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Forum Attacked - Let's Try Again


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Well done, Daveo. I really appreciate your efforts.

If anything has been proved over the last day, it's how important this place is to me.

Frightening isn't it?

It's become the link between fans and club.

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Dont know what happened there, came up with a fatal error message, thought he had struck again.

You are a fatal error JW, your mum told me. I tried to 'like' one of your posts earlier, but it wouldn't allow me. Pity as I don't usually find much much you post interesting or amusing.

A big thanks to Daveo. I have to say I feel a bit violated, like someone has shat in my bed, so I cannot know how he is feeling. When this all settles down I think the whole forum should have a whip round so he can have a night out to cover the one he lost last night. I would think for as little as

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