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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Sith Happens
7 minutes ago, Mr Giggles said:

Ask you if you are doing anything tonight just so then you in turn ask them if they are doing anything.

Just so they can tell you they're nipping out with Helen for a few drinks tonight...

Agree. Also hate when people call their mum by their first name instead of mum.

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Sith Happens
2 hours ago, McRamFan said:

Personalised plates, first they are not, they are a collection of letters and numbers that have been manipulated, illegally, just to make the person look like a knob. And they payed a good wedge for it.

This is what i dont get. They are arranged illegally,  have screws in letters to break them up to try and make them look like another,  yet clearly police take no action as its very common. How do they pass an mot?

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16 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

This is what i dont get. They are arranged illegally,  have screws in letters to break them up to try and make them look like another,  yet clearly police take no action as its very common. How do they pass an mot?

They swap the plates to normal ones. As for the police, they don't care as you can't earn as much bonus as you can from stop and search.

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On 01/06/2018 at 13:19, McRamFan said:

Personalised plates, first they are not, they are a collection of letters and numbers that have been manipulated, illegally, just to make the person look like a knob. And they payed a good wedge for it.

I believe the car sales people call them 'Cherished' plates.

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On 01/06/2018 at 13:19, McRamFan said:

Personalised plates, first they are not, they are a collection of letters and numbers that have been manipulated, illegally, just to make the person look like a knob. And they payed a good wedge for it.

Most personalised plates are legal and are legitimate old registrations, though. I bought one for Mrs Wolfie Mk1 & am sure that's the only reason she still uses my surname after 9 years of divorce?

The illegal bit is messing around with the letters & spacing etc, which can be done on any old or new plate.

I do agree about the nob bit, for these. I used to have a neighbour who did this but the plate still wasn't obviously "personal" enough, so underneath it (where you would normally have the car dealer name etc) thay had a sentence of explanantion as to what the plate meant.

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Sith Happens
2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Having just returned from holiday, my 2 biggest gripes:

1. Bus transfers to/from the airport gate to the plane

2. Able bodied people who are seemingly unable to get into their plane seat without violently grabbing the back of the seat in front and shaking the occupant (ie: Me)

Probably the same people who insist on standing as soon as you land before the seat belt signs go off.


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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Probably the same people who insist on standing as soon as you land before the seat belt signs go off.


Saw first hand what can happen, bloke got up, plane jerked forward, he fell, broke his arm, laughed in his face after his indiocy delayed all the passengers getting off.

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People at concerts who shout out requests, like the band haven't been practising the set for ages, are on a tour playing the same songs every night and probably don't even remember how to play the one that is being asked for. You wouldn't go to the theatre and randomly ask them to perform a different play, or go into a pub and ask for some been just because you think they should have it so why????

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1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

People at concerts who shout out requests, like the band haven't been practising the set for ages, are on a tour playing the same songs every night and probably don't even remember how to play the one that is being asked for. You wouldn't go to the theatre and randomly ask them to perform a different play, or go into a pub and ask for some been just because you think they should have it so why????

Went to see the Pasadena Roof Orchestra. The guy fronting the band and acting MC asked for requests. A few favourites were shouted out, to which he replied "Well, we don't do requests so we're playing this."

Made me smile anyway.

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