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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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Just now, cannable said:

The Derby Way died when we sanctioned Clement's transfers. 

Pearson pissed on the grave.

This brings up a point though. If the plan always to bring a 'pragmatic' manager like Pearson and then Rowett. What was the point of sacking Clement and putting Wassell in charge for half a season ? Because at the time I bought the ******** about it being due to 'the Derby way' but our actions since then seem directly contradictory.

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Just now, DazzaRam said:

Bradley Johnson was better than Will Hughes last season. Why the hysteria?

  • We're only getting £4.5 million for him according to numerous journalists
  • We're supposedly going to be replacing him with 33 year old Whelan
  • We're selling him for so little to a team we who we overpaid for 2 of their players last year
  • Rowett said he wants young hungry players and not Premier League rejects, yet he's selling Hughes to replace with an old Stoke reject

That about cover it for you?

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6 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

Bradley Johnson was better than Will Hughes last season. Why the hysteria?

Because Will Hughes is one of the most technically gifted players we have had at the club for years and Bradley Johnson has the technical ability of a Hippo.

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8 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:
  • We're only getting £4.5 million for him according to numerous journalists
  • We're supposedly going to be replacing him with 33 year old Whelan
  • We're selling him for so little to a team we who we overpaid for 2 of their players last year
  • Rowett said he wants young hungry players and not Premier League rejects, yet he's selling Hughes to replace with an old Stoke reject

That about cover it for you?

And we're getting £8m according to numerous others, I guess the figure you believe depends on what you want to believe. If you want to stamp your feet and get angry about the sale, you're going to believe the lower figure.

I'll say it again, last 3 seasons have been crap, the balance of the team all wrong and Hughes has played a major role in that. Add to that there isn't a queue waiting to sign him, a change may be a good thing.

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29 minutes ago, Stedcfc said:

Whilst this is true, if you have something you want to sell but can only get 50% of its value at the moment, you wait for a better time to sell it.

Maybe this one has been leaked to the press so much as we are hoping it might get other clubs interested.

Whilst your point is also true, his value is only what other clubs are prepared to pay for him not necessarily what we think he's worth. 

I could tell you my house is worth £1million doesn't mean it is.

Footballers are generally unique assets and difficult to compare with prices paid for other players especially when some clubs, Derby included, have been guilty of paying over the odds in the past. 

If it happens, which is looking increasingly likely, we need to move on. I'm sure plenty of other clubs have sold their "best players" and somehow managed to progress. 

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1 minute ago, DazzaRam said:

Yeah. By a distance too.

Wow didn't realise that, I went to all the matches, Johnson was very good for some, and terrible in some. Hughes probably wasn't as good as season before but so many matches his talent was obvious and he was a calm head on the ball when needed. Would take Hughes over Johnson because simply he is a better footballer. 

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