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What rule would you change or add/remove?


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I would take timekeeping away from referees.... Obviously in professional football. It's something referees have received positively for years.

Would cut out time wasting at throw ins goal kicks etc in my opinion as well. Maybe a ten second window to take a throw in?

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An alternative to penalties for fouls in the area so refs can actually penalise for the petty fouls without OTT penalty kicks when there was no goal scoring opportunity originally.

Like hockeys short corner.

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Got to admit I'd scrap the away goals rule - you'd certainly see less teams going all-out defensive from the off-set.


Another I'd like is similar to Ice Hockey is the sin-bin.


Red Cards are often given out for two highly debatable yellows and it's simply unfair (Chris Martin for instance). Should invent a sin-bin for 15 minutes or something for soft yellows.

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- Scrapping the away goal rule, it's a relic of another time and has little purpose in the modern age

- Drop goal difference as the primary league sorting criteria, make it matches between teams before hand

- Change the playoff system to be able to include one relegated side, so long as they have hit a specified points total in the season, say 1 point per game (38 points), with them replacing 6th

- Final whistle being called on non offensive breaks in play, rather than just some moment with the ball in play. This could be for throw ins, goal kicks and kick offs (so immediately after goals)

- Replace yellows for simulation in all but the more ridiculous circumstances with a post match review at the higher levels, with players found guilty of simulation facing massive fines and bans

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- Change the playoff system to be able to include one relegated side, so long as they have hit a specified points total in the season, say 1 point per game (38 points), with them replacing 6th- s

I've always argued to just remove the playoffs all together (not just when it benefitted Derby) but, as an alternative, I don't mind the idea of third playing the third last team.

The issue will always be the payroll differential. Don't mind the idea of minimum points qualification either.

But, as we know, the FA will never forgo the revenue.

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Introduce lifetime bans for players/ managers/ Fifa officials found guilty of match-fixing, taking backhanders or seriously abusing (either physically or racially) another player/ official.


The threat of taking away someones livelyhood may make them start to behave responsibly and send a clear message that football is cleaning up its act.

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Red card for pulling the shirt of a player. Would stop that pretty quick and we would see much more goals.

Or shirts made in sections and held together with Velcro, anybody left with a bit of shirt left in their hand booked/sent off.

No? Sorry, I'll go now.

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Any team that plays in white and name rhymes with barbie dounty get a four goal head start to any game, their pick of any players they like from the opposition team and three points at the end of each game.

Any team from Nottingham that isn't county forced into administration and never allowed to play again anywhere ever.

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