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The Paranormal/Spooky Stuff


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Not sure if this fits here, but sod it I'll stick it in anyway....


Tomorrow/tonight is the Autumn equinox, Mabon to many neo pagan groups.....& therefore the second time of the year, when night & day are in equal balance....Pretty much the real beginning of the shadow half of the year...


It is also one of the eight main Sabbat's of the year, for Pagan religions... such as Druids, Wiccan's etc... to honor the old gods of nature...


Wiccans tend to see the Autumn equinox... as the time of year when the goddess of nature... moves from her, mother aspect to that of crone....at this stage of her cycle she is very much the keeper of the cauldron of life, wisdom & inspiration...


It is the time of year when her consort... the horned god prepares for his death......so that he may be made ready, for rebirth at Yule...


So maybe not ghosts sightings tomorrow/tonight...but potentially sightings of Witches or Druids in Derbyshire....


Some mood music

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I had a wierd experience....which was so long ago i'd almost forgotten.

25 years ago. I was working in a converted church.

Late one night...maybe ten or 11 o'clock at night i was doing some photocopying.

I'd locked the front door - which was the only door - and i was the only person in the building.

All of a sudden i heard the front door open, then the inner door....then footsteps rush up the stairs.

I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I thought the boss had come back for something.

After a few seconds i crept out of the copier room.

I was surprised to see that there were no lights on upstairs.

Surely he wasn't looking for something in the dark?

I waited for the light to go on but it didn't.

I crept up the stairs and put the lights on, and went into the upstairs office.

There was no-one there.

I checked the rest of the building, there was no-one anywhere.

I don't think i hung around much after that.

The cleaner was convinced the place was haunted.

When i told her she was raite scared.

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The Council House is wierd too, in one particular area where a construction worker on the original building is said to have died, you get a wierd feeling of being watched and the temp drops. For anyone who knows the building, this is supposed to have happened above the Mayors entrance on the upper mezanine. Very creepy when there's no one about, especially when it's dark and you can hear the wind outside. I was working there last halloween, it really wasn't that nice tbh.

A few of the management team have noticed something too when they walk through that area. It just feels odd, like you're being watched. It's not pleasant really.

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The Council House is wierd too, in one particular area where a construction worker on the original building is said to have died, you get a wierd feeling of being watched and the temp drops. For anyone who knows the building, this is supposed to have happened above the Mayors entrance on the upper mezanine. Very creepy when there's no one about, especially when it's dark and you can hear the wind outside. I was working there last halloween, it really wasn't that nice tbh.

A few of the management team have noticed something too when they walk through that area. It just feels odd, like you're being watched. It's not pleasant really.

I get that feeling at iPro when going for a slash at half time.

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The Council House is wierd too, in one particular area where a construction worker on the original building is said to have died, you get a wierd feeling of being watched and the temp drops. For anyone who knows the building, this is supposed to have happened above the Mayors entrance on the upper mezanine. Very creepy when there's no one about, especially when it's dark and you can hear the wind outside. I was working there last halloween, it really wasn't that nice tbh.

A few of the management team have noticed something too when they walk through that area. It just feels odd, like you're being watched. It's not pleasant really.

You are being watched. CCTV.

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Lol there's that too but it's something else. According to the people who've worked there for donkeys, it seemed different after it reopened after it's refurb. Is it possible to disturb what's called 'the fabric of a building'?

Maybe it is, maybe it's not.

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"Unexplained knocking, drops in temperatures and sudden emotional feelings were among the unusual goings-on, but it was the stories unearthed by clairvoyants on the night that made jaws drop"


?Great scientific research there.  :lol: 

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Under our stairs is a pantry/larder whatever you want to call it. And at the end of it we made a downstairs toilet.To get to the toilet you have to walk down a narrow aisle, just enough room to get through,you almost have to go sideways. Anyhoo, last night I went to the toilet as normal,went past the shelves and all the wine making equipment. Did a pee and washed my hands. When I turned around I was shocked at what I saw (still am) ,there,right in the walkway,right in the middle was a demijohn. Now, I couldn't have got passed that without having to step over it.If I hadn't noticed it I would have kicked it.It definitely wasn't there when I went.

Shook me up a bit really.

Yes I believe in ghost.I don't know what they are but I think there's something out there.

What this was I have no idea.

I've seen a white figure in Shipley park too.That really **** me up. :huh:

Since when have you washed your hands afterwards anyway baby brother?

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I think ghosts exist - but only in the mind of certain individuals.


Without going all sixth sense, I genuinely believe some people see things which others don't. We all have different mind powers and abilities in some ways (like some are good at Math whereas others aren't) therefore it's not impossible that certain minds accept such information whereas other don't.


Me personally, I've never seen a ghost and I don't think I ever will as I don't - or my mind doesn't - believe they exist.

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I think ghosts exist - but only in the mind of certain individuals.


Without going all sixth sense, I genuinely believe some people see things which others don't. We all have different mind powers and abilities in some ways (like some are good at Math whereas others aren't) therefore it's not impossible that certain minds accept such information whereas other don't.


Me personally, I've never seen a ghost and I don't think I ever will as I don't - or my mind doesn't - believe they exist.




The picture I have is pretty conclusive. It was took about a five minute walk away from my girlfriend's house on an iPhone 4. Stayed tuned.

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As promised  :) "http://i57.tinypic.com/23vixc7" alt="23vixc7">


"http://i60.tinypic.com/2dakrkl" alt="2dakrkl">


And the best one out the three...


"http://i58.tinypic.com/332v14o" alt="332v14o">


Moments after the pictures were taken it disappeared into the trees and wasn't seen again. Others have said they've seen it, some say it was pushing a pram, but no one can come up with a logical explanation.


Anyone from the Ilkeston/Shipley/Heanor area that have been to Shipley Park may be able to validate the location. 


So, own up, who believes in ghosts?

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