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Eric Steele on Radio Derby today


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I’ve been switching off during games because Ed and Craig waffle on with their opinions instead of telling us what’s happening on the pitch. Eric had to bring Ed back to it a few times. Ok talk about goalkeepers and gloves but not while the game is being played, I’d rather know what’s happening as Eric pointed out! I only listen to the odd away game but they’ve been really moany and depressing lately. 

Today I listened to the whole game, Eric was a vast improvement 

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2 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

I remember Eric used to summarise quite a lot in the past in the 90s before he worked for Derby and also did a stint post Ian Hall. Always liked him then.

Talks a hell of a lot of sense and you get a balanced reflection of the game and where we’re at as a club, whereas Ramage can sometimes be inconsistent and ruled by emotion. But his passion is unquestioned, depends what you want I guess.

I actually think the worst summariser I remember was Snake! Really struggled to listen to him. 

Was gonna post the same, used to listening to Eric back in the day too. I did like Rowett too though.

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I really miss the days of Colin giving the facts, Graham the comedy and emotion and Ian Hall to irritate me by talking about cricket throughout the football season. Fond memories. However, I do enjoy listening to Ramage and Ed and Eric Steele is just so professional at everything he does whether it be playing, coaching, running a pub or commentating - a really class guy.

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7 hours ago, Loftyhites said:

I really miss the days of Colin giving the facts, Graham the comedy and emotion and Ian Hall to irritate me by talking about cricket throughout the football season. Fond memories. However, I do enjoy listening to Ramage and Ed and Eric Steele is just so professional at everything he does whether it be playing, coaching, running a pub or commentating - a really class guy.

Growing up listening to Graham Richards has completely spoilt me. He was so exciting to listen too...

i will never forget listening to Michael Foresyth’s goal against Liverpool when he equalised late on to make in 1-1 in 1988. Liverpool were in the process of putting together one of the best unbeaten runs ever and our left back beats a couple of their players cutting in from the left, lays it off to Micklewhite, continues his run and finishes from the edge of the 6 yard box. 26,000 in the BBG go mental and Graham Richards is the maddest and loudest of all. I was 8 years old and I remember like it was yesterday. 


Unfortunely for the current crop, they don’t have that kind of material to work with!


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The Ultimate In listening to Derby on radio ………….what a top commentator

I do like Craig and ED though there not bad...…….but there will be never ever another GR , slightly blotted his copy book with me tho as I thought he was a TRUE rams fan .When in fact he hardly came to games when he finished and likes Aston Villa esp when his mate Martin Oneil was in charge.

Just a bit gutted he wasn't a true fan.



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11 minutes ago, Ramsam said:

Growing up listening to Graham Richards has completely spoilt me. He was so exciting to listen too...

i will never forget listening to Michael Foresyth’s goal against Liverpool when he equalised late on to make in 1-1 in 1988. Liverpool were in the process of putting together one of the best unbeaten runs ever and our left back beats a couple of their players cutting in from the left, lays it off to Micklewhite, continues his run and finishes from the edge of the 6 yard box. 26,000 in the BBG go mental and Graham Richards is the maddest and loudest of all. I was 8 years old and I remember like it was yesterday. 


Unfortunely for the current crop, they don’t have that kind of material to work with!


Keep an eye on Bogle.

He did something similar regards the buildup last home game, very skilful. I wonder what the commentators said about that?

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I rarely listen to away games because I also cannot abide them, particularly Ed Dawes who seems to be getting worse with his unfunny asides, annoying attempts at banter and negativity.  I agree with post earlier when they said it sounds like they are waiting for mistakes so they can gloat, moan and shout over each other.

When I do listen I don't often get through 90 mins of them.  I listened yesterday and thought Eric Steele was a breath of fresh air.  Knowledgeable, insightful and actually told us what was going on and why.  He also didn't feel the need to remind us that this was a 'football match' every five seconds.  Not sure I heard 'ratting' or 'individual battles' mentioned once either, though I might be wrong.  It was also a highlight when he kept having to bring Dawes back to the job at hand of telling us what was happening on the pitch.  

Made a nice change.

As an aside of my own, as far as I can remember RD have been predominantly negative. My mates and I would often say the same things about Gibson, Richards and Hall.  GR had some wonderful moments, but he could be as annoying as anybody at times too.  That Gibson got a job with the club after spending most of his RD career criticising them is a wonder in itself (though perhaps my aging memory remembers only the bad bits).

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The pair of them need to stop being so opinionated during games. It is like listening to two teenage girls at times with constant mood swings. I admire the passion Ed and Craig have for the club, but they have to start being more balanced with their views on the team. They slate Lawerence one week for example, the next he's brilliant. Where's the consistency?

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27 minutes ago, Kinder said:

Sounds like I’m in the minority but I really like Ed Dawes. I like Craig Ramage as well but Eric Steele was excellent yesterday. Proper insight and analysis.

Not sure people realise how good we have it. 

Those that dislike the coverage, next time you go away tune into the local radio and listen to the game. 

I want passion in the commentary box, even if at times it is a bit negative or over the top. It’s not really any different to how it is in the stands, just without the profanity.

I’m only getting a rough idea of what’s going on and that’s fine, can watch the full 90 the next day online.

Maybe bring Ed and Ramage on to RamsTV and send Jack Woodward to Radio Derby. 

Woodward gets moaned at for explaining what’s going on too much where as Ed and Ramage for going off on a tangent.

No train stations can be seen from the RamsTV studio though so not sure it would fly that idea.

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I thought Eric was top notch, almost like he'd been doing it for years, for once I stayed listening for whole match. I gave up listening at home games when I realised the boy wonders were watching a different game entirely.

I do agree that some others I have heard are even worse: Norwich, Ipswich, Sheffield, Manchester over the years, when travelling too far away to get RD.

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