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Kamil Jóźwiak - Signed 4 year deal


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12 minutes ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

That’s such a pessimistic way to look at it, the poo we bought in the past has nothing to do with Cocu so why should he have to feed of scraps. The team is seriously lacking attacking quality so we need to take risks and spend money on good attackers, may not work but there is more chance of getting good players for decent fees than trying to recruit on a very small budget. If we don't take risks we won't achieve anything, I'd rather take chances. 


Cocu would have been made well aware of the state of play when he joined the club, and if not, then he should be having some frank discussions with Mel.

I agree with you that we are lacking in attacking quality. But we have already taken a few risks under Cocu’s management.

The Rooney deal was a risk, especially when you consider he is receiving a wage that would cover the wages of three players ordinarily. The Bielik deal was a risk, given his lack of experience and his injury record. As yet, both deals haven’t paid off.

I get your frustration. I would love to see us spend the money and get the five players we need. Everyone would. But addressing the finances is most likely the priority at this time. 

Loans and free transfers might not be sexy or appear ambitious, but that’s where we are as a club. We have to be prepared to dig in and accept that we could be in for some tough times.

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6 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Cocu would have been made well aware of the state of play when he joined the club, and if not, then he should be having some frank discussions with Mel.

I agree with you that we are lacking in attacking quality. But we have already taken a few risks under Cocu’s management.

The Rooney deal was a risk, especially when you consider he is receiving a wage that would cover the wages of three players ordinarily. The Bielik deal was a risk, given his lack of experience and his injury record. As yet, both deals haven’t paid off.

I get your frustration. I would love to see us spend the money and get the five players we need. Everyone would. But addressing the finances is most likely the priority at this time. 

Loans and free transfers might not be sexy or appear ambitious, but that’s where we are as a club. We have to be prepared to dig in and accept that we could be in for some tough times.

Rooney defiantly had an effect when he came, and if a large bit of his wages are being paid by Red 32 and other commercial opportunities then I would see it as a success. Bielik I agree but he lost half a season injured.

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14 minutes ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

I get what you mean to an extent, but you can't sign a load of players and hope some come good it's not good for team morale or team chemistry. For positions like fullback you don't need to spend much so I wouldn't expect us to spend big there, we could also get a good winger to go with Jozwiak for cheap or on a loan but to get a good striker in we will have to spend a decent amount of money maybe 5 or 6mill worth which we should easily have. 

You're often better loaning in some attacking talent. They're the ones who cost more, and to get what you'd want it's out your price range. The quality you can get on loan we've seen over the years in this league, with the likes of Abraham completely transforming teams.

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7 minutes ago, Srg said:

You're often better loaning in some attacking talent. They're the ones who cost more, and to get what you'd want it's out your price range. The quality you can get on loan we've seen over the years in this league, with the likes of Abraham completely transforming teams.

I think Abraham is an exception to the rule, generally think young strikers from Premier league clubs struggle physically and aren't match sharp or good enough generally unless you get someone very good in. Whereas wingers you can get plenty of good ones, I'd like to see us build around a new striker on a permanent, buy Joziawak then get some loans or cheaper players in. 

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1 hour ago, Macintosh said:

I can understand why lots are fans have already spent the probable £10m income from the sales of Lowe and Bogle, but don't forget there are furloughed staff still hoping to come back, the money owed to players who took a wage cut for this six month period, plus no season ticket income. 

Do take a look at what business Cocu has been able to do in his first year here. He probably rubber-stamped the Rooney arrival, obviously Mike te Wierik and David Marshall on frees and now the return of Clarke on loan and that is it. No January signings came, there were no replacement loans for the two sent back. Of all the clubs in the Championship, Derby were/are the lowest spenders by a looooooong way. Money spent on transfers so far by Cocu = zero, zilch. Not even the money we got for the Lampard transfer got spent on players.

The clear-out of wage drainers has continued: Keogh, Anya, Carson, Martin, Malone and Huddlestone. Bogle was possibly on a wage similar to what a lot of readers here are on. Bennett also gone for a nominal fee. Eight players and wages less.

If the [desperately-needed] new arrivals only come here as loans or free transfers don't become suicidal, it's time to smell the coffee. Add up the players moved on and what scraps Cocu has to work with, and it's again unlikely to end in a play-off position this season.

Marriott and Jozefzoon should really be the two players we already have that we are desperately looking for, those missing parts. It's up to those two to stand up and want to be the players we want them to be. 

OK, hands up everyone who's on Bogle's wages.  Let's just start at £250k a year plus for the sake of argument.  Bonuses don't count.

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15 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

OK, hands up everyone who's on Bogle's wages.  Let's just start at £250k a year plus for the sake of argument.  Bonuses don't count.

I think he would be on more than that, also who in their right mind would put their hand up and say yes I'm on that?

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3 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

Bogle's wage was actually documented in court. It's £9k-a-week so that's £468.000.00 a year. I was personally surprised - it seems a lot for someone who just broke into the first team. 

I would imagine he would have got a pay rise after establishing himself as first choice right back under Lampard.

It seems common for young or unproven players to have that incentive written into their contracts.

A new wage of X amount of pounds per week after 50 club appearances would be my guess.

If Malone was on £20-25k a week, £9k a week for Bogle looks like the deal of the century in comparison.

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6 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

What court? The EFL "trial"?

Speeding trial last year


"A guilty plea was entered at the first available opportunity as soon as he had become aware of it. "He has a disposable income of £450 a week and has a weekly wage of £9,000. He is a footballer in Derby. He has got himself agents in Stellar Football to take control of his affairs."

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Sounds promising now this does. I think it's definitely happening.

Also I highly doubt anyone would expect us to spend the full amount we get for Bogle and Lowe on new players.

If we get £15 million. Spend £3 on Jozwiak, £2-3 on a striker. £1 million on a RB (Byrne), another winger on loan.

We've probably spent half the funds. 

IMO I'd get a LB in on loan to challenge Buchanan. 


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1 hour ago, Jourdan said:

I agree with you that we are lacking in attacking quality. But we have already taken a few risks under Cocu’s management.

The Rooney deal was a risk, especially when you consider he is receiving a wage that would cover the wages of three players ordinarily. The Bielik deal was a risk, given his lack of experience and his injury record. As yet, both deals haven’t paid off.

I take issue with this - If you'd said "during Cocu's time at the club" I'd be fine - But I don't believe Cocu would have been the catalyst for either of those things

As another poster pointed out the Rooney money is covered by increased sponsorship so not really a risk

I also think Bielik would have been in the works for a while - You don't spend that much money on a single player within a month of arriving at a club when you've been very open about taking time to assess the players - That will have been put into motion under Lampard months previous and resolved after Cocu arrived

Other than that all Cocu has done is blood young talent and try to shift players who no longer have a role here - His ability to pick players out of the youth setup and get the best out of them shows he can identify talent and the right role for them pretty quickly and I feel good about his potential to sign players

No one is pretending we have mega money to spend but I think we'll see 2/3 new faces before the transfer window closes

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1 minute ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Sounds promising now this does. I think it's definitely happening.

Also I highly doubt anyone would expect us to spend the full amount we get for Bogle and Lowe on new players.

If we get £15 million. Spend £3 on Jozwiak, £2-3 on a striker. £1 million on a RB (Byrne), another winger on loan.

We've probably spent half the funds. 

IMO I'd get a LB in on loan to challenge Buchanan. 


I wouldn't mind us getting Harry Pickering in from Crewe. I've never seen him play, but he's got a lot of plaudits at the lower level and he's got age on his side. He seems like a very promising player and as history shows, right now: there will be a number of future Premier League players plying their trade in League's One and Two. 


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18 minutes ago, WystonRam said:

Speeding trial last year


"A guilty plea was entered at the first available opportunity as soon as he had become aware of it. "He has a disposable income of £450 a week and has a weekly wage of £9,000. He is a footballer in Derby. He has got himself agents in Stellar Football to take control of his affairs."

A disposable income of £450 a week out of £9000?! Where the hell does the rest of it go?! 

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