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Well, those people (and there are still one or two around) who are/were advocating that it was 'only as bad as the flu' might want to read this (although it will most probably be dismissed as 'propaganda' seeing as it is a BBC article):


The ONS statistics clearly show a huge increase in the number of overall deaths compared to 'normal' times, especially over the last two weeks, and these deaths are heavily skewed towards older people - but not exclusively so.

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20 minutes ago, 1967Ram said:

Not just this story but others too are making me less and less confident in the government, I think what we would hope to see is that having been caught out ( as many countries) early on you then see them getting on top of things with clarity ,focus and a degree of efficiency and this being reflected in the messages coming out to the public , sadly this does not seem to be the case ,left or right does not matter just now just the skill and quality to do the job needed 

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

Isn't that just journalism though? Why should the BBC wait for the dead tree press to break all the stories? If they have a lead, why not go for it?

I think you're missing the point - they don't necessarily have leads, but rather are trying to create a story with their 'gotcha' questioning.....it's why the daily press briefings (which the media demanded) have become so pointless in their current form. They're now very little more than a set of stats and a Government Minister/pair of experts answering questions in a way so as to avoid being caught out, rather than to inform.

They don't know when schools will re-open - but they keep getting asked; they don't know when the lockdown will be lifted - but they keep getting asked; they don't know (or possibly don't want to say as the public will mis-interpret it) how the lockdown will eventually be eased - but they keep getting asked; etc, etc, etc.....

There was a time (not all that long ago) when the BBC news was a beacon of accuracy and honesty - people around the world listened and believed what was being said - now they're reduced to the level of the 'dead tree press' in a desparate ratings war with the other news outlets - and that doesn't help anyone....

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Of course that is a natural reaction but nothing will change the past. The South West is the least affected area of the country despite 300,000 people going to Cheltenham. Did it help - probably in hindsight but had we shut down earlier, how many more mental health issues or suicides will we see if the lockdown was for months on end.

There simply is no right or wrong answer to all of this. The first question last night about being asked if the Government are 'Ashamed' is a shocking question to answer. They answer Yes and they get ridiculed and they answer No and they get ridiculed. The journalist is just simply baiting. 

The fact none of the MP's/advisers have bitten against any of these questions yet is a huge testament to their integrity and ability.

The vast majority of the 300,000 people going to Cheltenham won't be local to the area though, it's a big day out for people who'll travel in groups from all around the country, who'll then have have caught the virus and spread it far and wide. Pointing out that the South West is the least effected area isn't really saying much. 

We'll never know how many more people would have died from mental health reasons had there been 2 weeks lockdown before the actual lockdown, but I'll bet it's a damn site fewer than have already died from us actively encouraging the spread of the virus for 2 weeks (No no, it's OK, just wash your hands! ) despite us having the benefit of hindsight, simply by being able to look at what effect it had already had in Italy!

Maybe the damage caused by not locking down 2 weeks earlier has extended the amount of time we'll actually be in lockdown by more than those 2 weeks? What of people's mental health then?

We could argue the numbers all day, but not putting a lockdown into effect sooner has directly cost lives, there's no doubt about that. To deny it would be folly.

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3 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

Probably the right thing to do but that will almost shut down your tourist industry for the time being won’t it which seemed to be one of your governments main concerns? 

Sure, the country is taking a massive financial hit, but it´s better than the alternative scenario of going through this again.  Our tourism industry is dead man walking, we all know that, except for their spokesmen, who demand to be bailed out for the whole summer by the government, which is not going to happen.  They sprung from nothing a few years ago and back to nothing they will go, until the market changes.  They should understand that basic law of capitalism, supply and demand.  The state was in excellent financial shape when this hit, it will be tough, but we can afford this.

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3 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Possibly. But say a friend/family Member had gone to the game and died, you might be angry/sad enough to want answers now?

What answers though?

Where is there any proof that this match has led to a massive out break in Liverpool?

If it has, why are there numbers not significantly higher than other parts of the country?

Even if there numbers were higher, which they are not, how could you possibly identify it to being linked to the match being played?

I'm pretty sure the pubs of Liverpool were very much packed days after this football match.

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3 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

I guess we can’t judge Americans by the actions of one idiot. I’d like to think the vast majority of Americans would be just as disgusted as we are.

Sadly, there are morons in all societies and cultures.

Yeh, there was widespread revulsion at that woman and applause for the two nurses who stood their ground.

I was embarrassed watching the news here at the weekend when they reported on people in the UK setting fire to 5G cell towers because they thought it started coronavirus.


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24 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I was embarrassed watching the news here at the weekend when they reported on people in the UK setting fire to 5G cell towers because they thought it started coronavirus.


America is so backward compared to the UK.


We were burning down cell towers at least 2 weeks back!

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36 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

What answers though?

Where is there any proof that this match has led to a massive out break in Liverpool?

If it has, why are there numbers not significantly higher than other parts of the country?

Even if there numbers were higher, which they are not, how could you possibly identify it to being linked to the match being played?

I'm pretty sure the pubs of Liverpool were very much packed days after this football match.

There are lots of questions about what happened and what the government was doing. These aren't some been raised by some anti-Tory left wing site, but traditional Tory voices like the Sunday Times.

It's ok for me to sit back and say let's wait until all this is over before those questions are answered. I might want those questions answered sooner if I had lost loved ones, or if they were been exposed to virus sufferers every day without adequate protection.

It seems people on here are more fed up with some over eager questioning, rather than the inability of the government to have prepared for this pandemic, then act efficiently during.

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10 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Well I think untied states letting feelings known and all there doing is sending a message enough is enough they want fight for there jobs I cant blame them for that.

In the middle of a pandemic, gathering in large groups is not only unwise, but socially irresponsible IMO

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22 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Well I think untied states letting feelings known and all there doing is sending a message enough is enough they want fight for there jobs I cant blame them for that.

Those protesting are a very tiny minority of the US population and probably at the lower end of the intelligence and common sense spectrum. Lots of people are suffering financially and emotionally but surely lifting the lock down is not the answer.

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6 minutes ago, TramRam said:

A little bit of good news for some I guess in these troubled times.


Our overdraft was due to be paid up April 1 and i was about to head to the bank to ask for a few month extension when i got a message from them that they had added a year to the deadline.  i almost fainted, it's the first time ever the bank does anything for me.

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