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The Paranormal/Spooky Stuff


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"whistle and i'll come to you" a bbc 1960's film with Michael Hordern is one of the spookiest films ive seen. stays with you. just for a recommendation like. i like the psychology of the "haunted", he doesnt believe in that stuff. but he's cracking up. clever stuff . i think john hurt did a less subtle remake a few christmas' back. no where near as spooky mind 

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Not sure if this fits here, but sod it I'll stick it in anyway....


Tomorrow/tonight is the Autumn equinox, Mabon to many neo pagan groups.....& therefore the second time of the year, when night & day are in equal balance....Pretty much the real beginning of the shadow half of the year...


It is also one of the eight main Sabbat's of the year, for Pagan religions... such as Druids, Wiccan's etc... to honor the old gods of nature...


Wiccans tend to see the Autumn equinox... as the time of year when the goddess of nature... moves from her, mother aspect to that of crone....at this stage of her cycle she is very much the keeper of the cauldron of life, wisdom & inspiration...


It is the time of year when her consort... the horned god prepares for his death......so that he may be made ready, for rebirth at Yule...


So maybe not ghosts sightings tomorrow/tonight...but potentially sightings of Witches or Druids in Derbyshire....

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Imagine seeing something in front of you, something you know you shouldn't see but is there. Your eyes are transfixed, you can't look away, you see it, you observe it, you pay it the attention it commands - and yet all the while your head is trying to prove your eyes wrong - but it's right in front of you...

I tell you without lying, it's probably the oddest but most fascinating thing I've ever felt.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but did you spit or swallow?

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There's the seven sisters stone up near Rowsley in Derbyshire. That's a pagen site I think. Wouldn't like to be there at night, weird enough in the day.

I want to go to Pendle Hill and meet Elizabeth Demdyke.
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Not sure if this fits here, but sod it I'll stick it in anyway....


Tomorrow/tonight is the Autumn equinox, Mabon to many neo pagan groups.....& therefore the second time of the year, when night & day are in equal balance....Pretty much the real beginning of the shadow half of the year...


It is also one of the eight main Sabbat's of the year, for Pagan religions... such as Druids, Wiccan's etc... to honor the old gods of nature...


Wiccans tend to see the Autumn equinox... as the time of year when the goddess of nature... moves from her, mother aspect to that of crone....at this stage of her cycle she is very much the keeper of the cauldron of life, wisdom & inspiration...


It is the time of year when her consort... the horned god prepares for his death......so that he may be made ready, for rebirth at Yule...


So maybe not ghosts sightings tomorrow/tonight...but potentially sightings of Witches or Druids in Derbyshire....

Dear me :(

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