with an example of a post I reported I shouldn't have. 

I totally understand you will back your moderators over anyone that posts,  irrespective if your moderator is right or wrong .

I actually tried messaging you and other moderators before I posted earlier but they were blocked, I'm clearly a pain in the proverbial.

I'll leave it with you what you think is the appropriate action. 


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The only bit I am unclear about is why mods are doing it for free...?!! 

Very suspicious. Gotta be something in it for them, just can't work out what it is!! 

Do we need to tell you if we don't want our account deleted? I'm happy as we go, just so you know. 


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2 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

while I agree with much of what you say,  I feel a lot of what you are saying is a dig at my posts today that have been deleted. 

I accept people make mistakes but I don't believe I have attacked any of your moderators,  if anything it has been the other way round. 

I don't abuse other members,  I have one warning which was in response to a pm intended to try and intimidate me.

I have had the ability to report posts removed yet despite numerous requests no one has provided me with an example of a post I reported I shouldn't have. 

I totally understand you will back your moderators over anyone that posts,  irrespective if your moderator is right or wrong .

I actually tried messaging you and other moderators before I posted earlier but they were blocked, I'm clearly a pain in the proverbial.

I'll leave it with you what you think is the appropriate action. 


you make the decision.

do you want to stay? 

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Sith Happens
20 minutes ago, Boycie said:

you make the decision.

do you want to stay? 

if that's the response then I'll go thankyou 


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11 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

while I agree with much of what you say,  I feel a lot of what you are saying is a dig at my posts today that have been deleted. 

I accept people make mistakes but I don't believe I have attacked any of your moderators,  if anything it has been the other way round. 

I don't abuse other members,  I have one warning which was in response to a pm intended to try and intimidate me.

I have had the ability to report posts removed yet despite numerous requests no one has provided me with an example of a post I reported I shouldn't have. 

I totally understand you will back your moderators over anyone that posts,  irrespective if your moderator is right or wrong .

I actually tried messaging you and other moderators before I posted earlier but they were blocked, I'm clearly a pain in the proverbial.

I'll leave it with you what you think is the appropriate action. 


My PM’s are not blocked to any member, shouldn’t be any issues there.

And I haven’t read any post because if I’m honest, I just can’t be arsed. I would love to read this topic as it’s something that effects us all, but I can’t bring myself to it.

I stopped reading this topic maybe a month ago now and I haven’t read the politics thread since maybe early last year. 

I was alerted to issues on the forum again this dinner time after I woke up regretting how much alcohol I had drank last night. 

And that’s the thing, like I say we’re not robots. We do normal things as well and having my phone ping with squabbles literally every day now has gone beyond tiring.

Yesterday I sat on a Zoom call face to face with members, the politics thread was mentioned and I just sat there embarrassed and thinking I’ve failed what I set out to do with this forum.

I didn’t sign up for this and when I hear my moderators are coming under attack which has been going on for far too long and I apologise for, I’m going to come out and attack back.

Now earlier I posted that if anyone feels that they are being targeted by a moderator they should request their account to be closed. That was wrong of me, I shouldn’t have said that.

If any member does feel that they are being targeted, do not complain to them directly, do not post it on the forum, come to me privately with links to posts as evidence which I can look at. 

I do not believe that it is happening as whilst I may not read every topic, I do get to see all moderators logs.

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5 minutes ago, David said:

Yesterday I sat on a Zoom call face to face with members, the politics thread was mentioned and I just sat there embarrassed and thinking I’ve failed what I set out to do with this forum.

? Don't be daft lad! You're doing a great job of trying to be even-handed, and it's a great forum. Although I feel there's hardly any threads about Chrissy Martin - a few more would make the place perfect! ? ?

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14 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

You may want to consider calling off your forthcoming marriage if that's what your missus has done to your hair in lockdown. 

He wishes he had that hair.

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2 hours ago, RamNut said:

Stick in a freedom of interest request and let’s see what you get.

So which part did you find out via a freedom of interest request?

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3 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Zero PM’s have been received yet with formal requests for accounts to be deleted.

We all friends again yeah ?

Didn't you get the message from me? - admittedly I was asking for other people to be deleted, but it's the thought that counts.....

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26 minutes ago, Archied said:

Well half an hour till boris ( recorded mind you) 

anybody else found today irritating? From speculation ,devolved government s, and the rebrand slogan ? 

Ooh, political.

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