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Defensive midfielder


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Am I the only one that can see we are in desperate need of a DM?

these players just cannot play without one. 

They ahould be able to but they can't.

tgus should be the top priority. 

We get one of those and our creative players can get forward more to do what they are paid to do


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6 minutes ago, EnigmaRam said:

Am I the only one that can see we are in desperate need of a DM?

these players just cannot play without one. 

They ahould be able to but they can't.

tgus should be the top priority. 

We get one of those and our creative players can get forward more to do what they are paid to do


Totally agree. Without one we get overrun.

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29 minutes ago, EnigmaRam said:

Am I the only one that can see we are in desperate need of a DM?

these players just cannot play without one. 

They ahould be able to but they can't.

tgus should be the top priority. 

We get one of those and our creative players can get forward more to do what they are paid to do


The first bold bit is answered by the second.

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16 minutes ago, RIMBAUD said:

Virtually everyone who's watched us over the last few years knows we need a fella who can put a foot in if GT isn't fit.

So why haven't we done it?

Don't worry, our multi million pound academy that Clement got the sack for has some :ph34r:

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Over in the transfer suggestions thread I proposed William Vainqueur who's at Roma but they've told him he can leave before the window shuts as they can't guarantee him first team football and have FFP issues. 27 year old with a top pedigree around Europe and an American girlfriend so should speak English. (Even) Better than Thorne as a defensive midfielder. But because he'd be coming from Italy and they need to sell the price is probably £3-5m which would buy you a very average Championship midfielder if shopping in England.

We have this odd policy of wanting to buy Championship players because apparently they're used to the division - someone should tell the recruitment team there's a reason for that. Someone like Vainqueur would sort us out and take us up a couple of notches. Sadly, I expect we're too late. The need has been clear all pre-season so if we wanted Championship I was surprised we didn't take Bridcutt.

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8 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Over in the transfer suggestions thread I proposed William Vainqueur who's at Roma but they've told him he can leave before the window shuts as they can't guarantee him first team football and have FFP issues. 27 year old with a top pedigree around Europe and an American girlfriend so should speak English. (Even) Better than Thorne as a defensive midfielder. But because he'd be coming from Italy and they need to sell the price is probably £3-5m which would buy you a very average Championship midfielder if shopping in England.

We have this odd policy of wanting to buy Championship players because apparently they're used to the division - someone should tell the recruitment team there's a reason for that. Someone like Vainqueur would sort us out and take us up a couple of notches. Sadly, I expect we're too late. The need has been clear all pre-season so if we wanted Championship I was surprised we didn't take Bridcutt.

Jedinak was 5m according to sky. I'm sold on your proposal Carl.

If nothing else he's great chant potential. ..

"The referees a vainqueur. .....but we have got one also..." :thumbsup:

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I think the whole thing is going wrong in the midfield and as a result, everyone looks dire.

All our attacking mids have been used to playing with a defensive midfielder behind them. Thorne is obviously great in this role, but Eustace showed how important this position is. Eustace could also keep possesion well and move the ball from the defence to the other mids. Hughes could possibly play this role if he had himself playing in front of him.

But he hasn't and it's not his position anyway. He's probably more capable at doing it than our other midfielders though, whose main strengths are shooting from distance (Butters), supporting the striker (Bryson), creating chances with dribbles (Hendrick) and scoring (BJ from his Norwich days). We panicked last season in buying Butters and BJ after the early injuries and now we don't need both/either of them in the squad really.

What we needed last year (and still desperately do) is another def midfielder who can play when Thorne is injured and alongside him if we play 4-2-3-1. Jedinak would have been perfect...I can't believe Palace let him go. Has Hanson just come back from injury as I think he should play again. Did well last season and got good energy.

442 with our current midfielders is pretty much a non-starter as none of them can play wide (except maybe BJ) but more importantly, we have no allrounder type midfielders who are physical, full of running and know how to tackle.  Bryson may be able to play in a 442 if he was next to this sort of player. Don't think this would suit Thorne either as don't think that his natural game. If we want to go 442 we might as well ship out most our midfielders.

Don't think we can really criticise any of our forward players too much as they are never getting the ball anywhere near our goal, if at all. Just long punts as we are unable to play through the middle. I don't think we wanna be spending cash on more forwards for now.

In summary, we've looked pretty hopeless so far. But I think it can be fixed easily with the addition of a Eustace type player and Hanson back in the squad.


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