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Forum Attacked - Let's Try Again


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My update.

In a ill considered fit of rage, I went out nerd bashing last night, and got arrested. Derby is full of tech geeks and in a similar way to how Americans suspect anyone remotely tanned after 9/11, I went scizo on innocent geeks as a result of this attack on the forum!

I broke the strap on my man bag hitting a lad with it because he was wearing a Big Bang theory tshirt (over a hoodie)!!!

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My update.

In a ill considered fit of rage, I went out nerd bashing last night, and got arrested. Derby is full of tech geeks and in a similar way to how Americans suspect anyone remotely tanned after 9/11, I went scizo on innocent geeks as a result of this attack on the forum!

I broke the strap on my man bag hitting a lad with it because he was wearing a Big Bang theory tshirt (over a hoodie)!!!

Good grief.......how big is your man bag??

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You are now, as are Posh Ram and Coconut.


I will get round to going through all donation emails shortly and upgrading everyone who has missed out, shout up if if I've missed you out and I'll fix.

Cheers, although I will donate again when I get a chance anyway in light of all this.

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Not Member+ by the look of it.

Not nagging but you did ask for us to let you know. I know you've got one or two things on your plate at the moment, so any time in the next few minutes will be acceptable ;)


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