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1 hour ago, toddy said:


Much better to a balance side capable of playing 4-3-3 and then reverting to a 4-4-2 when needs must, can Martin play in a two up front? Thought that was tried in August.............

Your rhetorical question doesn't stack up. CM was on the bench for the first couple of games of the season. Therefore using last August  as an example to answer your own question is pointless.

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1 hour ago, europia said:

Too many

I can pretty much tell you how Brighton will set up on Friday. Who their danger players are. Who they look to reset play to when attacks break down.

Did you watch Barcelona? Did they surprise PSG with anything they did? 

How are you supposed to understand not just your own role but the role of all your teammates and play instinctively if your role is changed every other week. 

Like rynny said, name some. I bet you can't name a successful team that springs surprises in its systems and styles.

You'd need about 40 players of equal level to field an array of systems and styles. 

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2 hours ago, toddy said:

Much better to a balance side capable of playing 4-3-3 and then reverting to a 4-4-2 when needs must, can Martin play in a two up front? Thought that was tried in August.............

I think Martin was deployed in cloughies 442 at the start of the 13/14 season.

We played some good stuff then as well. Unfortunately there were a couple of home tonkings. ....

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1 hour ago, Alpha said:

I can pretty much tell you how Brighton will set up on Friday. Who their danger players are. Who they look to reset play to when attacks break down.

Did you watch Barcelona? Did they surprise PSG with anything they did? 

How are you supposed to understand not just your own role but the role of all your teammates and play instinctively if your role is changed every other week. 

Like rynny said, name some. I bet you can't name a successful team that springs surprises in its systems and styles.

You'd need about 40 players of equal level to field an array of systems and styles. 


Every succesful team keeps pretty much the same system throughout the season. 

Yet somehow, we are the only team that other managers 'figure out'. 

It's bizarre.

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4 hours ago, toddy said:

Fans think Martin and the team of 13/14 and all that was good in that season, but remember the team now is not the team it was from 3 season's ago.

If we want Martin back and play only a certain way then we need midfielders that can move the play quickly and link up with Martin and that means midfielders with a bit of pace - we currently have neither.

Going backwards to the first Mac era does also have its problems,  -

What happens when Martin is off his game, is injured etc - the team is built around a certain way of playing without your kingpin it really falls apart.

Then we have the issue a lot coach's struggle with when playing 4-3-3, when your opposite number goes and plays a good 4-4-2 side against you [ 4-4-2 formation is what counters 4-3-3] - Mac would need a plan B, so what do you do stick Martin on the bench and the team you built around one man now does not function to its ability. We have seen numerous times over the last couple of seasons, press Derby means you then isolate Martin, place 2 CB's on him and he's out of the game.

Much better to a balance side capable of playing 4-3-3 and then reverting to a 4-4-2 when needs must, can Martin play in a two up front? Thought that was tried in August.............

A club that doesn't know how to go forward has little choice but to try and go backwards and find it's better moments. Very sad, but the reality is that true success will come to derby when we try something totally new and no one on here really knows what that is because that's what new is. Derby fans contrary to the false platitudes and cliches actually have pretty puny expectations at this point. Their hopes have been beaten to a pulp.

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6 hours ago, rynny said:

How many teams are unpredictable? Just a thought.....

Exactly! I'd say Derby are pretty unpredictable. Not necessarily in a good way based on the wild swings in form and success we've had this season!

Plan b and other managers 'Sussing us out' is such carp. Find a system that allows our players to express themselves and perform and few teams would cope with us regardless of whether they knew how we'd line up.

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1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Martin can play in two.

In macs first season bryson was practically a second striker playing off him.

He can't play in a counter attacking 4-4-2, feed off scraps and run the channels kind of set up.


Yes but as I said earlier that was 3 seasons ago and we don't have those players here anymore and those that we do aka Bryson are now a bit older, a bit slower and without the same engine.

We would need to change a side to fit Martin, and if Martin does not perform or gets injured then we we need to go and buy a Martin mk 2 to fit a team we built around Martin mk1.

We really need to move on...And build a side that is not one dimensional, a side that if it loses its main striker can keep performing.

At the moment we have too many average players that are playing in an average side, if fans want promotion then a massive clear out is required in the summer.

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16 minutes ago, toddy said:

Yes but as I said earlier that was 3 seasons ago and we don't have those players here anymore and those that we do aka Bryson are now a bit older, a bit slower and without the same engine.

We would need to change a side to fit Martin, and if Martin does not perform or gets injured then we we need to go and buy a Martin mk 2 to fit a team we built around Martin mk1.

We really need to move on...And build a side that is not one dimensional, a side that if it loses its main striker can keep performing.

At the moment we have too many average players that are playing in an average side, if fans want promotion then a massive clear out is required in the summer.

Well fair enough, but with Nugent, possibly Blackman we're not quite so stuck as we were the season we finished 8th with bent and martin both injured.

I wouldn't build around Martin when he gets back so much as use martin in a way that gets the best out of the team overall. I do think 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 both fit that but don't have to be martin centric.

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32 minutes ago, BuckoBeast said:

If Mac goes does that change the situation of him coming back at all 

Good point ,many variables to consider ,both clubs league position ,SM at Derby or gone ,CM settled in London ,loads of things can affect the outcome of this .I wouldn't put my house on his return just yet.

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Would Fulham still want him?

He was first choice under Clement and DazWaz as well as Clough and McClaren. Plus, he values being settled with his family.

I think he'll be back unless one of two things swing it, we have a new manager who flat out does not want him at the club or Fluham get promoted (and want him).


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