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Signed: Jacob Butterfield


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To be fair, the combination of the relaxing of FFP and the potential riches on offer for entry to next season's Premier League have had a substantial impact on virtually all transfer fees in the Championship this season it would seem. It's become very hard to say what value for money looks like anymore.

For me Butterfield is a quality player in a position we need filling. Probably one of the best realistically available to us. 

If Gray is worth £9 million and Forest were asking £4+ million for Lansbury then I suppose around £5 million would be the going rate...

Not sure he would be worth more than Ince. I have a feint that a month ago he'd have been a couple million cheaper.

Huddersfield can't argue with making over £4mil profit in 12 months.

Two posts here which raise an interesting issue. 

Gandalf is right - the best Championship players are going for more than they historically would because clubs can see the ludicrous riches on offer of being promoted and are willing to pay more to gamble getting there. This then drives the price up as the selling club knows they have the buying club over a barrel.

Kernow, a player is only worth what a team pays, or is willing to pay, for him. Doesn't mean one is "worth" more than the other. Ince I reckon we got cheaper than we might have in an open market because of a supposed fixed price loan agreement and a club willing to sell. We are in a totally different position with Butterfield; the club can demand more because a) they know we have money and b) they don't want to sell him.  

Two totally different scenarios which affect the price. Doesn't mean one player is better or worse than the other or one is "worth" more. Or to put it like me old grandma would have, it's like comparing apples with pears.

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This is a bit embarrassing.............I have just checked your posts and its clear I have mistaken you for a misery which (as far as I know) you are not. My apologies. Mistaken identity!!

Sorry, once you've got someone down you're supposed to kick them, not pick them up.

Or have I been doing it wrong?

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This is a bit embarrassing.............I have just checked your posts and its clear I have mistaken you for a misery which (as far as I know) you are not. My apologies. Mistaken identity!!

Fair do's - thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't even trying to be a misery about the alleged £5m for Butterfield

I meant I was underwhelmed, because it always feels like your record signing should be a big name, or at the very least someone that people have heard of when they ask who your record signing is/was

I'm sure I've seen him play more than several times, I just don't remember him at all. He better be good is all I'm saying!

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Could see Hendrick being the one to go if we wanted to thin out the numbers a bit at any point. Talk of a violent disorder charge and the potential to get a decent wedge for him might convince the board he is the one to push?

I hope players don't follow these boards...hurts my head so God knows what it would do to them. It would appear Hendrick has gone from being highly regarded international and  £5m target for Aston Villa, and seemingly played a central part in games so far and ....yet he is also a potential make-weight in a deal for someone most fans would be blissfully pretty unaware of.

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Im all for that

Apparently they have a choice of Warnock, Pearce, Buxton, Christie or Dawkins according to someone on their who is regarded as "usually spot on"

Find it totally inconceivable that 5 'established'players have been spoken to and all given their agreement they would be willing to move to Huddersfield!....1 is unlikely!

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