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The Politics Thread 2020


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3 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:


True - Whitey McSportsfan is certainly not a fan of BLM protesters, vandalising statues. Would he prefer a nice gentle peaceful protest?

Hmmmm thinking back to the sports stars in the US taking a knee in support of BLM - Whitey McSportsfan didn't like that either

That's why we need to read the book!

Depends. Does he know that he's allowed to support BLM AND be against destruction of statues? 

Does he think the only answer is to go down to London and punch police or is he capable of sitting down and coming up with ways to move forward instead of finger pointing? 

I don't know the guy. But who named him, his father? His dear old Dad sure knew how to be a passive aggressive master of sweeping generalisations. 

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Good to see a government spokesperson saying that the development of the track and trace app is going well and hope to have something going by the winter. I mean we don't want to be rushing to get it out and running, well not until we've got the best track and trace app in the world. We don't want any of that off the shelf rubbish from Apple and Google do we. Its not if it will have any baring on the health of our nation.

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I steel feel young doctories and nures young and old came nhs aid yet they get treated badly by goverment they should get unis debts paid for them. And finnished working they should get extra money for there pensions only right.

Now to my second point population who said that champership and premership saying that those should be fine.

And looking into how best support lower league teams and looking into getting fans back into stadiums I was thinking why dont dig into fat wattlets helps clubs I said throught not your to tight for that.

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Well I don’t know about anybody else but I’m not angry with you or me but I do find it disappointing that you do lots of finger pointing without actually pointing out who you are pointing to and for what, it’s just a scattergun approach that can’t be backed up if we narrow it down to specifics ,

you openly used the colour of rashfords skin to imply that If certain people didn’t post praise for rashford it was because of the colour of his skin ,you can go round the houses as much as you want and muddy the waters all you like but that’s what your post clearly implied ( scattergun finger pointing) 

come on ,if people have made racist comments call them out openly , if it’s there I will be the first to back you ,it’s a forum and personally I value plain speaking openness 

I made my point and I answered pretty much all your points in that previous post so to labour on it now would be going round the houses or muddying the waters me thinks.

I don’t think I did any of those things you said, actually I know I didn’t, so it’s probably best left there.


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44 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Good to see a government spokesperson saying that the development of the track and trace app is going well and hope to have something going by the winter. I mean we don't want to be rushing to get it out and running, well not until we've got the best track and trace app in the world. We don't want any of that off the shelf rubbish from Apple and Google do we. Its not if it will have any baring on the health of our nation.

I thought BoJo the clown told us it would be up and running by June. World class goes withouth saying btw, that's the bare minimum standard they aim at. One day, one of the stories/promises will turn out to be true, got to be, laws of average and all that

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1 hour ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

I thought BoJo the clown told us it would be up and running by June. World class goes withouth saying btw, that's the bare minimum standard they aim at. One day, one of the stories/promises will turn out to be true, got to be, laws of average and all that

Nothing Johnson says is ever true, yet still people persist in supporting him. He is a liar, a charlatan and a buffoon.

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7 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

I made my point and I answered pretty much all your points in that previous post so to labour on it now would be going round the houses or muddying the waters me thinks.

I don’t think I did any of those things you said, actually I know I didn’t, so it’s probably best left there.


Your Dominic Cummings and I claim my 5 pounds ?

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39 minutes ago, Archied said:

Your Dominic Cummings and I claim my 5 pounds ?

Look Archie, I said there’s a problem with people saying things like they don’t see colour, racism isn’t an issue and it’s not as bad as in the 70s. I pointed to an example on this thread to show that. 

You’ve spent the day telling me that I’m accusing people of making racist comments and generally just attacking any comment I want to make. You don’t seem to like my straight talking opened when it doesn’t suit.

If you are gonna misrepresent what I’m saying, then I ain’t really gonna get into any sort of debate about it. It’s not worth my time, please go bother someone else.


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13 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Look Archie, I said there’s a problem with people saying things like they don’t see colour, racism isn’t an issue and it’s not as bad as in the 70s. I pointed to an example on this thread to show that. 

You’ve spent the day telling me that I’m accusing people of making racist comments and generally just attacking any comment I want to make. You don’t seem to like my straight talking opened when it doesn’t suit.

If you are gonna misrepresent what I’m saying, then I ain’t really gonna get into any sort of debate about it. It’s not worth my time, please go bother someone else.


Gladly not bother you anymore , for people to progress it needs all to be able to look at what they have said and if they have got it wrong hold they’re hands up and say yep I got that wrong , you either don’t re read your posts or just don’t have the capacity to get it wrong sometimes ,

there are people on here that I have disagreed with who clearly read something into me that I’m not but I am still able to read what they say and challenge myself and them , your clearly not someone I can get that value from ,

its easy to see the faults in others , not so easy to do with ourselves

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The issue of racism has been diverted from one about institutional / police racism to a rather daft row about statues of people who died 250 years ago. Clever work.

having been reading up on the top to bottom corruption in the MET; the burglaries and bugging of the Lawrence Inquiry team, and the protection afforded to Kenneth Noye and other criminals, we need a total root and branch clear out closer to home. 


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19 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Seriously considering starting a Go-Fund Me page to fund having Katie Hopkins strapped to a Space-X rocket and fired into the sun. Horrible, horse-faced hate-monger that she is ?


That's harsh on the rocket

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9 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:



"Some final-year students will be paid until September, but others are feeling short-changed"

"PA news agency said that HEE was unable to immediately confirm whether students were told at the start of their placements that for most of them paid placements would only continue until the end of July."

So, students left jobs early, in order to go work on the front line, some of them in COVID wards. It doesn't sound like they were made clear (reading the words of the student facebook post I put up) that they wouldn't be given the full 6 months paid.

We are happy to stand and clap for them, but it seems unfair to ask them to step into the front line but ditch them once the initial wave has passed. But that's working people now, just another commodity. Outlived your usefulness, off you go. Maybe we'll all give you a round of applause on your way to the job centre.

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31 minutes ago, RamNut said:

The issue of racism has been diverted from one about institutional / police racism to a rather daft row about statues of people who died 250 years ago. Clever work.

having been reading up on the top to bottom corruption in the MET; the burglaries and bugging of the Lawrence Inquiry team, and the protection afforded to Kenneth Noye and other criminals, we need a total root and branch clear out closer to home. 



It appears that BAME police officers are still being driven out of the force by the insidious drip.. drip.. drip of institutionalised racism.

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11 hours ago, Alpha said:

Just did a bit more digging on that. Got loads to read now. 

Horrific by the way. Not nice to read at all whether you're British or not. Hard to say what's worse. The torture and the cover up or that even now these stories are still not told.

I always find when you dig into other peoples history (Kenyan in this case) that it teaches you more compassion than anything else does. 

No history should be erased. Including 3.5 tons of Kenyan documents!! Interesting that Britain chose to apologise with £20m and monument in Nairobi. 

Even more recently I find some propaganda a bit sickening. Specifically concerning the middle East. 

I got caught up in an argument that nearly ended in a scrap about why and how it's easy for the likes of ISIS to recruit and radicalize young men. How much of the work is done for them etc etc

I'm not sure how much help history can be to moving forward. But there is a pro white, pro British Empire lean on our history. I still continue to bang my 'tell all history don't destroy any' drum. 

IF history can help us move forward it lies in expanding on it. Not arguing about who wronged who. In my opinion. I just can't see a way that Britain apologises for everything it built itself on. Knocks down monuments and tries to start fresh. I can see more division in that. 

As Morgan Freeman said "Black history is American history". Swap America for Britain and we might move forward a bit quicker. 

I think the problem is that history has become a bit of a mainstream british tv niche. In that we don’t see it an awful lot of it and if we do, it’s a programme like the household pretending it’s the 1960’s or a fluff piece on the one show. In fact most of the historical tv pieces are period dramas or something like The Crown. So our view tends to get a little warped of what British history is.

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16 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

I think the problem is that history has become a bit of a mainstream british tv niche. In that we don’t see it an awful lot of it and if we do, it’s a programme like the household pretending it’s the 1960’s or a fluff piece on the one show. In fact most of the historical tv pieces are period dramas or something like The Crown. So our view tends to get a little warped of what British history is.

Theres some stuff on subscription TV but the decent quality stuff is too high level. Eg Simon schama and his history of Britain. 

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