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2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

It will affect us if he is involved in the negotiations that are going to happen with the US after we leave the EU.

You said democracy in the US is dead, the representatives that voted to impeach Trump were elected by the US population. How exactly has that killed democracy?

Where did I say that?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

I have no idea whether he did or not.

Do I care? No, not really, doesnt affect us.

Do you care that we had British politicians conspiring against the government?

Try and answer it preferably without mentioning Johnson, Trump or Farage.

What did these politicians do, for you to claim that they conspired with foreign governments, in the detriment of our country and it's government?

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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Where did I say that?

My mistake, I got my quotes mixed up so apologies for that. My initial point that Trump will affect us if he is involved in the negotiations that are going to happen with the US after we leave the EU still stands.

We need to pay some attention to what is happening over there, but trying to paint this as the 'left' trying to get someone removed via the courts isn't accurate. The process that has been followed is the correct democratic process.

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8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Trump impeached then.

We appear to be entering a new era where if you dont get your own way, go through the courts to try and get it.

Sad times.


1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

I have no idea whether he did or not.

Do I care? No, not really, doesnt affect us.

If you don't care about whats happening in the USA why did you post about the impeachment?

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20 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Because of the precedent that appears to be being set at the moment where every time someone doesnt get their own way the run straight to the courts.

The impeachment of Thrump and the case against Johnson over the proroguing of Parliament hasn't got anything to do with someone wanting to get their own way. If someone does something wrong, illegal. Then anyone as the right to take them to court, to right a wrong and get justice.

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10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Trump impeached then.

We appear to be entering a new era where if you dont get your own way, go through the courts to try and get it.

Sad times.

Yeah, when a guy who steals $2 million from his own charity is deemed unfit for public office, what hope is there?

9 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just looking back through the thread, I'm guessing all of the outrage from when Bercow, Starmer, Swinson and the likes were plotting with the EU must have been removed.

I assume everyone was calling for them to be put before the courts to explain why they were colluding with foreign politicians. 

Oh no wait, they were trying to stop Brexit so that was ok.

Scrambling whataboutery at its best. Can’t justify your post, deflect as best you can and hope nobody notices. Comedy gold. 

3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I have no idea whether he did or not.

Do I care? No, not really, doesnt affect us.

So you don’t care but it makes you sad. Dear god you talk some weapons-grade shizzle. 

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18 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

They will try, but I think she has the personality to show the scum up for what they really are.

She's certainly not afraid of voicing her opinion, even if that's contrary to popular thinking.

She'd show the popular press up to those who are bothered, but I'm not sure people are engaged enough to judge her on merit, rather than how they'd portray her.



18 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Her vote last week dropped 2 points to 55% in an area that was 60% leave. 

No real surprise though, a local candidate with a genuine passion for the area they're from, engaged in the community and successful in championing their causes should be a vote winner over a single issue, however large.

She'd be a good leader, but after the failure of Corbyn the party will jerk to a centerist smoothie like Starmer or Cooper, aided by the positive press they'd likely receive.

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2 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Jeremy Corbyn acting like a child all day. He's clearly what comes post socialism and always came across that way too but his fanbase were and are in utter denial. 

How much is he getting paid for being party leader. 

Should of gone by now after his embarrassing Election defeat. 

Labour Party in denial even thinking they are electable 

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22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Didnt think you would to be fair...

If you can pinpoint in the article where the act of conspiracy actually took place. Then we could possibly take the perpetrators to court and have them charged with treason.

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22 minutes ago, Curtains said:

How much is he getting paid for being party leader. 

Should of gone by now after his embarrassing Election defeat. 

Labour Party in denial even thinking they are electable 

Why do you care?

You didn't vote Labour I presume, his embarrassing election defeat is the cherry on the icing on the delicious Tory cake you're eating.

Why would you want an incompetent fool to be gone a second sooner than necessary when he's given your team so much?

The longer Labour are in denial and squabbling amongst themselves, the better for your political view, no?


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45 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being total bollx, what score is weapons-grade shizzle and what score for chatting mince ?

Mince is a slovenly effort. A 4.5 at best. Poorly thought out and presented nonsense. Weapons-grade is bio-hazardous, top-end, well versed and practiced. It’s the Beluga caviar of BS. 

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42 minutes ago, Curtains said:

How much is he getting paid for being party leader. 

Should of gone by now after his embarrassing Election defeat. 

Labour Party in denial even thinking they are electable 

Jaysus, change the record will you! You got what you wanted so stop moaning.

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