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11 hours ago, Herdwick Ram said:

Based on your recommendation last year, I ordered myself a case this year - and cracked open the first one to get me through the final 20 minutes of the Fulham game. I can honestly sat it's the most "stouty" stout I have ever had ... glorious stuff indeed !


A second batch of stouty happiness arrived yesterday morning, but it was coupled with disappointment. I had also ordered a box of 'Bad Habit' (St Austell's Belgian-style Tripel, which is my wife's favourite of their beers and also excellent). The delivery man said "Sorry, it didn't make it to the depot", so, duly reported, I guess the replacement for that will be along in a couple of days.

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13 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

FTFY. ??

Yesterday, the replacement arrived.

Silly Billys at St Austell Brewery sent the wrong beer - instead of the Bad Habit, they sent another box of Black Square, which is £25 more expensive. So being the scrupulously honest person I pride myself in being, I really ought to tell them.

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Today, I am the proud owner of 9 x 75 cl bottles of Straffe Tripel and 9 x 75 cl bottles of Straffe Quad, shipped directly from Brouwerij De Halve Maan, Brugge.

Total cost including shipping was €139 (£118). That's just £6.55 per bottle, and Christmas can now go ahead.

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2 hours ago, sage said:

£11 for the bottle on Angels. Practically as cost from Thornbridge 

Rather good, also had 3  pints of Porter and stour form 4 9% to 6 2% so the tea I was going to cook became a takeaway 




Can I also add, consumption of said beer made we fall asleep halfway through Liverpool v Newcastle and I awoke in a state of confusion. 

I hope they have some left 

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On 01/12/2021 at 13:18, Eddie said:

Yesterday, the replacement arrived.

Silly Billys at St Austell Brewery sent the wrong beer - instead of the Bad Habit, they sent another box of Black Square, which is £25 more expensive. So being the scrupulously honest person I pride myself in being, I really ought to tell them.

I have a similar dilemma.

Ordered 6 mini barrels, delivery was down for today. 

They turned up yesterday, so happy enough.

They also turned up today, so I've now got 12 mini barrels, with a compliment slip in French marked replacements! 

Which is weird, because I ordered them from a UK company. 

I suspect the courier has somehow reported them as lost, and these are replacements!

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39 minutes ago, Rev said:

I have a similar dilemma.

Ordered 6 mini barrels, delivery was down for today. 

They turned up yesterday, so happy enough.

They also turned up today, so I've now got 12 mini barrels, with a compliment slip in French marked replacements! 

Which is weird, because I ordered them from a UK company. 

I suspect the courier has somehow reported them as lost, and these are replacements!

If they’re French duck em.

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27 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

What’s it like? It’s about £12 a bottle but you can get it in the Thornbridge Beer Club.

It's pretty good. It's £11 a bottle at Angels. 

You get the bourbon at first, then a thick but smooth stout follows. 

I was absolutely spangled after this and 3 Plum Porters. 


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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

World class.

Since Tesco and Morrisons started selling them at a fiver a bottle (currently £4.50 with a clubcard), we have been buying 3 bottles each time we have been shopping. We've got more than 70 upstairs now.

It was lovely. You couldn’t tell it was 8.4%, sweeter than I expected and went down very well. A bit too we’ll. Picked it up at Sainsburys for £5 I’ll keep my eye out for Tescos with my club card.

Might go to Bruges for my 50th next year so any good breweries or tips would be appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

It was lovely. You couldn’t tell it was 8.4%, sweeter than I expected and went down very well. A bit too we’ll. Picked it up at Sainsburys for £5 I’ll keep my eye out for Tescos with my club card.

Might go to Bruges for my 50th next year so any good breweries or tips would be appreciated.

We hope to go back in August, if the North Sea Beer Festival gets off the ground in Ostend.

There are 3 breweries in Bruges:

  • Brouwerij De Halve Maan
    • Famous for Straffe Hendrik and Brugse Zot beers, they do a nice brewery tour (which involves ladders and climbing through a window). Brilliant view from the roof of the brewery.
    • The brewery courtyard is a great place to drink in the summer
  • Bourgogne Des Flandres
    • Their flagship beer goes by the same name - it's a wonderful Flemish Red beer, a blend of Timmermans lambic and Bruinen Os. They also do a good brewery trip.
    • They do an excellent 'sampler paddle' of half a dozen beers.
    • Lovely balcony drinking area which overlooks the canal.
  • Fort Lapin
    • Just outside the old city walls, unlike the other two.
    • They don't do brewery trips.
    • A new brewery, they are craft beer specialists. Their Fort Lapin Quad is outstanding

There are some brilliant bars in Bruges:

  • Cafe Rose Red
    • Has hundreds of red roses hanging from the ceiling. If you propose there and she accepts, they give you a rose. I plan to be there on my golden wedding anniversary.
    • The only place where I've had 10 year aged Orval.
    • About 100 metres from the Markt.
  • Le Trappiste
    • Specialise in Trappist beers
    • About 300 metres from the Markt
    • Cellar bar with something like 25 beers on tap, they do a great sampler paddle.
    • Watch the steps
  • Staminee De Garre
    • A must-visit bar, you need to be fairly early because there is no standing and only about 15 tables (on two floors)
    • Right next to the Belfort, down an unassuming little alley. Use Google Maps or you'll miss it.
    • Tripel De Garre is brewed especially for them by Van Steenberge (Gulden Draak, Piraat etc). At one time, it was only possible to buy it 'Het Vat' (on draught) at the bar, but it is now available in bottles (I just had 8 sent over last week - it's my favourite beer of all time)
    • A glass of the house Tripel always comes with an accompanying dish of the local cheese (which is equally lovely)
  • 't Brugs Beertje
    • Another fantastic bar with 3 or 4 hundred different beers
    • Just off one of the main shopping streets
    • Lovely snacks/nibbles
  • De Bierboom
    • Run/owned by my mate Rudy Vossen
    • Lovely little bar on Langestraat
    • Beer and Absinthe
    • The beer shop of Brouwerij De Vier Monniken (the four monks), brew the Monachus range of beers. Monachus XII is simply stunning falling-over water.
  • Cafe Halte 5
    • Right next to the railway station
    • nice cosy bar for the first or last beer in Bruges.
Edited by Eddie
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