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Comrade 86

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So many divisive issues in recent years. Why'd we sell Hughes, likewise Hendrick, is Nigel Pearson a massive ****, has Keogh always got a mistake in him, does the stud prefer golf to footy, why no Vydra, go eat a bowl of **** Roman, on and on, yadda, yadda, yadda but none that measures up to the uproar brought about by a bunch of lads getting pished and ducking up royally. The upshot? Folk saying they're no longer going to games, others at one another's throats on here, players, the manager and the owner under fire. One thing's for sure, it's never dull being a Derby fan.

The arrogance, stupidity and  recklessness of some of the squad notwithstanding, we are all Derby and whatever we feel about the idiocy of some of the players, surely the club is bigger than a couple of ricks who can't handle their ale. Can we not put this bolarks aside for the time being and not add to what is fast becoming a toxic atmosphere? Save for a brief period under Lamps, it's been yonks since we all stood together but how good were those brief periods when we did? Norwich away, Manure undone in their own backyard, Leeds, oh yes! Take your scarves and duck off home, I was bouncing off the wallsand I'm sure I was not alone.

For those saying the lads, the manager and even the owner have disgraced the club, really? Fair enough, Mason and Tom have no excuses but they have a court case coming up and were we to ban them, or as some have demanded, sack them right off without delay, would we not then have preempted due process and potentially predjucied their case? Is that really waht we expect the club to do or is the management team doing exactly what they should in the circumstances? They may not deserve the loyalty shown, but nor can the club issue judgment before their case is heard, irrespective of the weight of evidence and the likely outcome of their trials. If, as seems almost certain, Tom and Mason are found guilty as charged, then and only then can we take a view on the club's stance which I am sure will be appropriate. Until then, let's give Cocu and Mel a break FFS! Those who understand Mel in particular will know that he is not the kind of guy who will preempt the court's decision, but neither is he likely to shirk the tough calls after the case is heard. Likewise Cocu. Let's not mistake their current stance for weakness or worse still, tolerance, because I'm certain both will do what is necessary at the appropriate time and that is not now. Innocent until proven guilty, after which we bloodlet as we need to, if that'll make this whole shitstorm easier to swallow.

At the end of the day, it's really simple. It's our call. We make a choice to stand together when our beloved club needs us most, or we stand in line with Leeds, Boro, the EFL, Sky and every other ducker with and axe to grind and help them tear it all down.

I know where I stand. What say you? 



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We won the first game after the event, had at most 2 to go until they were bought before the courts.

No need for a suspension, but equally no need to select them, winner stays on and all that, we've created an issue where there was none. 

Dunderheaded decision, which didn't need making at this time.

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Without addressing anyone in particular, those suggesting they should be suspended BEFORE their cases are heard have clearly not read my post. I'm not going to bother repeating myself if folk are unable or unwilling to see why taking action prior to the court's findings or internal disciplinary hearings have taken place, might not be advisable. As for whether they are any good or not... WTF!

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27 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

I concur Owd miner, to me, it’s like the club feel you can bring it into disrepute, deprive us of a first choice defender for the foreseeable and a one game exclusion is sufficient. Not having it.

Pearl you're a sensible and considered poster so allow me to explain what I've clearly failed to make clear. Once the facts are established, yes, in spades. Beforehand however, just no! This is why this issue is so divisive because those who want the club to observe due diligence are being accused of tolerance and worse. It's utter BS. If found guilty by the courts, as well know they will be, then throw the ducking book at them. Until then, let's hold our water. It's really that simple. 

If folk are desperate to feel they have a superior moral compass then so be it, but at least address the points being made rather than assuming wrongly that I, or other fans for that matter, are ok with what's happened and feel the players' actions do not warrant the most stringent of punishments. The weirdest thing is that no matter how many times it's pointed out, some very intelligent folk just can't get their heads around this stance, preferring instead to believe that that the club and some of their fellow fans absolve Bamfords who drink and drive of all guilt. 


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3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

One point many on here appear to be missing, is that a player need not be suspended to miss out on being named in a match day squad!

Well it's a good thing that we have you to point out the sublimely obvious then mate. Bravo.

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2 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well it's a good thing that we have you to point out the sublimely obvious then mate. Bravo.

Well, I did say "many", not all!  Throughout these forums, there has been much talk of suspension.  I wasn't happy to see them on the team sheet the other night, but at no point between a week last Tuesday and 15th Oct (is it?) am/was I expecting to see them suspended... nor have I called for it.

For the record, my post was referring to the forums in general, not specifically this thread, and certainly not aimed directly at you/your comments, which I find I often agree with, or at least respect.  Perhaps I should have made that clear in my previous post, as you did with your "Without addressing anyone in particular...".  I'll try and take a leaf out of your book next time.  My bad! 

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2 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Well, I did say "many", not all!  Throughout these forums, there has been much talk of suspension.  I wasn't happy to see them on the team sheet the other night, but at no point between a week last Tuesday and 15th Oct (is it?) am/was I expecting to see them suspended... nor have I called for it.

For the record, my post was referring to the forums in general, not specifically this thread, and certainly not aimed directly at you/your comments, which I find I often agree with, or at least respect.  Perhaps I should have made that clear in my previous post, as you did with your "Without addressing anyone in particular...".  I'll try and take a leaf out of your book next time.  My bad! 

No need to explain yourself to me mate. Post whatever you like if you're prepared to stand by it. It's a public forum! My opinion is just that and I don't kid myself otherwise. I'm fully aware that in this regard, as has been the case on many occasions in my time on this forum, that I am in the minority. What i've tried to explain is that suggesting that any action to be taken needs to wait until AFTER the court case, is NOT tantamount to acceptance or tolerance. What I take exception to, is folk who are unable or unwilling to even recognise this stance implying that those who feel this way have malfunctioning moral compasses. It's really not that complicated. The fact that I've had to explain this yet again merely serves to prove the point. It's all there in the OP for those who care to see it and as I've said, if anyone is struggling to cope with my output, the forum has a convenient and useful ignore filter.

Tear it all down, or sit tight until the facts of the case are heard. That's each individuals' choice. There are any amount of legal precedents for this being a considered course of action (consider employment law if it's not clear what I'm inferring) but it seems to me that so many on here are so desperate to grab the moral high ground, that they are not prepared to listen, let alone give their fellow fans the benefit of the doubt and try and understand why they are suggesting a different course of action. So intent are some on making everyone aware of their moral outrage that they've lost the all powers of critical thinking. Fair do's, rant away, just save the preaching for those who have tried to excuse the player's actions if anyone actually has! 


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11 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

No need to explain yourself to me mate. Post whatever you like if you're prepared to stand by it. It's a public forum! My opinion is just that and I don't kid myself otherwise. I'm fully aware that in this regard, as has been the case on many occasions in my time on this forum, that I am in the minority. What i've tried to explain is that suggesting that any action to be taken needs to wait until AFTER the court case, is NOT tantamount to acceptance or tolerance. What I take exception to, is folk who are unable or unwilling to even recognise this stance implying that those who feel this way have malfunctioning moral compasses. It's really not that complicated. The fact that I've had to explain this yet again merely serves to prove the point. It's all there in the OP for those who care to see it and as I've said, if anyone is struggling to cope with my output, the forum has a convenient and useful ignore filter.

Tear it all down, or sit tight until the facts of the case are heard. That's each individuals' choice. There are any amount of legal precedents for this being a considered course of action (consider employment law if it's not clear what I'm inferring) but it seems to me that so many on here are so desperate to grab the moral high ground, that they are not prepared to listen, let alone give their fellow fans the benefit of the doubt and try and understand why they are suggesting a different course of action. So intent are some on making everyone aware of their moral outrage that they've lost the all powers of critical thinking. Fair do's, rant away, just save the preaching for those who have tried to excuse the player's actions if anyone actually has! 


I am fully aware of what was in your OP.  If you look closely, you will see that my "clap" reaction was recorded as being cast at 21:52... some 6 mins before your next post on here, and a further 15 mins before you felt the need to post a somewhat aggressive retort to my subsequent post.

It appears there is clear misunderstanding between us this evening, and as I'm 100% sober at this point, I feel it wise to take a step back, and leave you to your Friday night rants.

The floor is yours.

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26 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

No need to explain yourself to me mate. Post whatever you like if you're prepared to stand by it. It's a public forum! My opinion is just that and I don't kid myself otherwise. I'm fully aware that in this regard, as has been the case on many occasions in my time on this forum, that I am in the minority. What i've tried to explain is that suggesting that any action to be taken needs to wait until AFTER the court case, is NOT tantamount to acceptance or tolerance. What I take exception to, is folk who are unable or unwilling to even recognise this stance implying that those who feel this way have malfunctioning moral compasses. It's really not that complicated. The fact that I've had to explain this yet again merely serves to prove the point. It's all there in the OP for those who care to see it and as I've said, if anyone is struggling to cope with my output, the forum has a convenient and useful ignore filter.

Tear it all down, or sit tight until the facts of the case are heard. That's each individuals' choice. There are any amount of legal precedents for this being a considered course of action (consider employment law if it's not clear what I'm inferring) but it seems to me that so many on here are so desperate to grab the moral high ground, that they are not prepared to listen, let alone give their fellow fans the benefit of the doubt and try and understand why they are suggesting a different course of action. So intent are some on making everyone aware of their moral outrage that they've lost the all powers of critical thinking. Fair do's, rant away, just save the preaching for those who have tried to excuse the player's actions if anyone actually has! 


It’s just a thought, and I might start a new thread, but can we not put this bolarks aside for the time being and not add to what is fast becoming a toxic atmosphere?

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23 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

Bloody hell. @86 Schmokes & a Pancake and @Mucker1884 clashing. Two posters I like and respect.

Don’t know who I choose!

Choose Life. Choose TL & MB. Choose DCFC. Choose Dark Fruits. Choose Missing Out On Play Offs. Choose Losing Play Offs. Choose Championship Football. Choose Sky TV. Choose BT Sport. Choose RamsTV. Choose To Support Your Football Club. Choose Real Life Friends. Choose DCFC Fans Forum. Choose Mel Morris. Choose Two Posters To Put Up On Your Wall.........



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45 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

Choose Life. Choose TL & MB. Choose DCFC. Choose Dark Fruits. Choose Missing Out On Play Offs. Choose Losing Play Offs. Choose Championship Football. Choose Sky TV. Choose BT Sport. Choose RamsTV. Choose To Support Your Football Club. Choose Real Life Friends. Choose DCFC Fans Forum. Choose Mel Morris. Choose Two Posters To Put Up On Your Wall.........



Supporting Derby county and being calm are mutually exclusive

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This has been a trying time for the club, the players and the fans.  i agree with @86 Schmokes & a Pancake that the atmosphere has become unhealthily toxic.  We disagree on certain points, very well, but lets take a breather and try to get some unity back.  If it means swallowing a lump of discontent, then by all means lets do that.  That's not an exorbitant price to pay, if it helps the club to move onward from this crisis. Let us not entertain mockers, lets stick together as Rams.

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