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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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People who drive excessively close behind and then people who steal your braking space. I am a very calm person but people like that cause me to swear. Mostly it seems to be drivers of the usual suspects and today was an Audi.

I guess if you can't get to where you want on time roughly following the speed limits then I have a simple tip... Leave earlier cockstraps.

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The grocery store routine annoys me a tad. At the checkout counter it's like filling out a survey. It's yes i want a bag, no i pay with cash and yes i want a receipt and then you get how many bags and do you have a store savings blabla card? and i don't know what else and i am going no i just wanna get out of here lady and the guy ahead of me is still putting away his four items and the couple behind me is getting restless and my crotch is itching and Donna Summer is discoing from the store speakers and the checkout girl is dreaming of Africa and my wife is giving me that warning look and i'm counting chickens and we're all in some kind of hell.

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2 minutes ago, ramit said:

The grocery store routine annoys me a tad. At the checkout counter it's like filling out a survey. It's yes i want a bag, no i pay with cash and yes i want a receipt and then you get how many bags and do you have a store savings blabla card? and i don't know what else and i am going no i just wanna get out of here lady and the guy ahead of me is still putting away his four items and the couple behind me is getting restless and my crotch is itching and Donna Summer is discoing from the store speakers and the checkout girl is dreaming of Africa and my wife is giving me that warning look and i'm counting chickens and we're all in some kind of hell.

European Island, Caribbean no Africa :lol:

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51 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

well hes obviously more important than everyone else you know.

I think the time is coming for cars to have numerous cameras fitted so everything around it can be filmed. It's sad but there are so many selfish knobs out there who would knock a wing mirror off or make a big dent in your car door without so much as a second thought.

It would be so cool to identify them, track them down and make them pay.

Obviously I'll leave the baseball bats in the car but it's about time these idiots were made to be responsible for their own actions.

Off topic but just had a thought about fly tipping and cameras. There is a country lane near me that gets immense amounts of stuff flytipped there in this layby and it's a regular thing. Twice a week at least. Why doesn't someone fix a camera in a nearby tree or something and you'd catch them all. It's crazy. It's a well established flytipping spot and has been for ages yet nobody thinks to do this?

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1 minute ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I think the time is coming for cars to have numerous cameras fitted so everything around it can be filmed. It's sad but there are so many selfish knobs out there who would knock a wing mirror off or make a big dent in your car door without so much as a second thought.

It would be so cool to identify them, track them down and make them pay.

Obviously I'll leave the baseball bats in the car but it's about time these idiots were made to be responsible for their own actions.

Off topic but just had a thought about fly tipping and cameras. There is a country lane near me that gets immense amounts of stuff flytipped there in this layby and it's a regular thing. Twice a week at least. Why doesn't someone fix a camera in a nearby tree or something and you'd catch them all. It's crazy. It's a well established flytipping spot and has been for ages yet nobody thinks to do this?

dont get me started on fly tipping and litter in general. It annoys me so much especially if you sit on traffic, or even more pull up on a slip road you see all sorts, mcdonalds cartons, bottles, fag packets. Near us last year they cleared the verge up on the slip road and put some signs up saying take your rubbish, there is no such thing as a litter fairy and so on....look at it today and its littered again.

Anyone caught littering or fly tipping should have MASSIVE fines, thousands of pounds, even if its a plastic bottle out of a car window, even if its a cigarette, fine em £1000 for it.

Last year i stood waiting for a bus and two young girls were sat over the road drinking from cans. When they had done they just walked off and threw them down despite the face there was a litter bin just a few yards away.

I know i should really have said something but you imagine all sorts, if they made some sort of scene i can dare bet their parents arent going to come down on them heavy for littering, they are going to have a go at me for approaching them. Its a sad state when it gets to that. Take a walk on the footpath through the fields near our local school and there is litter everywhere, you see kids throwing it down, make them go out and pick it all up that will stop them, but no you will get parents moaning oh my precious little one cant do that blah blah blah.

As you say if its a regular spot just put up a camera, surely they can have portable ones they can hide away and then have them review and move them on somewhere else.

Anyone caught.....huge fine...i dare bet if you fined them £1000 you would get 50 or 60 grand in a week on just one slip road.


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Noticed during the Leicester v Chelsea game today that there was what I've found out is known as a 'light show' as a tribute to someone who has passed away.

Basically supporters whip out their mobile phones and show the light so it looks like everyone is holding a candle inside the stadium.

The Leicester fans did this today for Alan Birchinall.

Am I alone in finding such a tribute cheap and nasty? It may be the modern way of doing it nowadays but I found it impersonal, throwaway and in fact a little disrespectful. It felt like a fad.

Am I being unreasonable here?

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37 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Noticed during the Leicester v Chelsea game today that there was what I've found out is known as a 'light show' as a tribute to someone who has passed away.

Basically supporters whip out their mobile phones and show the light so it looks like everyone is holding a candle inside the stadium.

The Leicester fans did this today for Alan Birchinall.

Am I alone in finding such a tribute cheap and nasty? It may be the modern way of doing it nowadays but I found it impersonal, throwaway and in fact a little disrespectful. It felt like a fad.

Am I being unreasonable here?

It's a bit cheapo definitely but seems to fit in with the 'mood' of today.

Not my thing to be honest but then again I'd rather stick a fork in my knee than watch x factor or its ilk so I'm in the minority (or a Victor as my wife describes me...Often)

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35 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

It's a bit cheapo definitely but seems to fit in with the 'mood' of today.

Not my thing to be honest but then again I'd rather stick a fork in my knee than watch x factor or its ilk so I'm in the minority (or a Victor as my wife describes me...Often)

I'm sorry I'm limited to a single like for that sentiment. There should be some sort of 'multi-like' facility for exceptional posts of this nature.

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On 13/01/2017 at 13:05, Paul71 said:

dont get me started on fly tipping and litter in general. It annoys me so much especially if you sit on traffic, or even more pull up on a slip road you see all sorts, mcdonalds cartons, bottles, fag packets. Near us last year they cleared the verge up on the slip road and put some signs up saying take your rubbish, there is no such thing as a litter fairy and so on....look at it today and its littered again.

Anyone caught littering or fly tipping should have MASSIVE fines, thousands of pounds, even if its a plastic bottle out of a car window, even if its a cigarette, fine em £1000 for it.

Last year i stood waiting for a bus and two young girls were sat over the road drinking from cans. When they had done they just walked off and threw them down despite the face there was a litter bin just a few yards away.

I know i should really have said something but you imagine all sorts, if they made some sort of scene i can dare bet their parents arent going to come down on them heavy for littering, they are going to have a go at me for approaching them. Its a sad state when it gets to that. Take a walk on the footpath through the fields near our local school and there is litter everywhere, you see kids throwing it down, make them go out and pick it all up that will stop them, but no you will get parents moaning oh my precious little one cant do that blah blah blah.

As you say if its a regular spot just put up a camera, surely they can have portable ones they can hide away and then have them review and move them on somewhere else.

Anyone caught.....huge fine...i dare bet if you fined them £1000 you would get 50 or 60 grand in a week on just one slip road.


I'd be interested to hear what these litterbugs have to say as an excuse. Imagine what their homes must be like. On a similar note, check out some peoples work desks. Empty or half drunk cups/glasses left overnight, unwashed breakfast bowls, sauce bottles (!) and spices (!)...I kid you not.

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1 hour ago, TimRam said:

 On a similar note, check out some peoples work desks. Empty or half drunk cups/glasses left overnight, unwashed breakfast bowls, sauce bottles (!) and spices (!)...I kid you not.

People who having already imposed on you by saying they need to sneak out of the office early. ..saying 'would you just wash my cup...shut down my computer.. leave a message for so and so'...

Oh yeh no problem I'll have an hour of your pay too!!

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12 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Noticed during the Leicester v Chelsea game today that there was what I've found out is known as a 'light show' as a tribute to someone who has passed away.

Basically supporters whip out their mobile phones and show the light so it looks like everyone is holding a candle inside the stadium.

The Leicester fans did this today for Alan Birchinall.

Am I alone in finding such a tribute cheap and nasty? It may be the modern way of doing it nowadays but I found it impersonal, throwaway and in fact a little disrespectful. It felt like a fad.

Am I being unreasonable here?

I think Birch is still alive (by the skin of his teeth), and I understand the 'light show' was on 10 minutes, on the basis that his shirt number was No 10.

Good, honest bloke, Birchinall, raised oodles of cash for his club** over the decades, much as I despise anything to do with Leicester City. I agree it's tacky though.

** Actually, I think his big thing was having defibrilators at every football ground, an item which saved his life this week.

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Thanks for the info Phoenix.

I think it's great that fans can show their respects but I just think the light show thing is a tacky way of doing it devaluing the feeling of respect that one is attempting to pay.

The clapping thing also is similar. Not so much tacky but after 30 seconds of it I'm starting to get more preoccupied with whether or not I can keep it up rather than poignantly thinking about the loss of somebody who has passed on.

Plus it's just too noisy to even gather your own thoughts let alone have any free to remember anyone.

The minutes silence has been and always will be the most appropriate way of remembering and paying respect and I actually would extend it for a further few minutes to get time to register just who we are supposed to be remembering.

One minute is not enough. By the time you've coughed a few times, scanned the stadium and got into a comfortable stance the ref has already blown his whistle and that's before you've even had time to think about whoever it is the silence was for.

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