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The Politics Thread 2020


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4 hours ago, Van Gritters said:

The point I was making is that for a lot of the time line hindsight is great looking back. You have said the virus was reported in December yet you are trying to say the whole world should have been an expert on it in two to three months. Scientists will say you can’t rely on just one set of results which we had from China by February then by the end of February Italy were suffering at a far greater rate than China. You could argue that the previous epidemic was a flu which was handled reasonably well. So previous strategies that worked didn’t for this outbreak. 

The main thing I see from the media poo storm and you left wing nuts is you seem to think the right decision has to be made two weeks before any scientific evidence had been found.

Oh I forgot to add you keep mentioning the EU PPE purchasing scheme. How successful was it? Why did they buy from the U.K.?

Why didn't we?

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31 minutes ago, maxjam said:

No it doesn't, where has everyone's common sense disappeared to lately?!?

Staying alert can mean not walking to near the edge of a cliff or not walking to far out sea on the beach as the tides coming in when you're on holiday.  It can also mean keeping your wits about you whilst your out and about and crossing the road (as I do often) whilst I'm out walking the dog or not walking into a crowded shop but waiting outide for it to empty. 

Staying alert imples that you use your own common sense and judge your surroundings.  If the instructions were anything more you'd have people doing stuff they shouldn't be because 'it wasn't on the list'.

Unfortunately not everyone has the same awareness when dealing with these kinda thing.  I myself will continue to do what I have been doing, but a lot of people will see the roads getting busier, shops reopening and take it that things are back to normal so will be arranging BBQs as soon as the weather perks up, and will pop round to their mates when there's nothing on TV.  This is his herd immunity plan via the back door.  

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27 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'm starting to think that 'Stay Alert' was a deliberately sub-optimal slogan so everyone focuses on that word, rather than look at everything else.

There have been so many problems with what the government have being doing, I don't think the precise wording of yet another throw away slogan is of much importance.

Moving Coronavirus patients to care homes looks to be a much more serious problem than 'alertgate', yet have seen much less news or comment on this.

If you are trying to reduce the burden to the nation of pension costs and healthcare in old age, I'm afraid that it makes perfect sense.

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3 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Unfortunately not everyone has the same awareness when dealing with these kinda thing.  I myself will continue to do what I have been doing, but a lot of people will see the roads getting busier, shops reopening and take it that things are back to normal so will be arranging BBQs as soon as the weather perks up, and will pop round to their mates when there's nothing on TV.  This is his herd immunity plan via the back door.  

Why would they do that when the advice says something completely different.

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7 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Unfortunately not everyone has the same awareness when dealing with these kinda thing.  I myself will continue to do what I have been doing, but a lot of people will see the roads getting busier, shops reopening and take it that things are back to normal so will be arranging BBQs as soon as the weather perks up, and will pop round to their mates when there's nothing on TV.  This is his herd immunity plan via the back door.  

Maybe we shouldn't allow these people to vote.

.....or procriate.

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Doubt they vote anyway, probably find the information on a voting slip to confusing as it doesn't tell you which box to put your X in.

Yeah, everyone who thinks it's a crap slogan is thick. We get it. Let's move it along now as reading post after post about how folk are thick / lack common sense or asking how stupid someone must be if (insert remainder of insult here) is getting really ducking tedious.

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51 minutes ago, maxjam said:

No it doesn't, where has everyone's common sense disappeared to lately?!?

Staying alert can mean not walking to near the edge of a cliff or not walking to far out sea on the beach as the tides coming in when you're on holiday.  It can also mean keeping your wits about you whilst your out and about and crossing the road (as I do often) whilst I'm out walking the dog or not walking into a crowded shop but waiting outide for it to empty. 

Staying alert imples that you use your own common sense and judge your surroundings.  If the instructions were anything more you'd have people doing stuff they shouldn't be because 'it wasn't on the list'.

Bingo. I've been in supermarket queues and had a lapse of concentration, forgetting we are in lockdown.

Stay Alert

Makes perfect sense to me. 

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19 minutes ago, Eddie said:

If you are trying to reduce the burden to the nation of pension costs and healthcare in old age, I'm afraid that it makes perfect sense.

Do the math, it litterally doesn't make perfect sense, when we consider how large the deficit will be because of the lockdown. If saving money was the goal we wouldn't be in lockdown. 

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

To be fair the general consensus worldwide is that testing is the best way to beat the virus so if the USA do lead the world on testing numbers I can see why he would stand up in front of a banner proclaiming that ,I just know our gov would do just the same we’re we leading the world on testing numbers?

in the case of deflection it seems to me there’s two methods , the blame game ala trump or or flat out denial of any mistakes , take your pick

im no trump fan but let’s be fair and honest with our criticism, there’s plenty there to fairly put forward

Surely the absolute number of tests is a meaningless figure for someone to be bragging about.  It is the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd most populous, there is little point comparing its total number of tests with that of Belgium or Israel. The US leads in the total number of tests carried out (although I can't find a figure for China) but lags behind many other countries in the number of tests carried out per capita. 

But a banner saying they are 32nd in the world on testing per capita probably wouldn't look so appealing. 


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11 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Yeah, everyone who thinks it's a crap slogan is thick. We get it. Let's move it along now as reading post after post about how folk are thick / lack common sense or asking how stupid someone must be if (insert remainder of insult here) is getting really ducking tedious.

Correction, the people who don't understand it, think they're clever..but clearly lack common sense and independent thought. ???

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16 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Correction, the people who don't understand it, think they're clever..but clearly lack common sense and independent thought. ???

It makes perfect sense. The ctrl left love authoritarianism. They want everyone to be told what to do, what to say, and what to think at all times.

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36 minutes ago, Eddie said:

If you are trying to reduce the burden to the nation of pension costs and healthcare in old age, I'm afraid that it makes perfect sense.

Going by the images I've seen on tv, of old people queuing outside garden centres this morning. They appear to be doing their best to aid in this process.

Can't understand the urge for a few bedding plants is stronger than the urge to stay alive.

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11 hours ago, RamNut said:

I’m not a Trump fan in the slightest, but there isn’t really a question there, is there? 
“You say the United States is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing, Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we are still seeing more cases every day?”

It’s ridicule disguised as a question, loaded with value judgements.
Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort of trying to respond. 
And when he answered with reference to China, she then tried to turn that into a racist reference. “Why are you saying that to me”.

OK, I take your point although it was a question - albeit a relatively pointless one but, in my opinion, the way he dealt with the situation (and many others) is pretty difficult to defend. I agree, there was no need for her to turn it into a race issue (of course he directed the question at her, it was her that had asked the original question) but why did he feel the need to turn it into a question about China?

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30 minutes ago, Highgate said:

Surely the absolute number of tests is a meaningless figure for someone to be bragging about.  It is the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd most populous, there is little point comparing its total number of tests with that of Belgium or Israel. The US leads in the total number of tests carried out (although I can't find a figure for China) but lags behind many other countries in the number of tests carried out per capita. 

But a banner saying they are 32nd in the world on testing per capita probably wouldn't look so appealing. 


I don't know if 32nd was a guess or you have looked at some slightly different data. If it was a guess, then it was a pretty damn good one.

According to Worldometer, if you exclude The Faro Islands, Gibraltar, The Falklands, San Marino, Isle of Man and The Channel Islands (I think these are all too small for a comparison) then the US comes out 35th (just over 30k tests per million) and the UK is 36th (just under 30k). Iceland top at 160k.

So, very much supports your point. 


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