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Matej Vydra - Signed for Burnley

Bris Vegas

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34 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

I guess, now, you're going to have to bear with me on this, that Vydra could play in the number 9 role providing he isn't on the last man. A false 9 position, if you will. 

Wisdom    Keogh    Davies     Forsyth

Bryson                  Mount

Wilson               Vydra          Lawrence

It just means that we really don't have an outlet. Vydra will ultimately play the same role, but we need the entire team closer together. Wilson, Bryson, Mount & Lawrence will all have to be options to run behind him. 

In all honesty, I don't see what the difference between this strategy is and what it would have to be if we signed Marriott. We still wouldn't have an outlet. 

I think your right in that if he fits then that's how. I'm just far from convinced he can play that role. A false 9 has the primary role of dropping into the midfield and linking up with them, making those passing triangles so that the entire team can shift up field. They have to be comfortable playing with their back to goal and they have to reliabley keep possession in difficult spots or else the game plan falls apart. Typically players who excel at this role are players who've played as attacking midfielders or as a traditional #10.

Vydra however isn't a traditional #10 he wants to start deep and pick the ball of a player in front of him as he bursts towards the box. He isn't that creative focal point a #10 tends to be and I'm not convinced he has the skill set for it.

And that's not to mention that we've tried him there already. It's how McClaren looked to deploy him before he decided that Bent would link play better, which to me speaks volumes given that Bent has been a poacher all his career. 

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48 minutes ago, Rampage said:

If you have got four really fast runners you do not need a target man. 

Depends entirely what you want to do.  If you want any semblance of playing decent football, you need someone in the final third that can put their foot on the ball and link the play up.  It doesn't have to be a traditional 'target man', just someone with decent feet, a bit of upper body strength and some awareness of what's going on around him.  Under Rowett (and Pearson) we never had that - we had 4 fast runners up front, and whenever the midfield picked the ball up, the forwards all started running away and we ended up losing the ball more often than not, as there was no one to pass to.

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Why would it take you a couple of weeks to learn how much he wants in wages?! Sounds like both a copout and trying to put off any other bidders?


It's a standard tactic from Leeds to try and save face. Turn their fans anger towards Vydra rather than the club for their inept recruitment.

Some people are too quick to take the leaked 'story' in the local press (in this case Yorkshire Post) and being the 100% truth without asking why the story may have been leaked.

Leeds will have been fully aware of Vydra's potential wage demands before lodging an acceptable bid with Derby, if they couldn't afford him then they shouldn't have wasted everyone's time or given their fans false hope.

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16 hours ago, reveldevil said:

You sound like Tony Soprano, perhaps a training ground incident involving a lawnmower, or a dodgy electrical cable while they're in the hot tub!

You could offset the losses on them against the profit on outgoings, but looking through the squad right now the most obvious profit generator is Vydra.

Beyond him, it's hard to see where a big enough fee would make the sale worthwhile FFP wise.


Got a like for the Tony reference.

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3 minutes ago, Carnero said:


It's a standard tactic from Leeds to try and save face. Turn their fans anger towards Vydra rather than the club for their inept recruitment.

Some people are too quick to take the leaked 'story' in the local press (in this case Yorkshire Post) and being the 100% truth without asking why the story may have been leaked.

Leeds will have been fully aware of Vydra's potential wage demands before lodging an acceptable bid with Derby, if they couldn't afford him then they shouldn't have wasted everyone's time or given their fans false hope.

I would assume Vyds must be on 30k a week here, why would he take a sideways step without a decent payrise.

me being cynical thinks the whole vydra thing A. was to try and get Hernandez to drop his wage demands and B. To help boost excitement and season ticket sales.

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I like the idea of trying Vydra as a false 9 as others have mentioned. Pretty sure Marriott would be brought in as a like for like anyway. Any 3 of Vydra/Marriott, Lawrence, Wilson, Jozefzoon, Bennett, Thomas interchanging in the front 3 would be a handful for most teams and we'd probably still have at least one of Nugent, Jerome or Martin as an option from the bench to shake things up if the match isn't going our way.

Of course, if we could get hold of Tammy Abraham I'd be much more confident of the season ahead.

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17 hours ago, reveldevil said:

Not far off I guess.

Another problem will be whatever RV we have to write off if we release them.

Under the old system we'd be looking at a circa £4m loss for FFP purposes, but now the club can value the players as they see fit I can't imagine it would be any less, and suspect it may be substantially more.

It may even see us offering extensions to players who we don't necessarily want to keep, just to kick the can down the road and keep us within allowable losses in this period.


for god sake don't talk sense you wont get far.  Some refuse to get the potential risk that we may need to see somebody at a surplus over rv just to offset the rv loss by letting them walk.  I suspect fozzy and GT were renewed just to kick the can.......

I don't think they can value on a whim as asset values have to be justified to auditors.  Therefore it is unlikely that you could value a player at 0 unless the circumstances pointed to the likelihood that this would be their last year playing professional football.

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1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

I guess, now, you're going to have to bear with me on this, that Vydra could play in the number 9 role providing he isn't on the last man. A false 9 position, if you will. 

Wisdom    Keogh    Davies     Forsyth

Bryson                  Mount

Wilson               Vydra          Lawrence

It just means that we really don't have an outlet. Vydra will ultimately play the same role, but we need the entire team closer together. Wilson, Bryson, Mount & Lawrence will all have to be options to run behind him. 

In all honesty, I don't see what the difference between this strategy is and what it would have to be if we signed Marriott. We still wouldn't have an outlet. 

I think that is the kind of team Lampard will be putting out. I don't think its as much about us having an 'outlet' more about what that front man can offer. By the looks of it we want a front man who is going to press them with high intensity, Marriott appears capable of doing this, the question mark for me with Vydra isn't about his quality its about whether he has the work ethic and attitude to play this kind of role? His head drops quite easily, I can see him pressing 3 or 4 times and being passed around and his head dropping quickly

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1 hour ago, DCFC1388 said:

I think that is the kind of team Lampard will be putting out. I don't think its as much about us having an 'outlet' more about what that front man can offer. By the looks of it we want a front man who is going to press them with high intensity, Marriott appears capable of doing this, the question mark for me with Vydra isn't about his quality its about whether he has the work ethic and attitude to play this kind of role? His head drops quite easily, I can see him pressing 3 or 4 times and being passed around and his head dropping quickly


Agree entirely with this, we need a bully up front, someone who is going to relentlessly batter and press the opposition, we had this in many respects with Martin in his golden season, when he and the whole team, in fact, pressed really high up the pitch (admittedly our defense was shocking). It worked, CJ is the only one in the line up who could potentially do this but he is far from convincing at this stage.

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1 hour ago, SketchyRAM said:

Agree entirely with this, we need a bully up front, someone who is going to relentlessly batter and press the opposition...

Sounds like a Rowett-type player. There's more to scoring goals than running around relentlessly...

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2 hours ago, SketchyRAM said:

Agree entirely with this, we need a bully up front, someone who is going to relentlessly batter and press the opposition, we had this in many respects with Martin in his golden season, when he and the whole team, in fact, pressed really high up the pitch (admittedly our defense was shocking). It worked, CJ is the only one in the line up who could potentially do this but he is far from convincing at this stage.

the ball doesn't stick with CJ - never  - it bounces off him all the time - he has no close control.

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Unlikely that a Premier team will pay £11 MIllion for Vydra and pay him £50k a week in this window


Championship club - no chance of similar. 

However - Vydra scores 12 by Xmas and a desperate premiership club makes a £15 million offer. Aka Plan C

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Just a coincidence Vydra, Martin and Anya all injured and playing no part in pre season?

Vydra was fine on the first day or two of training, seems odd he's pulled up all of a sudden. Likewise Chrissy, looked in good fitness in the images. 

Bet its aload of bs and we arent risking injury with them 3 due to a potential sale. 

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12 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Just a coincidence Vydra, Martin and Anya all injured and playing no part in pre season?

Vydra was fine on the first day or two of training, seems odd he's pulled up all of a sudden. Likewise Chrissy, looked in good fitness in the images. 

Bet its aload of bs and we arent risking injury with them 3 due to a potential sale. 

Aren't training because we're hoping to flog them but haven't yet is probably true, but no club ever has openly said that I think.

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1 hour ago, Papahet said:

Just a coincidence Vydra, Martin and Anya all injured and playing no part in pre season?

Vydra was fine on the first day or two of training, seems odd he's pulled up all of a sudden. Likewise Chrissy, looked in good fitness in the images. 

Bet its aload of bs and we arent risking injury with them 3 due to a potential sale. 

Players have been sold when they're injured before now if the deal is on.

Lamps said: (about Vydra & Martin - not Anya, if DET is attributing correctly)


"They will not be ready for pre-season games," said Lampard.
"They will be probably be ready for the start of the season, as such, a week later. They will not be far away, but we all want pre-season games. They are going to be very close to fitness but probably not for next Saturday (against Wolves)."

"They are involved in little parts of the sessions which are not too physical and they have been doing some specific work with the fitness coaches That is the normal transition into main training," said Lampard.
"We have to, particularly because they are both coming off the back of, for different reasons, injury and illness, off-season as well, so it is very important we use the time right because to throw someone back into training would be wrong."


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8 minutes ago, EraniosSocks said:

To be honest, I am rather surprised at the lack of interest in Vyds. Usually the championship top goal scorers are a transfer target for lower table premier league teams. Strange...

Not really a number of clubs could have made enquiries about Vydra and not come back with a bona fide offer when we told them what we were prepared to sell him for.

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23 minutes ago, EraniosSocks said:

To be honest, I am rather surprised at the lack of interest in Vyds. Usually the championship top goal scorers are a transfer target for lower table premier league teams. Strange...

True, he is foreign and he has a fancy name 

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