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The Politics Thread 2019


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13 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Just think what it will be like a decade from now.

You'll be at work and unable to respond, while the Red team lounge around on reduced hours using the superfast free internet to post crap on the internet.

Work ? You’ll be better off on benefits, may as well stay at home and live off society, there would be no point trying to go out and better yourself...Robin hood an all that

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13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure why people get so offended by such claims and have a problem accepting reality.

I see enough parents on the school run who it appear prioritise tattoos and cigarettes over a clean school uniform for their kids.

So I doubt the posters claim is that outlandish.


And have the latest iPhone

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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure why people get so offended by such claims and have a problem accepting reality.

I see enough parents on the school run who it appear prioritise tattoos and cigarettes over a clean school uniform for their kids.

So I doubt the posters claim is that outlandish.


Unless your kids school has a foodbank, and said parents use it, I struggle to see the point you're making?


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3 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

And have the latest iPhone

FFS! So everyone turning up to the food banks has a £1,000 iPhone and is covered in tatts.  


7 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

I see enough parents on the school run who it appear prioritise tattoos and cigarettes over a clean school uniform for their kids.

So I doubt the posters claim is that outlandish.

And your point is what exactly?

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1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

FFS! So everyone turning up to the food banks has a £1,000 iPhone and is covered in tatts.  


And your point is what exactly?

I dunno, that wasn't my point!

Neither was that!

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7 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Unless your kids school has a foodbank, and said parents use it, I struggle to see the point you're making?

Dont think it is that hard to understand is it?

I think some parents have their priorities are wrong and put things before bringing up their kids.

I therefore would not be surprised to see kids of said parents using food banks, while their parents are out getting their latest tattoo done or chuffing their way through today's quota of 40 fags.

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2 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

So now you're sneeringly suggesting that x-number of Labour voters are such because they like the colour red and can't see beyond the Labour party? Coming from someone who throws his toys out when it is suggested that Brexit voters may have had blinkered views, I find that rather hypocritical.

I've voted for all three parties at one time or another. The reason I am voting Labour now is because I absolutely despise what the likes of Johnson, Rees-Mogg and Goves stand for and Cameron and May before them. You may not agree with my worldview, but please don't assume that I, or other Labour voters are thick because they don't vote the way you do, because that's what you are implying.


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7 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Now the day has arrived, what a dreadful choice confronts us to select a leader - a hooray Henry or a left-wing lame duck - I have a feeling Labour will rue the day Corbyn was elected. I've never been so disillusioned about the future leadership of this country of ours - to the point of seriously considering abstention - oh for a John Smith to pull people closer together.

Both main parties are as bad as each other, churning out lie after lie, either coming out with promises they'll never deliver but which pander to their supporters or issuing scare-mongering statements about the other side. No serious votable alternatives sadly.

Never mind, to serve us we have the cringe-worthy buffoon Michael Fabricant who is a shoe-in for another 5 years which says it all really.

Now that IS bad luck.

Cast my vote. Would've gone green but there isn't one here. 

I cannot support Boris. Despite Curtains' entreaties I find him a dislikeable narcissist who is possibly the most self absorbed politician I can recall. He has no conviction whatsoever. 

Hence I went libdem. The local candidate is new but local. If he loses to the sitting Tory,  well she isn't the worst. Been a decent constituency mp in truth.

But there are truly some horrors out there. Fabricant is at the more repellent end. 

Will stay up for the exit poll and maybe later if it looks uncertain and hence interesting. Stay safe all and stay tolerant!

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2 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Did you actually read what I posted? NOT ALL Tory voters ONLY THOSE without money. You stated that he called ALL TORY VOTERS 'ducking idiots' which is not the case. 

Well, yeah. My point was he called me a ducking idiot as I fitted his description of a ducking idiot. 

Which others were denying he had called anyone a ducking idiot. 

Thanks for the passive aggressive caps lock, though. 

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8 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Dont think it is that hard to understand is it?

I think some parents have their priorities are wrong and put things before bringing up their kids.

I therefore would not be surprised to see kids of said parents using food banks, while their parents are out getting their latest tattoo done or chuffing their way through today's quota of 40 fags.

For me i doubt many people choose to use foodbanks.  I think you are right there are some that could be less selfish and manage their money better ( eg the family of 9 complaining about having to use them, why not not have 7 kids in the first place).  However i genuinely believe those are the minority,  i do think media sensationalising doesn't help, and that applies to many arguments held on here.

I genuinely think the majority of people use foodbanks through no alternative.

Lets hope whoever wins today can improve this.

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1 minute ago, Norman said:

Well, yeah. My point was he called me a ducking idiot as I fitted his description of a ducking idiot. 

Which others were denying he had called anyone a ducking idiot. 

Thanks for the passive aggressive caps lock, though. 

Yeah, you've still not really grasped it, have you?

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4 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Now that IS bad luck.

Cast my vote. Would've gone green but there isn't one here. 

I cannot support Boris. Despite Curtains' entreaties I find him a dislikeable narcissist who is possibly the most self absorbed politician I can recall. He has no conviction whatsoever. 

Hence I went libdem. The local candidate is new but local. If he loses to the sitting Tory,  well she isn't the worst. Been a decent constituency mp in truth.

But there are truly some horrors out there. Fabricant is at the more repellent end. 

Will stay up for the exit poll and maybe later if it looks uncertain and hence interesting. Stay safe all and stay tolerant!

Was that your first choice or was it a part tactical vote?

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57 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

You said many people use food banks because they spend their money elsewhere.

I asked how you knew?

You replied it's accurate.

I asked you to provide evidence for your claim.

You said you couldn't.

So to sum up, it's not a reasonable or accurate claim to have made.

Glad we agree.

No it was obvious where you were taking the conversation. I'm more than familiar with food banks and people who contribute to them and use them. If you want some statistics you can research them. But not every single person who uses them is Oliver Twist. People use food banks for a variety of reasons. Some people use them even though they have the same disposable income as people who don't. 

That's a reasonable thing to say and so was what i was saying before. You and about half a dozen others are so hostile to critical thinking and learning something knew, that you just come across terribly. 

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8 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Was that your first choice or was it a part tactical vote?

Good question. We're in a con-libdem marginal so really its hobsons choice if you identify with something centrist or even soft left as I believe myself to be.

But the sitting Tory is towards the moderate wing so I appreciate that I could be accused of flip flopping between local and national issues. 

I much prefer the European elections pr system which removes a lot of that contention. 

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