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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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32 minutes ago, Anon said:

Yorkshire (again). The regional news have been banging on all week about where Yorkshire finished in the Olympic medal table. Sorry guys, I didn't realise you'd seceded from the UK and were funding all your own athletes independently. You'd think they could just be happy about the UK's greatest ever Olympic performance, but no, it has to be all about Yorkshire as usual. 1487 called, you lost, get over yourselves.

I'm interested to know from people who live in other parts of the country if their regional news shows have compiled their areas medals separately.

Having seen local news from most regions, there's definitely something annoying and embarrasing about how Yorkshire presents itself.

What is it with the Yorkshire superiority complex?. Constantly banging on about "God's own county". It can't just have come from Geoff Boycott.

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1 hour ago, Anon said:

Yorkshire (again). The regional news have been banging on all week about where Yorkshire finished in the Olympic medal table. Sorry guys, I didn't realise you'd seceded from the UK and were funding all your own athletes independently. You'd think they could just be happy about the UK's greatest ever Olympic performance, but no, it has to be all about Yorkshire as usual. 1487 called, you lost, get over yourselves.

I'm interested to know from people who live in other parts of the country if their regional news shows have compiled their areas medals separately.

That's just B*****s, everyone knows Europe won most medals.


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36 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

I don't mind this as much to be honest. It's a bit clumsy, and it's rather undignified to crow about "beating" the USA when the EU isn't a nation, but it's nice to congratulate the entire continent's athletes (even if the Russians shouldn't have been there). It's the same scenario as the MP that got into trouble for congratulating the commonwealth nations whilst tweeting about the empire.

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On 24 August 2016 at 11:26, Wolfie said:

Having seen local news from most regions, there's definitely something annoying and embarrasing about how Yorkshire presents itself.

What is it with the Yorkshire superiority complex?. Constantly banging on about "God's own county". It can't just have come from Geoff Boycott.

I think it is just a mask to cover their basic insecurity as a people and as a place that has been invaded or visited by more people than anywhere also. Scots, Angles, Saxons Jutes, Vikings, Norsemen, Indians, Pakistanis and Mancunians. Nowhere else in the UK has been so prone to different influences. They are a melting pot and have yet to find their identity hence their overt regionalism and lack of a decent Football club.

;) :ph34r:

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3 hours ago, TimRam said:

The BBC obsession with using kilometres in news and science programmes as a measure of distance and speed. Does not mean anything to the UK viewers! Use Miles!

and Fahrenheit.

Also, they used to give the isobar values on the weather forecast. That's gone now. As a committed Barometerist, I demand them back.

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Metal splinters!

Was quite happily working away last night when my hand brushed against my shirt and I felt something in my hand 'catch' on my shirt. I couldn't see anything so got a magnifying glass and found a tiny shard of metal protruding from my hand.

I tried to get it out but holding a magnifying glass pointed at my hand while trying to get a tiny splinter out with the same hand was impossible. I got home this morning and got a sewing needle, a pair of tweezers and with my wife holding the magnifying glass I managed to remove the foreign body. 

It was minute but I couldn't ignore it once I knew it was there. 

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1 minute ago, McRamFan said:

Had to go into the Eagle Centre this morning...

...small children running around all over the place and mums looking shocked as one bounces off me and tell her to keep her child under control.

You miserable git, you must be full of joy, did you skip into the eagle centre?

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4 hours ago, jono said:

I think it is just a mask to cover their basic insecurity as a people and as a place that has been invaded or visited by more people than anywhere also. Scots, Angles, Saxons Jutes, Vikings, Norsemen, Indians, Pakistanis and Mancunians. Nowhere else in the UK has been so prone to different influences. They are a melting pot and have yet to find their identity hence their overt regionalism and lack of a decent Football club.

;) :ph34r:

Oi jono. What about the Romans?

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Cricket fans who refuse to accept that it isn't mandatory to enforce the follow on. I seem to have spent a good portion of my life trying to point out to outraged cricket "experts" that it might just be possible that someone who makes a living from the game, has first hand experience of the conditions of the pitch and his players, and has been selected to captain his team might just know what they're doing.

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Sith Happens

Paying more for alcohol free beer in pubs than normal beer. I know it mostly dont taste great but if im driving it at least makes me feel like im having a beer, and it still tastes better than flippin coke or whatever other options there are.



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7 hours ago, Ewetube said:

Metal splinters!

Was quite happily working away last night when my hand brushed against my shirt and I felt something in my hand 'catch' on my shirt. I couldn't see anything so got a magnifying glass and found a tiny shard of metal protruding from my hand.

I tried to get it out but holding a magnifying glass pointed at my hand while trying to get a tiny splinter out with the same hand was impossible. I got home this morning and got a sewing needle, a pair of tweezers and with my wife holding the magnifying glass I managed to remove the foreign body. 

It was minute but I couldn't ignore it once I knew it was there. 

Could you not use a magnet?

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3 hours ago, ilkleyram said:

Olicana Town can be a bit like that too...........  Defence like city walls

Yes know what you mean. Although Loidis lunctus are the real cloggers. Someone told me their half centurions were hard as nails 

:D .. Ps I am really well oiled tonight so might not be at the top,of my game at the moment 

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